LIFE after SI??



Whos really going to play much DAOC after SI excitement has worn off??

I reckon, although i said i wouldnt that ill play SWG, and make myself another load of gimped charcters :p

just curiious to see how many are thinking of leaving


I'll play as long as I enjoy it, and I have no idea when that'll be.
I thought Iw as sick of DAoC but recently it dragged me in again.
I guess only time can tell...

Neural Network

Have you ever tried to read the SWG forums?
The game looks good on paper, but I’ll NEVER play any game with that kind of community.


What could be worse than some of the idiot kiddies that play DAoC?

The idiot US kiddies that'll be playing SWG - no thanks thats one Ill definitely be giving a miss.


Honestly? No I'm not expecting to. First of all been playing this game a long time and have thought about leaving in the past but as been said above, has dragged me in again. Still enjoying it, will play SI as long as I do, but new chars, new servers, new patches, new dungeons, new expansions.. after playing the game so long it's all novelty attractions. Keeps your interest maybe but you know that it's just a toy for the moment and not really that different after all.

Besides, I was around Diablo2 when LoD expansion came, I must say the similarities in the buildup before it was similar to SI. A few new classes with little truly new in them (how could they have?), a few new "uber"-PvE places and most importantly a large number of screenshots of uber-items that generally reduces/removes use of previous items and is in the end quite easily obtainable in spite of uber-mobs and long quests due to being so openly announced and put on display.

What's the fun in items, the 1.5% improvement in RvR combat from them or the feeling of accomplishment in getting them? I'd put my money on the second. Like all other RPG/evolution type games it's accomplishing improvement that gives the satisfaction much more than the in-the-end improvement. Bleh, ranting here. But basically, I've seen it all before, I don't see it bringing any amazing new fun to it. Will be amusing to track down the items for a week, but by then you WILL have most of them and unless you are a total retard your stats WILL be capped and what will there be left? Oh right the same old emain farming, now where was I about toys and novelty attractions.

No RvR changes in SI apart from some new PLed chars that won't have capable players and low RR initially. No RvR zones. No changes in the keep siege mechanism, in the combat mechanism. So in the end 95% of the games contents for a high level player remains the same.. just as with DF, just as with the RvR dungeons. Nah, SI on it's own isn't going to keep me long.


Love the game as it is.. for me SI will only improve it.

I still love going to LB to kill the epics... crap drops apart from a few but the buzz from killing Wrath or Afanc is still there :)


Well its a question I've been asking myself recently. My husband (Kolja, 50 warrior) has stopped playing out of sheer frustration, boredom and a general loathing for the game. I will give SI some time and will roll a bonedancer but I cant see me lasting too long after. Especially if the proposed "balances" occur as mentioned in future patches.

I've been playing almost a year now and I think its time for a change. I wont be going to SWG - just the thought of it makes me cringe. Horizons maybe - WoW absolutely :clap: - Shadowbane...well Im on the beta test of that at the moment and without breaking the NDA it shows a great deal of promise, some nice ideas.

DAoC - well with SWG, Horizons, CoH, Ryzom, Shadowbane, WoW, EQ2, Lost Continents (if it ever comes out), and the promise of an online Lord of the Rings in the dim and distant future I cant honestly see too many people sticking around.


Could've asked the same for each patch. Everyone was waiting for bg's, then DF, then frontier dungeons but the shiny edge on it wore of after one maybe two days.

I keep asking myself why i keep playing, this game being a series of frustration, anger, general pissed-offness and sometimes a glimpse of joy.
We'll see what the future brings


Been a beta tester on SWG since beta 2 and i can tell u now that game will blow every other mmorpg out of the water the gameplay/gfx content is brilliant but no im not buying SWG until its released in the uk

1.I dont like playing on US servers lag on a weekend is freaking nightmare even on a 1meg con
2.I just dont like playing with american ppl some are nice but half of em dont like u if ur not from the US.

But with SI il be playing it until SWG is released in UK


I see it as new content, that will provide entertainment for a while.


I'll play whichever game I have the most fun playing and I hope you will too.

old.Trine Aquavit

Ultimately, there will be a game that drags me from DAOC. It'll be a MMORPG for sure - I just don't get the same fun from single-player games any more - but I don't know which one.

I'm pretty happy to buy the games on release and use the 'free' month to see if it grabs me. I tried both Neocron and AC2, and while both of them had some nice features, I don't think either is as good as DAOC.

I will be trying SWG at launch. I'll move to the Euro servers when they open. I'll probably try a bunch of the other games too. If the games offer me more than DAOC then I'll probably stick with them. If they offer less then they won't get my subs, simple as that.


Like this game too much to switch.....

Am watching swg and wow with interest.

This game is fun and mythic seem to be working their arses off on the latest patches, changing content all the time and improving the game. While they continue to do this no reason to leave.


Im waiting for a huuuge MMORPG, one with vast and detailed terrain, where it would take a few days to run back home.
That's gonna be a few years off, so I'll stick to DAOC till then, I just cannot be arsed leveling another char on some new game.


