level command and grinding in daoc


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
All they have to do is nerf powerleveling by giving alot less xp.

For an example if a lvl 20 char joins a lvl 50 grp he would get about 10% of what he would by joining a grp of others at the same level range..

This would, imo, open up pve to new ppl and open up some good old fashion xp grinding for us oldies :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 22, 2006
i just started playing few weeks ago along with my husband he plays a blademaster and i play a druid thanks to that we can at least duo with tons of downtime but at least is better than playing alone, and i most say that the leveling grind in this game is horrible, dull and boring as well. yes grouping is none existing. yes we asked left and right random people in game to join us grouping with us. here are some of the most common replies

sorry im logging off soon (4 hours later, that person still is on)

sorry im getting PL by some friends.

sorry im PL this character with my main

sorry no thank you

this are some examples of the only replies you get in game,while trying to group.

some people say that guilds would help you getting PL, lol what a joke! first of all most high levels are iether too busy rvr, or doing master levels, or PL their own twinks new chars, or simply farming. most people dont want to spend their precious time helping level some newcomers who proabably wont even stay playing longer than a week. so yes you can join a guild and end up being ignored for the rest of playing time, but hey at least you can chat with other human players so that s the positive side of it!

some people are nice and helpful and if you are lucky to find some of this rare, nice kind players. you can get some help leveling for some levels, and also get some assistance with some money to help you equip yourself better. so far we have only encountered 3 people so far in game who fullfilled the ranks of helpful nice and kind.

so yes i totally agree that something needs to be done if they want the game to survive. cause the tactique of adding content for the old players will wear out fast soon newer mmorph start to appear in the market. if they have nothing to hold the atention of the new lurker players who try it first time, then they may not loose much but at the end the new influx of new players, adding to the old players who got iether bored and quit or ones who moved to newer game. will be the ultimate doom for daoc.

i think that removing the ability to make a char right to 20 from old players be a good thing, but i dont think it would make a difference, since they all just PL them to 45 in a few days so it woulden't make any difference weather they do it or not.

bots need to stop, by doing that, people would be forced to really play healer, buffer types. it would encourage playing groups again.

powerleveling also needs to be stopped. then the old players would more likely group with new players, therefore new players would have more people to group with.

lastly i think exp needs to be easy up lot more. add more quests with good exp rewards, so players can reach max levels in shorter amount time.

there are lot more things that could be done, that would really improve the pve side of daoc lot more.

i have tried playing a solo (or so good solo recommended class) and i most say, was equally boring. i felt like i was playing morrowind but with worse graphics. daoc doesen't feel like a multiplaying game, feels like a single player game with a pvp rvr multiplaying feature. not many get to try it cause most people simply quit out of boredom trying to get to 50 alone.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Nadine - with respect - no-one is going to PL you when they don't know you or give you money - after all why should they? Join a guild, make friends, then maybe ask - don't just expect stuff on a plate - they had to level at some point in the past just the same as you, the thing is a game that is 5yrs old isnt going to have many people who want to level new toons slowly when they can PL them etc. Albeit this is the problem new people face - you do nede to put some effort in yourself and get to know the game and the people in it before you can expect assistance - try walking up to a stranger in the street and ask them for £10, then try a friend...

PL needs to be banned, maybe give more exp - say 2% increase for duo , 4% for trio 10% for fg or something might promote grouping but the game is toooooo far past grouping for levelling these days sadly. One thing that might make it fun again would be to increase the level cap to 60-70 and make the exp the same - reward people for grouping, and don't make it easy to get to 60-70 either so there are a lot of people playing for a lot of time to make the exp and force them into groups - might sound drastic but grouping with people was the most fun element of the game - bring that back, givf challenges like old school gobo's n stuff and maybe just maybe you will see toons /point /s LOL at the carpets of dead players again that used to fill me with mirth and joy :D - the only downside is it would take some serious thought and coding to make it a challenge with all the newer abilities players have since TOA , CATA , new RVR etc.

God I wish WAR was out this month - I miss groups :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Had some fun last night, a guild 20's night out.

I have powerlevelled one character out of the 12 I've gotten into the high 40's plus. Not surprisingly it's also the one I'm least attached to by far, and hardly play.

