Liquid Pig Lard Guns!!!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
:eek2: From:

I WANT a gun like that for FPS games!!

Israel To Use Pig Fat
To Deter Suicide Bombers
BBC News

Israeli police are to hang bags of pig lard on buses and in other public places to deter would-be Muslim suicide bombers, Israeli media have reported.

The Maariv daily said rabbinical authorities sanctioned the plan to use the product - considered impure by Jews and Muslims - if it might save lives.

Officials hope the prospect of defiling their bodies with blown up pig lard might discourage would-be recruits.

Hundreds of Israelis have been killed by suicide bombers in recent years.

Rabbinical approval

Rabbi Eliezer Moshe Fisher, of the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court, said there was no "halachic [Jewish law] ban on using bags of lard in buses and other places" when saving lives is concerned, the newspaper reported.

He said the bags would also be permitted to be placed in shopping centres, train stations, schools and other public places which might be targeted by bombers.

The rabbi said if police do not enact the plan, tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews will arm themselves with guns capable of spraying liquid pig lard at suspects.

Israeli Deputy Defence Minister Yaacov Edri said he supported the plan.

"If bags of pig lard will prevent zealous Muslim terrorists from carrying out attacks, I'm all for it," the newspaper quoted him as saying.


I love the thought that the pig-lard spray guns will be more effective than the Uzis the settlers tend to tote about everywhere. I think I remember seeing something like this before... the potential suicide bombers believe they won't get into Heaven (despite their martyrdom) 'cause they will be unclean.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Im sorry what??

suicide bomber afraid of pig fat?

Somehow that doesnt compute


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Depends on how fervently religious they are.

If they're really religious, the thought of having their remains covered with pig fat is probably going to scare seven shades out of them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I think that is a pretty good indication of how crazy the world is at the moment. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Mofo8 said:

Mofo8 !!!
Alrighty matey peep?

Where did you find the Bruce Lee game pic for your avatar?
This takes me back to when we used to play this at our mums houses on the olde C64 !!!
What year was that 1983/4/5?

Twenty-odd years ago anyway!!!


Found it.... oh, it was 1984 (*mists of time*)

I've just realised that this was (probably) the first game we played together that involved respawns (and timing to that to your advantage)...heh...20 years...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Paradroid said:
Mofo8 !!!
Alrighty matey peep?

Where did you find the Bruce Lee game pic for your avatar?
This takes me back to when we used to play this at our mums houses on the olde C64 !!!
What year was that 1983/4/5?

Twenty-odd years ago anyway!!!


Found it.... oh, it was 1984 (*mists of time*)

I've just realised that this was (probably) the first game we played together that involved respawns (and timing to that to your advantage)...heh...20 years...

I'd just like to point out that Paradroid and I are not long lost brothers who haven't seen each other in 20 years - as his post would imply on a casual reading. I think he meant to use the word 'my' or 'your' instead of 'our'.

I thought I'd better straighten that out before this became enshrined as some kind of 'magic of Freddy's' story. See how the 2 long lost brothers met again in a thread about stupitidy in the middle east (and C64 games).

Anyway Paradroid.... got DC 0.7 on yet?

EDIT: Just realise Paradroid said "houses", which modifies what he meant. He should still be rattled around the head with the apostrophe stick though. Mums', not Mum's or Mums.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Damnit, now I have crackling cravings at 1am... you swine.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Mofo8 said:
Mums', not Mum's or Mums.


I did ponder the correct positioning of the apostrophe, I couldn't decide earlier so I left it out!

I think it should be:
" ...mums' house..." if it's only one mum & house, and,
"....mum's houses..." if it's more that one mum & house!


P.S. I went to bed earlier and after only 2 hours sleep I was awoken by my cat "Hamish" who had decided to run amok throughout the house, little b'tard's acting like he'd fallen into a vat of sulph and ate his way to freedom!...eyes like saucers...chasing invisible flies...



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Paradroid said:

I did ponder the correct positioning of the apostrophe, I couldn't decide earlier so I left it out!

I think it should be:
" ...mums' house..." if it's only one mum & house, and,
"....mum's houses..." if it's more that one mum & house!


P.S. I went to bed earlier and after only 2 hours sleep I was awoken by my cat "Hamish" who had decided to run amok throughout the house, little b'tard's acting like he'd fallen into a vat of sulph and ate his way to freedom!...eyes like saucers...chasing invisible flies...


He he. Hamish on the rampage.

The apostrophe thing would be:

Our mums' houses: Referring to both our mothers and their houses.
My mum's house: Referring to one mum's house.

See this page by the Apostrophe Protection Society

Working with advertising copy and designing adverts for newspapers means I come across apostrophe abuse every day. My particular pet hate is it being used to denote amounts: "1000's of shite reduced", etc.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003

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