There is a primarily UK based European Clan Arena League @ #ecal which is somewhat stagnant at present.
To be honest most clans just play in europe now in leagues such as Smackdown @ #smackdown , Nations Quake Rank @ #nqr and the forthcoming "n00b" league @ #qw-cup . Most of the "uk" clans like 4k, redux, nemesis etc also have overseas members these days as QW has become continental to survive.
The 11th and probably final season of the UKCL took place last year, I didn't make an active decision to discontinue it but the dwindling number of active UK clans provided little incentive to keep going. Every now and then you see a craze of nostalgia with a bunch of old quakers and idlers decide to play a biggame or two, but would that be sustained throughout a whole season? Somehow I doubt it.
Just haven't played competitively since I left McM in 2000... nothing really replaced it... except now I have a shiny new broadband connection... looked for something to do with it and thought QW looked like a good way to waste time ahh well....
Not really interested in playing cross culturally
Gah what I want is the good ol' days back... spose like many a grizzled veteran!
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