
Kreig you saying you run from ALL Shadowblades simply cos they are slash (considering Slash is the ONLY damage type we can spec).

NEWS FLASH: Kreig is scared of ALL shadowblades.

Point to add Slash is neutral on alb Leather, get ur facts straight u muppet, its not the damage type that rips the shit outta you, its the super duper OMG I love em, LA styles :D


Perhaps you will be even more scared of a SB using a Staff? considering Alb Leather is vulnerable to Crush? huh huh?

NEWS FLASH : Kreig scared of all STAFFBLADES as well

old.Gombur Glodson

All I can say is that I feel very sorry for the dead horse.


Was in Df had 2 mobs attacking me i was down to 25% life and then Kreig pops up and gives me a nice xp death.

I like Kreig. :rolleyes:


Re: LoL

Originally posted by kreig
And pudz u obviously dont play much as i havent been to yaggy in an absolute age - and more to the point i still have to inform you i have only been there twice.

Personally im waiting for the assasin nerf bat as it wont affect me and sb's will feel it more. The times i have fought SB's half of you use IP which gives you a SLIGHT advantage.

lol I just had to see that noted again, 'I dont play mucn' mwahaha :D, If you think that then your more of a newb than the newbs think you are :)

SB's will NOT feel the nerfbat more form losing IP you muppet, EVERY infil has it and 60% of sb's, EVERY infil I fight on 1on1's when its pure melee HAS to use IP OR hit Dragon Fang most of the time BOTH. Reading that has made me think your a complete NOB Kreig and one hell of a pussy. And erm, wait till the mobs dead if you dont want people to think ya a prat, kill em after, when I get a nice proccing staff in future patchs ill be sure to chase you with it :>


U was probley dead any way, and at that point i had just done a suicide kill on a thane in front of 20 mids or so, was like hitting a wasps nest when the thane died. So i was just letting all the mids who where about know i was back. :)


Re: Re: LoL

Originally posted by pudzy
SB's will NOT feel the nerfbat more form losing IP you muppet, EVERY infil has it and 60% of sb's, EVERY infil I fight on 1on1's when its pure melee HAS to use IP OR hit Dragon Fang most of the time BOTH

1st: i did a ra respec just to get ip because i was fed up with sb's and a certain ns :p using ip, if i can whack yer health bar empty twice without dieing = nerf me ;)

2nd: hi, look at me i respecced from slash (which does wicked dmg) to my toothpick styles, now i got this really really good style from it, thats why i actually did it. But im not going to use it because people will not like it when i use it on them, so i think im respeccing to a healer so i could give constitution back to all grey cons in df that got xp-killed :p


Originally posted by kreig
U was probley dead any way, and at that point i had just done a suicide kill on a thane in front of 20 mids or so, was like hitting a wasps nest when the thane died. So i was just letting all the mids who where about know i was back. :)

Yes i was probably dead all the same but it didnt make my feel any better when you popped up and took the last bit of my life since i still had MoC + pbae spam prepared. :)

Ah well np mate, shit happens.

Lol that was funny btw, you killed Xarma near the drinkers and Mid prince raid grp was just at X roads.....CHARGE! :)


Grey killing = OK
XP deaths = Bad.

Wonder why XP deaths exist when u die because of a RvR player? Anyone know?


Yes euthanasia my post was totally contradictory and you spotted that...gratz

but the grey killing is happening and the majority don't care. I don't agree with it but it no good me whining when I'm in a grp at hib shreds and the rest of the group want to massacre all the greys. I could of course dump my group and leave but I choose not to because if I did I'd be leaving groups all the time.

Like I said..

If you can't beat em join em cos you basically aren't left with any choice anymore.


My first post, I have just turned green con to lvl 50s and have noticed I die allot more to stealthers. Im not complaining as in DF it is to be expected. The only thing I don’t like is when somebody kills you while in combat with a mob purposefully but I have to say the majority of Middie Hibby stealthers wait till after the fight is won (I have seen one or two waiting for me). And in one case I have even had a SB help kill a mob that was goin to mutilate me (cant remember name but thanks).

Main reason to post is to say thanks to the grp of middies who stopped one of there own xp killin me and waited till after the fight. /salute


Originally posted by minnie
If you can't beat em join em cos you basically aren't left with any choice anymore.

How do you "not have a choice"? If you really don't agree with xpkilling then you'd simply exercise your choice not to do so, just like those who do exercise their choice to do so, regardless of what other people do or don't do. What you're actually saying is "I got xpkilled, I didn't like it, so I'm gonna do it to some other people". Which makes you brainless AND spineless - at least Hellskor et al don't hide behind lame excuses.


lol Hitokiri on the dot there, the reason half stealthers do have it is because eiher their totaly shite and die alot, OR because their fighting steathers who have it, which in my case is often.

Also killing someone after theyve used IP is damn hard but possible, I've done it a few times, and i dont have IP, this all comes down to evade and stuns in the end both of which should be uberly nerfed.

Just to make this reply have a reason in this thread.. kreig is colourblind, explains the grey deaths obviousely!


Just wanna say thankyou to Krieg for the other day. He killed me 4 or 5 times in DF, and not one was an XP death



I only tend to xp death ppl just to anoy the ppl who post here, i'd sooner have the rps than nought.

When SI is out here i'd just like to say that im taking a KOS -Xpdeath for the new mid classes just to give our boys a bit of an advantage in lvling and rvr.

Also will be funny cos the you wont be able to kill the necros in df, as the wise ppl will go shade mode at top of steps :)

After all it is war you know? Some ppl seem to think its a friendly game of crokets on the lawn. Kill or be killed!


Originally posted by Gabrial
Grey killing = OK
XP deaths = Bad.