Well, lets just say that SI will breath some more life into level 50 chars... theres whole area's where min conn to 50's is yellow...

and some of the dungeons... yeesh...

and the engine... 1fps in rvr may soon be a thing of the past



Buffbots and plvled chars have kinda ruined the fun for me,i only own one copy of daoc i dont cheat and trying to find or stay within a group nowadays is just terrble.I guess its the same for every popular game though

I dont really aggre with the statements of the swg communtiy being that bad many kiddies might have been put of by the one char per account where you really have to take responsabilty for your actions etc etc


Originally posted by Alrindel
I'll play whichever game I have the most fun playing and I hope you will too.

Nope, I will play the game I loathe the most. So will the majority of the players on that game.

Why? Well, the grass is -allways- greener...

Roo Stercogburn

I intend to have a player association up and running with some friends for when SWG hits the UK. Will run DAoC side by side. I like the idea of having a fantasy MMORPG and a sci-fi based one at the same time.

How long I continue with DAoC will depend on what Mythic get up to over the next couple of months. Will create Bonedancer when we get SI. Will only stay in DAoC long term if SMs get rebalanced.
SM is what I do ingame, everything else is just time out from my favourite character type.

Mythic have to act very fast over next 2 months to counter the competition, it is a rather impressive array of choice coming our way soon. They will have to implement a more dynamic environment by end of spring, possibly summer if they are to hold onto a lot of their customers since many of the new games will be offering this right from the start. SI will be old hat in the US by the time these things are arriving, it will be interesting to watch the population on the US servers.

We have a cracking good community here, I'm not keen to change to anything purely based in the US, regardless of how good the game is so will be checking that there is Euro support before getting any other games.


Will dabble with Dragon Empires, but basically until World of Warcrft is out its DAoC for me.


Ill be round for ages i expect. SWG really does not appeal to me atm, but who knows.

If Mythic keep up their promises of more expansions, greater details etc, then ill probably keep coming back for more. After all theres 3 realms, and a possibility to roll 24 chars in different ways. Who knows, maybe one day Mythic will bring in another realm to make things totally fresh, perhaps on new servers.

The one thing that does worry me tho is the player base, which will likely dwindle over the coming months with the release of new games. I just hope GOA decide to up the advertising campaign to bring in new blood.

WoW - likely to play
Eve - definately wanna try that
SWG - only if i see it b4. I wont bother buying it without trying it.


what about the sims online? :O

Can't believe no one is going there.....I can't wait.

In all seriousness as you can tell by my sig i haven't even managed to get a char to 50 without getting sick of the xp grind (no guild = no group it seems these days), only way i managed to keep playing is by starting an alt to get my interest back, latest is a chanter on camlann (so overpowered i can solo reds easily)

My sub is till june so i'm carrying on till then and i'll be trying SI but i'm really just biding my time now till dragon empires beta and planetside.

As for the SWG thing, it put me off when i went on teh official forum and found all those "FIRST" posts i mean wtf is that all about, all those people that complain about alb/excal are gonna be really miffed when the european servers are full of SWG weirdo lunatics. The game looks good tho and i love starwars so it really appeals to me but i've given up hope of it having many sensible/nice people on it so i'm gonna give it wide berth at first.
It'll make a shit load of money tho so sucess is guaranteed.


Re: what about the sims online? :O

Originally posted by Uriron
Can't believe no one is going there.....I can't wait.

I'm actually gonna play it, if only to see what they did with it.
I highly doubt it'll come even close to DAoC tho


Originally posted by Neural Network
Have you ever tried to read the SWG forums?
The game looks good on paper, but I’ll NEVER play any game with that kind of community.

hehe the forums are truely cringe inducing. thing that irks me the most is the amount of fanboys that must sit around waiting on the next dev post just so they can jump in and get the first reply. You literally get half a dozen replies with reply 'first!'.
SWG looks cool, but it makes u wonder what sort of person gets a stiffy over those forums...

Quite amazed at the number of peeps wanting to roll a bonedancer. I'm also giving it a shot, going the popular supp spec which gives insta lifetaps & sorta buggy healing pets. Bit worried that line will be gimped tho as there seems to hell of a lot of GIMP BDs on VN boards. Necro & animist look cool simply because they are so different from anything I've played or seen before.

Is it worth trying to setup a daoc'ers SWG PA?

Bleri McThrust

I go through stages where the game hooks me and annoys me. But the one Im looking at for the future is Dragon Empires


I'll stay a while longer if there's a coop server than I will if there isn't


Kinda looking forward to a change from DAOC.

Pre-ordered SWG and will try it out on the US servers as of April, I'll still keep my DAOC account going tho.

Sounds quite interesting, a few nice things like the ability to change your characters carear at any point in the game, the ability for EVERYONE to be a Jedi if they choose, but however some equaliy bad points, like ONE character per server, no alts (except your Jedi slot), no jump key !!!!!! and permadeath :(


having 1 character in SWG isnt that bad believe me there will be soo much to do with 1 char u wont even think of starting a new one :)

as for Jedi not everyone gets to be a Jedi ffs u have to trigger something off in the game for ur jedi slot to open so some of u never will even see that slot open im afraid ^^

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