Old school levelling with friends is great, as long as your aim is to have fun, rather than to get to 50 as fast as possible, it's good.



Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Nadine has raised some good issues :) but I think these types of issues will occur whatever game you play. There will always be people who can devote more play time than others, people who get lucky drops, encounters, etc and many ppl who spend hours learning all about character stats, caps, buffs, etc to gain a competitive advantage (within the CoC ofc). Players and guilds come and go. People will always be at different levels.

When DAOC first came out, everyone was in the same boat for about a year. Guilds and groups were awesome fun. Remember the first time a level 50 rode past you and you went all n00by "OMG a level 50" !

After 5 years, with new games coming out, ppl wanna play the new games, rather than struggle along with catching up to play RVR.

After 5 years WOW will be equally dismal as DAOC is now.

I would never recommend someone start DAOC now. The catch up to play RVR is one enormous time sink. Better off starting with 1000s of others and join everone in WAR when it comes out. I'll be there 4 sure


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Ah ~cue squiggly line waves in a flashback kinda way~

The first time a high lv sorc ran past my lvl 10-15 sorc and they had a Telamon in tow - was WTF IS THAT !!! WHOOAAA !!!

The first time a group of players ran past with a swarm of tanglers in tow....

The first time at tanglers and someone says ok mezz them and you expect 4 or 5 to come running........

Hmmmm might make a memories thread tbh being as DAOC is dead.. I mean dying...I mean fine just fine..nothing to see here ...everyone move along please :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
evzy said:
Ah ~cue squiggly line waves in a flashback kinda way~

The first time a high lv sorc ran past my lvl 10-15 sorc and they had a Telamon in tow - was WTF IS THAT !!! WHOOAAA !!!

The first time a group of players ran past with a swarm of tanglers in tow....

The first time at tanglers and someone says ok mezz them and you expect 4 or 5 to come running........

Hmmmm might make a memories thread tbh being as DAOC is dead.. I mean dying...I mean fine just fine..nothing to see here ...everyone move along please :)

I agree in a way it has lost its magic :mad:

I am a robot and keep playing as there is nothing else to play... :mad:



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 22, 2006
evzy said:
Nadine - with respect - no-one is going to PL you when they don't know you or give you money - after all why should they? Join a guild, make friends, then maybe ask - don't just expect stuff on a plate - they had to level at some point in the past just the same as you, the thing is a game that is 5yrs old isnt going to have many people who want to level new toons slowly when they can PL them etc. Albeit this is the problem new people face - you do nede to put some effort in yourself and get to know the game and the people in it before you can expect assistance - try walking up to a stranger in the street and ask them for £10, then try a friend...

PL needs to be banned, maybe give more exp - say 2% increase for duo , 4% for trio 10% for fg or something might promote grouping but the game is toooooo far past grouping for levelling these days sadly. One thing that might make it fun again would be to increase the level cap to 60-70 and make the exp the same - reward people for grouping, and don't make it easy to get to 60-70 either so there are a lot of people playing for a lot of time to make the exp and force them into groups - might sound drastic but grouping with people was the most fun element of the game - bring that back, givf challenges like old school gobo's n stuff and maybe just maybe you will see toons /point /s LOL at the carpets of dead players again that used to fill me with mirth and joy :D - the only downside is it would take some serious thought and coding to make it a challenge with all the newer abilities players have since TOA , CATA , new RVR etc.

God I wish WAR was out this month - I miss groups :(

with all due respect, you got no idea what i wrote, or iether need glasses , cause i have never implied i wanted to get PL.:twak:

in fact i advocate for the erradication of PL and bots, so the game allow new players the ability to group and interact with each other. and even for you old folks. cause yes you playing daoc for 6 years but guess what, the game is straggling to survive. and only way to stop that is if new players start trying daoc. but at the current time. it is nearly impossible for someone new to make his her way through alone. without a 2d account at least they play a solo better designed class. that way instead of you PL that new character, you will send a tell to that new player and group with her, him.

if you are not willing to learn from the total new perspective of a new player, you wont truely understand. cause you will always speak from your own point of view.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Lamp said:
Nadine has raised some good issues :) but I think these types of issues will occur whatever game you play. There will always be people who can devote more play time than others, people who get lucky drops, encounters, etc and many ppl who spend hours learning all about character stats, caps, buffs, etc to gain a competitive advantage (within the CoC ofc). Players and guilds come and go. People will always be at different levels.