Wonder why XP deaths exist when u die because of a RvR player? Anyone know?

Xp deaths happen when a mob has been hiting you and done a certain % of ur hp dmg, so the game classes the fight as a PvE.
So when big bad nasty ppl kill you you die but because the mob was 1st hitting you and the fight qualified as PvE u lose xp simple.

Although it sometimes happens that i xp death ppl when i dont mean to, mainly healer classes. Who have been fighting a mob healed and rested for mana, i come along see a person on full hp sitting kill them they die xp death :(


Aye, happened to me too - perfed sitting blademaster once (he was at about 70-80% health), and oops exp death :/
Only thing that excuses me (maybe) - he was 50ish and hib df had a lot of rezzers.


"How do you "not have a choice"? If you really don't agree with xpkilling then you'd simply exercise your choice not to do so, just like those who do exercise their choice to do so, regardless of what other people do or don't do. What you're actually saying is "I got xpkilled, I didn't like it, so I'm gonna do it to some other people". Which makes you brainless AND spineless - at least Hellskor et al don't hide behind lame excuses."

Didn't you read all of what I said ???

If I'm going to leave group under those circumstances , I'd never be grouped at all...don't be such a brainless idot.

I play the game and I have my own idea of what is right and wrong but why should I exclude myself from the game because other people don't share my ideas on how we should play. I play it and enjoy it. If I have to do at times things I don't agree with I just accept that it's not a perfect world and people are not going to return to the way we played at first. Rp's are far too important to some of the dickheads in the game. They aren't so important to me that I will ever condon grey killing. I'm not so desperate for Rp's having proved my abiltity in rvr by being (at one time) in the top 20 of all realms. I never killed any greys to get there.

Go back and read again what I wrote originally


Will you guys please ffs leave poor Kreig alone.

He has more than enough trouble trying to avoid me. Ok lifes tough for the guy, and the number that he actually kills though small, shows a reasonnable tactical mind. All bit it not overtly heroical.. tactical none the less.

Keep it up Kreig one day you'll make enough of a arse of yourself to me permenatly stand waiting for you in the entrance to the mid section.



Originally posted by kreig

Xp deaths happen when a mob has been hiting you and done a certain % of ur hp dmg, so the game classes the fight as a PvE.
So when big bad nasty ppl kill you you die but because the mob was 1st hitting you and the fight qualified as PvE u lose xp simple.

Yes but surely its not a massive change for them to make? I remember once (this isnt a whine) pulling a mob with a body pull, it hit me once for around 50 dmg (lvl 27 armsman) then Cylian pops up and PAed me for 500+ dmg, 1 tick of the poison and i die an XP death!

All Im saying is I would have prefered a RvR death there as it was plainly an RvR killing. Maybe if they made all fights involving interaction with another realm (mezzing included) an RvR death it would be better? Anyone have any views on this?


Just to add that I was in E-Main the other day with my group and got aggroed by a blue-con mob. We stopped to fight it as the Alb zerg caught up with us.

To be fair the majority ran straight past us and the 10 or so who stopped stood back and waited for us to despatch the mob berfore attacking.

Big thanks 2 u guys for showing honour and fair play in not wanting 2 cause any xp deaths.


Personally those "thank you" messages make me sick. Sounds like thanking your opponent in quake for not fragging you with bfg.


I think he was thanking them for not giving him an XP death - looks like he still died to me:)


It looks like we do have some decent players left who recognise that in RVR avoiding causing xpdeaths can be done and they can still get their rps.

It can't always be avoided I know, but obviously where possible an RVR death should be just that, RVR ...no loss of xp to people who are lower than 50.

I bet that the people who don't give a toss about causing xp deaths when attacking for rps are all level 50 ...how quickly they forget how hard it is to xp your way to level 50.


Krieg's just a twat, someone drag the prat to emain.


"Krieg's just a twat, someone drag the prat to emain"

TBH, I know that he is an Alb and I am an Alb it doesn't change the fact that I wonder too if he would survive emain.

Go on Krieg show us all that u can get rp's without grey killing.

and watch this space all who are as intrigued as I am as to whether a stealther can do well outside DF as they do inside.

A bit too cosy IMO for stealthers in DF

Let's see your action in emain kreig....leave the greys alone in df for a day and see how far you get im emain.


Originally posted by minnie
"Krieg's just a twat, someone drag the prat to emain"

TBH, I know that he is an Alb and I am an Alb it doesn't change the fact that I wonder too if he would survive emain.

Go on Krieg show us all that u can get rp's without grey killing.

and watch this space all who are as intrigued as I am as to whether a stealther can do well outside DF as they do inside.

A bit too cosy IMO for stealthers in DF

Let's see your action in emain kreig....leave the greys alone in df for a day and see how far you get im emain.

For the 'Skill to survive in Emain' ...

posted by Eynar
And Emain warfare? What's that? The most strategic moves made there is when people decide to wait for another port in order to zerg efficiently.

And Kreig doesn't really have skill. Last time I was in DF with my Blade, I ran unstealthed towards Mid-X-Roads ... guess whom I found going towards Mid-entrance ?
Kreig was stealthed, I ran practically right into him ... what did he do ?
Tried to run, not even attacked -once- to poison/snare/debuff me.
PA+CD and he would probably would've gotten away, probably with a couple of RPs more.


Like fek would i have got away rayzor was standing right next to you, 2 on 1 odds dont like those im affraid.

Emains bright sun and cheery atmosphere doesnt go with my pail skin - i might turn to dust...
Emain is for the lame mid zerg who camp amg, and the dumb albs who constantly get rp farmed by infrerior numbers.

How about ppl stop the bitchin, every one has hard the same crap over and over again.

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