lol this is getting rediculous :/



For the past 2 weeks i'm 3 bubs from level 49, I only xp in darkness falls because it gives good xp.
Albion does not have darkness falls mutch so I have to find a group fast and get to xp'ing. Its not that I am a scout, because I see other scouts get groups easy.
I just dont get invited in groups, even after asking and waiting 4 hours.
If I try to make one, people who join, join other better groups.

Can I ask you what is wrong with me?

Aule Valar

might i sugest that any exp is far far better than no exp? you could have 50 within 3 days if you tryed, and thats with realativly sane gaming hours
avalon city also looks good for high lvl exping


Tree xp is very slow and boring and I dont get groups there easy :(
Been leveling Xplo for a year now, getting tired from groups who dont invite me. A good group looks like this: Theur, mincer, cleric, paladin, tank.
You have 3 spots there that can be filled with whatever.
Seems like it not with me :/


Got SI? Go exploring! You can't help but get exp. My Inf has hit 50.12 (from 50.04), my theurg has hit 48.4 (had been on 47.2 for 9 months), my cleric has hit 47.3.

All I've done is go around and enjoy myself in guild groups exploring new areas.

Although, if you just want to exp, go to Avalon City and join some pick-up gorup at the South entrance. Exp is easy.


wrong trees...

go solo some grimwoods/fellwoods :)

nice and easy with slash arrows..

or go to SI :)


oh my day looked like this:
Logged in ran into df, then 4 hours of asking people to join, really begging for a group, sometimes I dont even get a response.
I see tanks get invited who just came into df in groups with 2 tanks and with group leaders who know that i'm waiting that long. Very lame tbh :wall:


Originally posted by xplo
oh my day looked like this:
Logged in ran into df, then 4 hours of asking people to join, really begging for a group, sometimes I dont even get a response.
I see tanks get invited who just came into df in groups with 2 tanks and with group leaders who know that i'm waiting that long. Very lame tbh :wall:

Hmmmm.... 4 hours? I wonder how much you could have got if you had actually just fought some mobs solo for those 4 hours? Even 4 hours killing blues in SI or the frontier with full camp bonuses etc would have almost got you to level 49.

Get some perspective!


SI is heaven for XP, go there. Just explore and kill stuff. :p

(Avalon City and Sentry's is heaven for XP.)


Heard some of the new SI quests give some uber xp as well ^^


Got 3.3 billion off the bracer quest I think, was a lot anyway moved me 0.1 bubs at level 50. :-o


I only exp'd in df too when I was in the high forties. What I did was solo the trees near xcal for hours on end, being killed and killing the occaisional mid, and when df was opened I would leg it to xcal, dive into df and immediatley set up my own group, as I knew it would be very hard to get into someone else's.


kill trees in pennins, fast and the exp is ok


Ow yeah...i know the feeling..

just logged off now....soloed for 40 levels...

last 10 levels i at least want someone in my to 48 with some help from old guildmates...

but getting into a non-guild group is becoming more and more a "mission impossible"...

Might check SI Avalon City...just don't know if there are many people xp'ing there...sure hope so...

DF was nice...but kinda hard to make own groups if you see 42 theurg, 30 mincer, 35 arms, 3x 37 infils etc....and rest 48+ in full groups (at least thats what they say everytime you ask if there is room....if you get a anwser at least)

Guess i'll need to be more patient...but when you see necro's going 45+ in 2 weeks time (speaking real-time)...and you having to fight and beg for every 0.00000001 me more and more the feeling to sell my account and quit the game.

Got my cleric to 50 in +30 days played (i know its a lot for support char)...had fun exploring the maps etc...doing some quest...guildhunts....playing lots of alts...some rvr, etc....

So i guess i get bored very quick now...

PS: Xplo...if you need a fellow scout to at least shoot some yellow con mobs...send me pm...if not grouped i'll join you...if i am..i'll try and get you into the group :)


do some quests in si. i did the bracer quest that you get behind gwyntell, and got almost 1 bub...
keep going at it m8, you've done well to get so far without deleting. i almost deleted my scout at 25....
decided to start a mincer instead though...