When DAOC first came out, everyone was in the same boat for about a year. Guilds and groups were awesome fun. Remember the first time a level 50 rode past you and you went all n00by "OMG a level 50" !

After 5 years, with new games coming out, ppl wanna play the new games, rather than struggle along with catching up to play RVR.

After 5 years WOW will be equally dismal as DAOC is now.

I would never recommend someone start DAOC now. The catch up to play RVR is one enormous time sink. Better off starting with 1000s of others and join everone in WAR when it comes out. I'll be there 4 sure

wow is a totally different mmo, the lvling system is alot more fun and easier the instances are updated and they are brining new things out every week or so. and next expansion they are updating there pvp system in Burning Crusade.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Nadine said:
some people say that guilds would help you getting PL, lol what a joke! first of all most high levels are iether too busy rvr, or doing master levels, or PL their own twinks new chars, or simply farming. .

Seriously before you start having a go at me - read what you write first - if the above quote doesnt read like you joining a guild and expecting to be PL'd then I am wrong I guess... so I think the :twak: is back on you there...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 22, 2006
evzy said:
Seriously before you start having a go at me - read what you write first - if the above quote doesnt read like you joining a guild and expecting to be PL'd then I am wrong I guess... so I think the :twak: is back on you there...
yes does that implies that i want to get PL? or maybe you trying to make it sound that way? for your info in case you need or want some clearing! i was refering to the so helpful guilds, and helpful players such yourself!:puke:

iether way i really dont wish to debate with you since it is obvious you understand what you want. so now if you excuse me, move on, oh and dont bother to reply cause im done with this thread.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Getting power levelled isn't much fun I found. Its so much more rewarding to get a small group together (2-4 ppl) in your guild who are around the same level and go blat some mobs for an hour.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 30, 2003
Nadine said:
OMG... Nadine is new to the game and is allready flaming and throwing :puke: at ppl... DAoC is surely a path to the dark side... :flame:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
9 Posts in and already flaming...and just because I point out and quote the statement which she then still denies saying and DID LOOK LIKE A WHINE ABOUT NOT GETTING PL BUT OBVIOUSLY I AM SUPPOSED TO READ BETWEEN THE LINES AND BE A MIND READER (TYPICAL WOMAN TBH)....she is now leaving the thread never to return ....Woe is meh :(

Ah well...not worth pointing out some ways to get going etc if she aint coming back :(

As for the vomit shite... that has really upset me and now I must go cry ........


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
evzy said:
9 Posts in and already flaming...and just because I point out and quote the statement which she then still denies saying and DID LOOK LIKE A WHINE ABOUT NOT GETTING PL BUT OBVIOUSLY I AM SUPPOSED TO READ BETWEEN THE LINES AND BE A MIND READER (TYPICAL WOMAN TBH)....she is now leaving the thread never to return ....Woe is meh :(

Ah well...not worth pointing out some ways to get going etc if she aint coming back :(

As for the vomit shite... that has really upset me and now I must go cry ........


Perfect reminder why we don't play DAOC anymore

Cmon bud, I'll buy you a beer and we'll talk about the olden days when it was played by nice people :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Lamp said:

Perfect reminder why we don't play DAOC anymore

Cmon bud, I'll buy you a beer and we'll talk about the olden days when it was played by nice people :)

Sounds good to me....:drink:

~goes off to get comfy slippers and pipe~


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
CorNokZ said:
All they have to do is nerf powerleveling by giving alot less xp.

For an example if a lvl 20 char joins a lvl 50 grp he would get about 10% of what he would by joining a grp of others at the same level range..

This would, imo, open up pve to new ppl and open up some good old fashion xp grinding for us oldies :)

I can see what you're saying - that PLing damages grouping - and I agree with that conclusion but why remove the avenue totally? Why not instead greatly increase the XP for a group whilst leaving the PL option alone?

