Lomald signing off ... (Retiring)



Originally posted by glorien_
Why dont u fo back to mid :)

And didnt know u Lomald but i agree with a few things u said.


No, i wont buy into his shite

Hes whineing about nerfs, zergs, spellcrafting, pbaoe, goa

Yet hes ok with buffbots? Pure shite

SC, zergs pbaoe, goa ruin the game for him so he whines about it.
He ruins the game for people like me, so i get to whine about him.


bye lomald :(

Melachi this aint a buffbot whine thread so fo

you wanna whine about buffbots go start the million'th one for it we've heard it all before

Hit ^_^

bb. think ill go make a post like this next week btw :)


Noooo Lomy not u :( :( :( i know u since i started to play Daoc. U were always there when i needed help with smth.
Hope u will be back soon.


Lomald Umilinn

Originally posted by zlair
Im still missing my Haste proc ;)

Don't worry, if noone have done it for you yet .. i will finish it ofcourse!! Plenty of time left.

Originally posted by [AoP]Abra
yeah daoc is teh shittor.

Bye Lomald , gl etc =)

Well, not shittor .... but i'm very displeased with how this game have developed and i can't say i have enjoyed the last 3 months playing with all the crap that have come with it (LA, Necro, 3 Rams per door + tonz)

Originally posted by Ocond
Lomald. I have known you since we were in ASq. and you have always been the bloke with a wallet the size of his heart; you were a gr8 source of information when I was leveling my infiltrator, and an all round terrific bloke. You will be missed, not only by me, but also by many others who look up to you.

I hope you change your mind mate, I’ve had the same thoughts myself. but if you’re sincere (might be pushing it a bit) you will stay here and continue to pay GOA 22quid every 3months.

If not then gimmie an e-mail address, msn or something.

Take care m8 :(

You, Bowen, Famiron, Yrilinn were allways the best. I will specially not forget about you guys. As i've said, i will probably be back so i will not stay away for so long, and besides i'm not taking a break until about 2½ months. So you will still have plenty of time left to drain me with information =).

Originally posted by Melachi[Mid]
Haha sorry but no.

Afaik you use a buffbot?

therefore you are the biggest problem in this game, they destroy it for us who cant afford a second pc/account. Good Riddance imo.

Yes i use buffbot, as everyone else im fighting. I have *never* seen an unbuffed target, except for Vladiki the hunter, that i have had a duel with.

And frankly you should know you don't need a 2nd pc to use a buffbot .. i have allways used mine on the same computer and in very rare occations on the laptop.

I use buffbot to actually do more then 90 damage on PA which is games best damage style. HAve you played assasin? if not? stfu and go make a "nerf buffs" thread. Try it, try play an "honest fair assasin" and you will be boored after 1 week because your styles will hit for 30 in avarage, your PA won't do more then 100, 150 on mages, in avarage.

You tell me to stop using a buffbot to get my damage up to where it is supposed to be? no thx.

Originally posted by crokro
L8er m8 =(
Have a good break and come back better then ever.
I do is all the time on my 50.
Just dont be to long.

I will be back, probably not better .. but worse then before though. Say bye to all in ASq from me.

Originally posted by mele
=( Damn one less enemie to kill for me, when u posted this post here saying im the lamest sb bla bla bla (ofc u got owned by me) i really had u in my infil list as n°1. But btw had a nice fights with u (i get zerged by u, u get zerged by me) but no problem raisen and some mroe guys in alb told me u r a good guy, and at the end thats what one keep in mind.
sorry for my bad english u knwo im a "spanierd". Goodluck

That was because i got pwned by you and your 5 rr2 sb pets with the double frost spam like 4-5 times in a row. But i've had nice fights with you as well ... and overall i think it's about 50/50 in avarage in the few 1vs1 we've had. And you were no1 on my sb list as well, if i could kill you or uncover you to get you killed .. i was doomed to do so basically.

And fyi, i have no problems with the spaniards that actually tryt o speak english so you can communicate with them...but that is pretty rare on Albion =(.

Originally posted by sollers_natus
Sad to see an 'old' friend go Lomald. We've had so much fun.... You standing stealthed in my sorc to PA the idiot-tangler that went for me if my mezz had failed.

People change though.... Times change.. And people who were here since Beta bittered. So did you, so did I.. and somewhere along that way we lost contact.

Damn shame now if you ask me,

/salute Lomald

You have allways been a close friend and never been removed on my /friend list even though it was a while since i last saw you. I will allways remember you as *allways* helping me out at twees / gobbos. And i was allways trying to protect you before me becuase i felt very sorry for you sometime becuase tanks can't take aggro after your mezz. *annoyed me*

Originally posted by -frostor-
nooooooo Lomald :'(

I will post it after work =)

Originally posted by old.m0000
bye m8
and yes, bowen is the best gm evar

wub u bowen!!! :D

omg i replied in a non-flame manor to a /quit post

Good for you, and i won't forget you from your time in ASq !

