Llaw+Vengeance = emain fuckt ?



ok, after RvR'ing for 4 days straight with my theur and almost never get past amg I am pretty sick of it, dont they see they are fucking up the game ? less and less albs come out to RvR, let alone stand try to do RvR, if this contineus ppl will quit, maybe its not true, but thats how I feel about it......pls Llaw and Vengeance stop the zerging and amg camping, its no fun.


when hibs zerg its called skill and not a zerg shady didn't u know?



rofl i prefer lots of hibs to no hibs at all

plus the challenge of killin them is an added bonus


Originally posted by gunZ-
rofl i prefer lots of hibs to no hibs at all

plus the challenge of killin them is an added bonus



well tbh albs "were" the uber zerg elite one's, but when the shoe is on the other foot..... you get my meaning?

its all part of how the game was degsigned, teamwork, if you cant kill them with xxx amount of people you come with xxx more people.

i know from playing with my guild that when its 1 FG vs 1 FG of LA/Vengence it is ALWAYS v.close fights, and the outcome can go either wya.


When did emain not have zergs?

Did I miss that day?


Originally posted by stupidshady
ok, after RvR'ing for 4 days straight with my theur and almost never get past amg I am pretty sick of it, dont they see they are fucking up the game ? less and less albs come out to RvR, let alone stand try to do RvR, if this contineus ppl will quit, maybe its not true, but thats how I feel about it......pls Llaw and Vengeance stop the zerging and amg camping, its no fun.

cant say I have seen less albs around, sorry :)


sorry shady but you bought a game that says on the box realm v realm and that means anyone from any realm is entitled to fight anyway they like in a frontier zone im not flaming you by any means btw all i can suggest is organise the albs to do the same camp a wall and farm em it works if done right
but rember mate 1.54 was the zerg patch as mythic slowly make sure all solo classes are nerfed to shit and force us all to run with the herd


tze, really a stupid (hm sorry not stupid but useless maybe) whine, sorry, no offence.


1. all 3 realms do the same (did /would do and for sure will do in future)

2. easy solution: come with more, so you re able to kill them or pick another rvr zone then emain and amg camping mids/hibs whatever die by boredom.

and anyway i agree to scoutguy :)


Originally posted by yog-hurt
i know from playing with my guild that when its 1 FG vs 1 FG of LA/Vengence it is ALWAYS v.close fights, and the outcome can go either wya.



Since when was Emain synonymous with RvR?

There are 3 frontiers in this game feel free to pick.

Albs zerged emain and camped mmg so bad a while back most hibs and mids stayed out of emain, you could do the same :)

Gotta hand it to the hibs tho, their 1337 zerg skillz catching on real fast ;)


Emain has allways been the spot for rvr... No use claiming otherwise. Mids are slowly starting to move into the Alb frontier. My guidlmates having great fun hitting them while rez sick.. must get boring for the mids, but they keep coming.

Emain is mostly owned by Hibs now. 3 fg of Vengeance, and 2 fg of LAW plus some pocket change. Mids in Emain are pretty much a joke really. Easy to own most of the time.
But nice thing of more Hibs in emain is better rp for Albs, and crap rp for Hibs, so do not mind at all.

But it is a clear tendency for the past few days. Guilds building a mini zerg.
Regards, Glottis


Emain = easier to find your way around, not much in the way of annoying scenery or landscaping and not many aggro mobs in places you need to go to/through.

A bargain at 10s.



Because emain is where most albs go to RvR it doesnt mean it's the spot for RvR.

If you go to emain and keep getting zerged and it's ruining your fun maybe you should try something else.


I could go to sauvage or odins, but I need walk around for 30 mins before I find something to kill ( hoping I could win even :) )

anywase, thats my point of view on emain atm....could be me. Will try a bit more, hope it gets better and albs get more organised or so


The other albs are no doubt thinking the same thing. If you want a job done properly, do it yourself.


do what myself wild ? kill the entire hib zerg by myself ? yah, good idea I'll do that right away.


Its not exactly right for an albi to complain about zerging, but then i guess its alright when you 'camp' (gay reference?) the midgard mile gate thus 'ruining' the realm versus realm activitys for midgard.

No that doesn't matter does it? nor does it matter when the midgards 'camp' the herbinia mile gate with their zerg in odins. thus ruining realm versus realm for them.

I mean GOD! people not phoning ahead and asking

"How many groups will you be bringing today sir?" the insollence!!! YOUR ALL RUINING THE FUCKING GAME!!!

FYI - easiest way to solo a zerg it as follows

1. Get naked
2. Put away your weapon and replace it with a 2h bronze weapon (Low qual is recommended)
3. Target PBAEr's and go to melee (Attack speed debuff is recommended)

The hibs will be laughing so hard they won't see you change into your fuckin uber armour and pick them off one by one, sorted.

Stop bitching about people playing the game, just cause you got your ass kicked a few times big deal. I've lost count of the number of times sombody begging for a res at MMG has forgotten to mention the 30 off players sitting on his corpse :)


almost every time im of to sucide in hadrian after long time of crafting, I find a hib tank that realy think they can beat me up in a duel but they find out paladins is stronger then them :) thanks for free rp hibs :)


nothing wrong with zerging as long as the odds are fairly even. some of the most intense RvR i've experienced has been the bowl/mill/amg 2 or 3 way zerg fights - great fun :D (if u have a decent PC/GFX card and /effects self set ofc)

what really fkin sux is the 5-10fg vs 1-2fg crap.

we do it, they do it, we all do it. but if its getting done to u, just dont go back until u have the numbers reqd for a decent fight or go elsewhere/play an alt.

dont give the likes of LA free rps.

chain mezz
caster stun
group purge
3s pbt

its never a fair fight 1fg vs 1fg despite what they may like to think... if an alb grp wins its "skill and tactics" or LA were asleep/fucked up/GP was down, u decide.


Originally posted by Wuren
Explain chain mezz and 3 sec bt

"chain mezz" is getting mezzed 2-3 times in less than a mintue due to the pitifully short duration on insta mezz (with determination/resist buffs/aom etc) the duration your "invulnerable" to mezz is also pitifully short, hence you get remezzed in under a minute, believe the fastest ive been remezzed after the first mezz woreoff/broke/cured was around 20s

3s pbt is stacked 6s pbt via 2 wardens, as u know cos u spec your grps that way whenever possible. oh and they wear scale and can heal and do 1 handed style dmg, but thats a different whine.


Originally posted by Wuren
:lol: group 8 theurgs and u have 1 sec bt

yes, very clever except they'd all be wearing cloth and casting baseline cold dmg nukes :rolleyes:


Insta mezz is on a different timer to the castable mezz as well, i can't prove it with a screenie but it has definately happened, insta mezz has a different icon to the normal mezz and i saw the insta mezz one, then i got hit, then 5 secs later the castable mezz icon appeared.

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