To explain..... John can PL his new char using his necromancer account and it's just as fast as it is now. Or John's new character can join a group and the XP is better in a trio or more than if he was just in his necro + leech group.

I think that's the only sensible solution to the problem. Especially now that any new player is facing months of grinding to 50, then more grinding in TOA, then more CL grinding, then more RvR grinding to get RR5 so they don't insta die. So much could be solved if people could just get to 50 in a few days tbfh. We must all know people in our guild who've joined and are completely new to DAoC and after two weeks give up because it's too hard to get to 50.
We've lost in Red Shadows, over the years, literally hundreds of players becausing XPing is too much of a pain in the arse and they can't conceive realistically achieving L50. If other guilds reflect that loss, then that's a huge playerbase that's buggered off in frustration.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2006
I cant agree with some of the posts in this section, to be perfectley honest XP has never been so easy. Guild Bonus, 50% xp bonus, task bonus, tireless, free armour every 5 lv, the help command even tells you where to go for each td. Its never been quicker or easier to hit 50 than it is now. You dont need to twink your toon to grind tds its yellow con mobs that give the xp of a high con orange. If you want hard mode try levlling an inf to 50 pre SI or any of the other toons that were never really wanted by grps. It is dull without a doubt, but hard is one thing it isnt.
Templates hard to come by? not really any half decent guild that can psersuade even half a fg to spend an hour or two in ToA can farm most artifacts hardly any of them require a zerg, MLs can be time consuming but only if you choose to follow a rush and do 2 or 3 a time, so what if you if you only get ml1 bg steps done this time around you can do the others next week.
DAOC is easymode now, the only way to make it any easier is to give the /lv 50 command with a free house fully stocked with items and artifacts.
Dont berate mythic for making the game unwelcoming to newbs, berate the players amongst us who cant be bothered to answer questions, spend a little time with people and help them gain a few lvls. It doesnt hurt to invite the guild lowbie along next time your farming scrolls for some free xp/cash.Genarlly i think the early days of ToA cost the game dearly, the comunity went into some sort of greedy selfish overdrive mode and things went down hill from there.
Mythics mistake is in not advertising the game and getting lowbies in, in seeing ££££ when buff bots became the norm (half of the farming/cheesing encs wouldnt be possible without bbs) instead of outright banning them.
I think they have done all they can to make the grind as quick and painless as possilble as to get new ppl back in and enccouraging grps again, well its a little to late for that isnt it?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
RS|Phil said:
To explain..... John can PL his new char using his necromancer account and it's just as fast as it is now. Or John's new character can join a group and the XP is better in a trio or more than if he was just in his necro + leech group.

that wouldent work. a PL group can get a lvl 5 or 20 to lvl 50 in just over a days worth of effective PL'ing. giving proper xp groups better xp then that would be about the same as giving a /lvl 50 command as the xp groups would get lvl 50 in well under a day played.

but then again, with the shitty pve there is in this game it might not be that bad a idea...


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Bladze said:
If you want hard mode try levlling an inf to 50 pre SI or any of the other toons that were never really wanted by grps.

or u could just do it with a healer. i have a lvl 46 aug healer that i just cant lvl up anymore. no groups wants him ( even tried going pac/mend). the TD's is to hard even with aug spec as i cant beat the timer anylonger. no guild really wanna help the members with the pve parts anymore, all their ingame time seems to be going to rvr and even the most silly call for help about anything pve wise usually gets ignored. if u dont have 2 accounts, 1 with anything worth it for a PL group and a leech, its dead impossible to acually level up a support class nowadays. i'd love to get my healer to 50 but i just cant see it happend as it is now.

