Llaw+Vengeance = emain fuckt ?



The warden is definately hibernia's nicest advantage, pretty much all spec for 6 sec pbt, they have scale, nice hp's, can heal and buff. Theurgist rarely has 6 sec pbt, and always is one of the first targets to kill, not because of pbt, but because they are a caster.

I dunno about you but when i fight a hib group i dont go hmm a caster there, hmm a bard, oh look a warden i'll go for him first.
Best thing to do was to just mezz him so pbt was off, kill the casters//bard then the rest. With the recent mezz nerfs getting a warden to stay mezzed is damn hard and has given hibs a nice advantage of pbt throughout most of the fight. Heck warden even has resist buffs making him harder to kill through spells and shortening mezz duration even more.

So hib casters get the benefit of pbt pretty much until they die, unless the warden happens to get mezzed and doesn't have purge (and druid doesn't have group purge). This makes hib casters damn hard to kill, again they also get the resist buffs from the warden.

Basically im saying in the day of nerfed mezz, and resist buffs pbt has become more important. Albs and mids have it on classes that die fast, and are often first targets for opposing groups, hibs have it on tank like classes, that are hard to kill and often aren't attacked (unless they start healing) until the end of the fight.

sorry for going a bit OT but i just had to say that :p


Originally posted by Wuren
:lol: group 8 theurgs and u have 1 sec bt

Stick wardens in cloth and take away there heals/resists and see how much PBT Hib would have!


When will people accept and realize there is only zerging in emain, if you dont like it DONT GO THERE instead of whining on bw

My 5 cent


same zerg, different day....
zerg or being zerged that's the question....
Emain is just like a box of chocolates, u never now when u gonna get it....

So imho --> it's what the game is all about...On Omaha beach, 60 years ago, the allies didn't swim back to England either cuz they outnumbered the Germans? And as history proves even they were gimped, they made it onto the beach and liberated Europe!
So kiiiiiiiiiiil those fokkin axis eurgh hibs nowwww


Originally posted by K0nah
"chain mezz" is getting mezzed 2-3 times in less than a mintue due to the pitifully short duration on insta mezz (with determination/resist buffs/aom etc) the duration your "invulnerable" to mezz is also pitifully short, hence you get remezzed in under a minute, believe the fastest ive been remezzed after the first mezz woreoff/broke/cured was around 20s

- In Player vs. Player situations, all "sleep" type spells (mesmerize, stun, root) now can be cast only once per minute per target. This should alleviate some player concerns about being "chain-stunned". You can still cast the spell as normal, however, it will have no effect on a player if he has had that same effect on him in the previous minute.

Originally posted by K0nah
3s pbt is stacked 6s pbt via 2 wardens, as u know cos u spec your grps that way whenever possible. oh and they wear scale and can heal and do 1 handed style dmg, but thats a different whine.


No, we do not spec our groups that way whenever possible. We aim to have 2 guild groups running and we have total 3 wardens in our guild. Dont even remember last time when the 3 of them where online at the same time and putting 2 of them in 1 grp is gimpage and thats something we leave to the albs.


These things go in waves. When I started this game and came of RvR age (around 30 at the time), the Hibs were camping AMG like there was no tomorrow. Then it was the Midgard zerg who held control between AMG and APK during early to late afternoon. A few months back, it was the Albs who continually kept MMG under watch, essentially blocking any Mids from ever coming into Emain.

These things will pass. Go to Odin's or HW if it bothers you so much.

Still, my Cabalist very much likes an AMG standoff. ;)


I also love the way those hib tanks just charge right into the alb force , wreak some havoc and just go back to their lines. They just have no fear and rely on the goodwill of hte healers :)
:clap: to the nice healers of hib !


6s bt means 1/2 attacks are hits
combine this with miss/evade/fumble/block/parry and you have 1/5 :)


Originally posted by Wuren
- In Player vs. Player situations, all "sleep" type spells (mesmerize, stun, root) now can be cast only once per minute per target. This should alleviate some player concerns about being "chain-stunned". You can still cast the spell as normal, however, it will have no effect on a player if he has had that same effect on him in the previous minute.

Except it doesnt work that way. I have been mezzed repeatedly in ALOT less than 1 minute by your bunch. Either there is no 1min immunity, insta is on a different timer, or your exploiting a bug.

Originally posted by Wuren
No, we do not spec our groups that way whenever possible. We aim to have 2 guild groups running and we have total 3 wardens in our guild. Dont even remember last time when the 3 of them where online at the same time and putting 2 of them in 1 grp is gimpage and thats something we leave to the albs.

Funny how my 3.6 spd sabre hits bubble hit after hit vs your grps then eh? And now Vengeance are doing the same. No its not all the time, but it happens and its not an option Albion has. In theory yes, in practice noone would be dumb enuf to go lvls35 to 50 spending thier points for nothing more than 2s faster bubble and a 6% better attack speed debuff.


Originally posted by K0nah
Except it doesnt work that way. I have been mezzed repeatedly in ALOT less than 1 minute by your bunch. Either there is no 1min immunity, insta is on a different timer, or your exploiting a bug.

Or you cant tell the difference between mezz, stun and root.


Originally posted by Wuren
Or you cant tell the difference between mezz, stun and root.

duh! mezz is the one with teh Zzz ovar me ed init? :rolleyes:

come fucking play alb and ill show you.


Originally posted by Wuren

No, we do not spec our groups that way whenever possible. We aim to have 2 guild groups running and we have total 3 wardens in our guild. Dont even remember last time when the 3 of them where online at the same time and putting 2 of them in 1 grp is gimpage and thats something we leave to the albs.

out of the 50 or so times I've encountered LA they've always had 3s pbt :p


Originally posted by Trinilim
out of the 50 or so times I've encountered LA they've always had 3s pbt :p

We probably outnumbered you each time also, and most likley you mezzed our 6 fg with your 5 ppl then we group purged and then we insta mezzed and hit chanter RA before finally killing you.


Originally posted by Wuren

We probably outnumbered you each time also, and most likley you mezzed our 6 fg with your 5 ppl then we group purged and then we insta mezzed and hit chanter RA before finally killing you.


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