Originally posted by Ekydus
Definately Old Skool. I remember you from The Corporation days Lomald. I still remember the day you left them too hehe.

GL in whatever you decide to do though. :)

Yes that was very sad as well ;(. I was in Phoenix Legion .. Then went for The Coporation ... then for some reason i had to quit it becuase i was annoyed with the amount of spanish peopole who couldn't communicate .... wow, gm or sumthin was a spaniard .. more or less had to quit guild .. can't say i'm sorry for that though, my oppinion is still the same :). GL to you too, and remember ... allways have fun =)

Originally posted by Jergiot
men doh x[

du får inte!

Vill inte ... kommer bli svårt ... men kan inte fortsätta ge pengar till mythic/goa när jag inte tycker dem gör så mycket bra (framförallt GOA) och när spelet bara går helt utför ... samt att jag bara väntat påa tt dem ska /delete på RA's .. än änder inget, och klarar inte av instant wins längre.

Originally posted by Melachi[Mid]
No, i wont buy into his shite

Hes whineing about nerfs, zergs, spellcrafting, pbaoe, goa

Yet hes ok with buffbots? Pure shite

SC, zergs pbaoe, goa ruin the game for him so he whines about it.
He ruins the game for people like me, so i get to whine about him.

I'm not whining, i can do that it the 290374 other whineposts i can easily access @ BarrysWhine. I'm just pointing out that i leave this game becuase a lot of things that never change, or have made so bad things with this game that it is completely unplayable and that made it in such way so youg et annoyed after 10 minutes of RvR.

I'm not ok with the way buffs works, but how else should they work? I can't play without buffs .. not becuase i don't feel im not skilled enough ... simply becuase my damage outline without buffs is less then a level 40 paladin. And if i'm ruin game for people like you? you really should try to concider going in a full group with a shaman and a healer instead of running off solo and trying to compete without buffs.

Originally posted by PainLady
Noooo Lomy not u :( :( :( i know u since i started to play Daoc. U were always there when i needed help with smth.
Hope u will be back soon.


I hope so too, some people i just can't forget and you will be on that list as well. There are few people still left with a good attitude and that don't tell everyone to FO asap they get close to whatever they are doing.


Ack! Well, this was coming out from the blue! Take it you've thought of it for a while. But yet. Dumma dig. ;)

Guess you won't be doing any more infil templates to juggle around with every week since you tried yet another(tm) strange goof setup. ;) Ah va fan, man lär nog synas i SWG då om du oxo beställt ett ex. :)

Until then; take care L.


Bb Lomald m8, it was nice knowing u, i hope u come back but whatever u decide, good luck in whatever u do.


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
Cerdin ... he allways tries to get albs working together, i admire his works and his tries to acomplish an impossible task!
Oh, thanks. I'm actually honored. :) And good luck in the future, Lomald.


btw lomald
pm me if ur ingame
need to ask u something


Originally posted by Melachi[Mid]
No, i wont buy into his shite

Hes whineing about nerfs, zergs, spellcrafting, pbaoe, goa

Yet hes ok with buffbots? Pure shite

SC, zergs pbaoe, goa ruin the game for him so he whines about it.
He ruins the game for people like me, so i get to whine about him.

Look hes saying hes leaving why not just let him say his goodbyes and leave him alone? This isnt ure place to start moaning or whining at him.

So Go Away


Farewell friend :(

Got you on ICQ so will stay in touch :)

Will see you around for a while yet friend :)


Sad to see you go mate

All the best matey and don't stay away too long.


I always hate it when a colourful player is planning to leave the game.


I dont know u really, but that's a one nice draw of attention ;) this game wins the best of the crapiest games award for sure, cant argue that :D


Tbh at start every1 cryed NERF MIRDGARD! because they had some nifty bugs and the only lvl 30+ dungeon itemized ^^

Lomald Umilinn

Originally posted by tonita
Tbh at start every1 cryed NERF MIRDGARD! because they had some nifty bugs and the only lvl 30+ dungeon itemized ^^

true, i played midgard by that time :)


sent you a private pm on the webbie here lomald... :)


:( Damn shame to see you go mate,we had some fun in Asq and seeing you panic when I would 37.5/32 on your armour items.....

All the best for the future...

ASq Gilith Lvl 50 Sorc
Legendary Spellcrafter


/hug /cry gl out there in the big bad wurld :p



Bye & Goodluck matey! :)
All the best..

- Sadrian.

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