Hmm, trees in pennine, gnarled and fellwood, and angry bwaca's are faster xp than DF, not sure what you are smoking mate.
35m xp per kill, 4 kills per minute.
Did it from lvl 45 till 50, worked fine.
Besides the gay SB that come gank you, most did wait till after a pull mind you.
Regards, Glottis


go to avalon city and look for a group. Entrance mobs are orange/red to lvl 45, and directly around the corners they start going to purp and very high purp. Cleric, scout, tank is enough to get some good exp. With some luck you could even get 3FG together and go raid the sentries :)


I used to solo loads in barrows up to 50. If you can't get group then solo. The time you spend waiting for others you could use getting xps by yourself. You need to broaden your thinking - doesnt have to be df group or nothing ;)


keep going at it m8, you've done well to get so far without deleting. i almost deleted my scout at 25....

mmm...i deleted my 42 infil already some months ago, because i logged him on...asked every single groupleader online during 3 hours (don't have more time during weekdays) to join....always no...or i got in a suicide group.
After 3 weeks of this i had enough of it and deleted him.
I had my scout at 25 already at that time so i decided to give him a go again. And now i'm getting the same old story again.

This game was designed to group, chat with people, having fun while getting xp...and that's the way i want to play this game.
Not leveling to 50 solo...(even if it is a rogue class).

Anyway...i'll move Avalon City tonight...

If you see this poor scout on here knees begging for a kind a give the girl an invite :p


Nothing new here regards scouts/inf getting a group i started my scout on the european day of release plenty of groups to start early on then fizzled as i got into the 40's.

I remember it well it annoyed me so much i went to pryd mid for a break and got a thane to 50 came back and it was even worse cause all the people i used to know had stopped playing.

Just have to stick with it and it will come in the end and although scouts not as much fun as they used to be in rvr still good fun in a group or once every 10 minutes solo.


I know how you guys feel. I am level 47 Inf, and apart from guild groups I hardly ever get a group. Even Alliance groups mysteriously have no spaces left...or are waiting for someone...whenever I turn up.

As someone said....once you have 4-5 of the key classes, any additional class type is OK.

Don't give me that "you're an want to solo...sure I solo a lot, its fun, but I want to group too you know ! Thats the social side.

I am now leveling a sorc...I suspect he will get to 50 way before my inf who has been played 3x times as long.

ALBION - stop being xp hogs ! work with your realm mates, you WILL be pleasantly surprised how well scouts and infs add value to a group when well played.

Gillian - 47 inf
Rabid - 35 Sorc


surely trees is less boring than sitting in df asking for a group?


Originally posted by xplo
For the past 2 weeks i'm 3 bubs from level 49, I only xp in darkness falls because it gives good xp.
Albion does not have darkness falls mutch so I have to find a group fast and get to xp'ing. Its not that I am a scout, because I see other scouts get groups easy.
I just dont get invited in groups, even after asking and waiting 4 hours.
If I try to make one, people who join, join other better groups.

Can I ask you what is wrong with me?

Trees out side excalibur .. and you get a nice +xp now


If yer still toiling for groups at the weekend Xplo, send me a PM (goldenbone).. I think we're going to push to get a friend their 50 and Im sure well have need of decent players :)

We will almost certainly be in Avalon City, the new home of tasty xp :)


Originally posted by g0ldenbone
If yer still toiling for groups at the weekend Xplo, send me a PM (goldenbone).. I think we're going to push to get a friend their 50 and Im sure well have need of decent players :)

We will almost certainly be in Avalon City, the new home of tasty xp :)

Who are we pushing to 50 ?


Solo telamons/liches @ lyo till ye get spot in group - if ye aint have brains to make group of yer own :D



I never found much problem in getting groups at all, i'd like to think it was because of being nice in any groups i was in and throwing a bit of banter around, not just the silent Pull, kill, pull, kill, pull, kill groups i've sometimes encountered where nobody talks.

I didn't solo at all from 40+ and i did sometimes get frustrated but i'd log off for a bit, come back in and before you know it i got an invite. Maybe the groups have got more greedy for exp since then and as such don't invite scouts anymore. If this is the case then that's sad. Enjoy the road to 50, you might just be bored when you actually get there.


oooh i hate those "silent Pull, kill, pull, kill, pull, kill groups" deals i always leave em


scouts have a hard time getting grps nuff said. when u ding 50 u will wish u never joined the scout trainer when u made your chr (scouts sux). 3rdly when u talk about scouts add into the word soloing to 50 or expect to be turned down from alot of grps as u offer nothing to them another class can do better :)

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