lol at GoA and another mess up



After getting my savage to 50 i spent the next few days farming albs/hibs to get enough RA points to get IP :/

only to find out that goa messed up once again with the patch...

Savage who should get the same base realm abilities as other primary tanks ie warrior/arms/zerk/merc etc.. don`t

after reading the patch notes for 1.57 there was supposed to be a fix which removes one of 2 version of the RA ip/purge from us leaving us with the cheap version ie 8 pts for ip and 4 for purge.

And one more thing Determination ? where is it.

And i bet were gonna have to wait another month for the next patch cos GoA messed up once again.

You know if you got things right the first time.. people wouldnt get so damn pissed off :/

The Fifth Man

Originally posted by old.Emma
Emma 50th season Shadowblade
Winky 50th season Warrior (731 WC)
Bettina 50th season Savage
Emmas 42nd season Shaman
Joeanne 39th season Runemaster (1k+ spellcrafter)
Cheryl 9th season SpiritMaster

<The Dragon Fighters> Excaliber
Joeanne 47th season Minstrel
Cheryl 13th season Armsbabe
Sue 31st season Scout
Emma 5th season Warrior Minstrel

Really, you should get out more....


Re: Re: lol at GoA and another mess up

Originally posted by The Fifth Man

Really, you should get out more....

Says the guy who sits infront of his computer telling people they should get out more...


Everytime a slow player see someone who is better then them (lvl faster got more RP) they get jelious and say something silly as get a life or get out more.:sleeping:


Re: Re: lol at GoA and another mess up

Originally posted by The Fifth Man

Really, you should get out more....

I agree.. damn Emma you cant have a life


Originally posted by Aeis
Everytime a slow player see someone who is better then them (lvl faster got more RP) they get jelious and say something silly as get a life or get out more.:sleeping:
Erhm no, im not jelious, because they have more lvl 50's than me. I explored most dungeouns in Midgard before Fafnir was lvl 27. Took time but had a blast. And was called different names from people. :)


Originally posted by Aeis
Everytime a slow player see someone who is better then them (lvl faster got more RP) they get jelious and say something silly as get a life or get out more.:sleeping:

Aah, I get it now ....

ALL of you should get out more then ! ;)

.... erm ...


all you people with level 50 chars are so sad ;)


Hrm not much longer I can say that for :(

oh and they're fixing things today - this might be one?


You say it as if Savages aren't overpowered enough without the RAs Emma :p


If you really want, you can come with Lenda fing ... she's very trained at studying the various pigments of DAoC grass so get you down to 49.5 again in no time :p


Originally posted by Falcon
You say it as if Savages aren't overpowered enough without the RAs Emma :p

hey as it stands i can only one or 2 shot one caster without ip.. need ip so i can get another caster before by buffs wear off and 3,000 tanks jump me :p

it is actually quite silly the dmg a savage can produce in a short period of time with a littly luck.. hit some firball warden i think it was for almost 600 dmg.. and i swing at close to or at the melee speed cap with my self buffs o_O

one shot some luri chanter.. but thats no big deal we all hate luri`s.


Yeah I hate luris too, they're so damn racist towards us Elves, you should see it! Us elves will be walking around happily minding our own business and then we'll accidently trip over a rock or something, the next thing you know a little Luri will pop their head up behind a rock and go "HAHAHA ITS COS YOU'RE AN ELF!"


Might wanna try asking in RightNow if it's a bug or what it is.


Originally posted by Aeis
Everytime a slow player see someone who is better then them (lvl faster got more RP) they get jelious and say something silly as get a life or get out more.:sleeping:

Congratulations!!!!! you win DUMBEST COMMENT OF THE YEAR Award :rolleyes:


Originally posted by starblade
If you really want, you can come with Lenda fing ... she's very trained at studying the various pigments of DAoC grass so get you down to 49.5 again in no time :p

I've been doing guild hunts - they're DOOMED to failure :( but despite my best efforts we seem to make more xp than we lose before we tgw. :(


Originally posted by old.Emma

hey as it stands i can only one or 2 shot one caster without ip.. need ip so i can get another caster before by buffs wear off and 3,000 tanks jump me :p

it is actually quite silly the dmg a savage can produce in a short period of time with a littly luck.. hit some firball warden i think it was for almost 600 dmg.. and i swing at close to or at the melee speed cap with my self buffs o_O

one shot some luri chanter.. but thats no big deal we all hate luri`s.

*cries into his jambiyas*


Congratulations!!!!! you win DUMBEST COMMENT OF THE YEAR Award

if i gve you a dollar

would you go buy a sense of humour plz?


Originally posted by Aeis
Everytime a slow player see someone who is better then them (lvl faster got more RP) they get jelious and say something silly as get a life or get out more.:sleeping:

Since when has ability had anything to do with leveling or rp? The majority of people who level fast do so due to predetermined xp groups which are set up according to standard templates. That and the ability to actually be around for 8 hours whilst waiting for a lair group (or being able to get up at 4am every morning)

I'll be the first to admit I'm a slow leveler relatively (my main is at lvl 46.5 after nearly 30 days played on it, but I've enjoyed a lot of my time and also tried to have some variety, I know you can get to lvl 50 in a matter of days, but to some of us this game is about having a laugh not about being the l33t5t

Just remember, in the words of swiss tony, Leveling fast is very much like making love to a beautiful woman. You wait for hours, wooing the list keeper with sweet nothings, you eventually gain an entry into the sacred place. Then you pound like an uncouth madman for hours on end with no finess, with 20 people standing behind you waiting their turn, like 3000 people before you, then think you're special and l33t for getting there ;-)


i really hope they get better because at 2x they're worth zilch.
taunt style doesnt have a +hit and there's no decent anytime style.

ps : 32d /played on klav for 50 so no reason to be sad :)


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978
Might wanna try asking in RightNow if it's a bug or what it is.

lol tried that... doubt i`ll get a sensible answer out of a monkeys... there the same people that said Warriors dont get intercept when it was written in plain black and white in the 1.52 patch notes :/


Haven't looked it up, but I seem to remember these changes being in patch 1.58, Emma.


yep your right there.. Determination was added to the RA list for savages in 1.58.. but ip and purge were already in.. afaik in 1.56 2 versions of ip/purge existed for savages cheap/expensive. It just seems GoA removed the wrong one and left us with the expensive one.. And to clarify that Savages are pure tanks.. we get the same crappy class RA that all other pure tanks get. a use anytime weaponstyle.


And to clarify that Savages are pure tanks.. we get the same crappy class RA that all other pure tanks get. a use anytime weaponstyle.

Soldier's Barricade Active 30 min. 10 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Large bonus to group's armor factor for 30 seconds. (armsman)

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