the pve part of this game is so dead no ammount of rezzing will make it come back.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bladze said:
I cant agree with some of the posts in this section, to be perfectley honest XP has never been so easy. Guild Bonus, 50% xp bonus, task bonus, tireless, free armour every 5 lv, the help command even tells you where to go for each td. Its never been quicker or easier to hit 50 than it is now. You dont need to twink your toon to grind tds its yellow con mobs that give the xp of a high con orange. If you want hard mode try levlling an inf to 50 pre SI or any of the other toons that were never really wanted by grps. It is dull without a doubt, but hard is one thing it isnt.
Templates hard to come by? not really any half decent guild that can psersuade even half a fg to spend an hour or two in ToA can farm most artifacts hardly any of them require a zerg, MLs can be time consuming but only if you choose to follow a rush and do 2 or 3 a time, so what if you if you only get ml1 bg steps done this time around you can do the others next week.
DAOC is easymode now, the only way to make it any easier is to give the /lv 50 command with a free house fully stocked with items and artifacts.
Dont berate mythic for making the game unwelcoming to newbs, berate the players amongst us who cant be bothered to answer questions, spend a little time with people and help them gain a few lvls. It doesnt hurt to invite the guild lowbie along next time your farming scrolls for some free xp/cash.Genarlly i think the early days of ToA cost the game dearly, the comunity went into some sort of greedy selfish overdrive mode and things went down hill from there.
Mythics mistake is in not advertising the game and getting lowbies in, in seeing ££££ when buff bots became the norm (half of the farming/cheesing encs wouldnt be possible without bbs) instead of outright banning them.
I think they have done all they can to make the grind as quick and painless as possilble as to get new ppl back in and enccouraging grps again, well its a little to late for that isnt it?

I talked about Newbies.Ofcourse we can level our toons in less then 10 seconds because we know everything. But for people who just got into the Game it is pure pain.

It's not really the xp but its fucking boring to level up. Like i said in my first post it should be more like a single player game with a backroundstory and really nice quests. The instanced solo Zone Quests from DR for example or the Tutorial show how it could be done. I really enjoyed the Tutorial and the DR Zones until the Group steps.

About Grouping in PvE. Daoc is in a state where it isnt almost impossible to encourage ppl to group up for xp apart from the pl groups.They should really split daoc into two things: Leveling up like i described above until level 50 including the epic quests.And for Grouping we have rvr and highlevel pve, toa etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Ctuchik said:
or u could just do it with a healer. i have a lvl 46 aug healer that i just cant lvl up anymore. no groups wants him ( even tried going pac/mend). the TD's is to hard even with aug spec as i cant beat the timer anylonger. no guild really wanna help the members with the pve parts anymore, all their ingame time seems to be going to rvr and even the most silly call for help about anything pve wise usually gets ignored. if u dont have 2 accounts, 1 with anything worth it for a PL group and a leech, its dead impossible to acually level up a support class nowadays. i'd love to get my healer to 50 but i just cant see it happend as it is now.

the pve part of this game is so dead no ammount of rezzing will make it come back.
Message someone in Aquamarine (maybe ask for Kim), and we'll be happy to help. Not much going on in rvr lately, so we're pretty much doing pve anyway.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Ctuchik said:
that wouldent work. a PL group can get a lvl 5 or 20 to lvl 50 in just over a days worth of effective PL'ing. giving proper xp groups better xp then that would be about the same as giving a /lvl 50 command as the xp groups would get lvl 50 in well under a day played.

but then again, with the shitty pve there is in this game it might not be that bad a idea...

I can't really see the bad in that. :)It'll still take you a few weeks or longer to get to 50 (and there's still loads to do at 50). The key here is that the more people you have in the group the easier to XP it is - (add another XP bonus of 15% per peson on top of the other XP bonuses in TDs and camp bonus for example) - at the moment that's simply not true. It's often harder - adds, level normalising, people not knowing what they're doing etc. For right now, it's simply to solo or be PL'd and that's what I think has been wrong with the game since day one. Overall, I'd rather group than solo/PL but it's just not worth it time wise. Though it's more of a laugh. :)

Bladze, you sound a bit like me tbh. I sometimes hark back the days when I was still xping with my trimmed branch and rags I could afford from the NPC merchants and then look at how much easier it is now and think why do people think its too hard? Well, like you said it ain't "hard" its "long" and the longer people play for the more they realise that 50 is just one step in many - and in that sense it's too "hard".

Red Shadows is still as friendly as it ever was, and one of the few guilds where you might get an XP group, and you'll always get your questions answered, yet as I said we've still lost a lot of people through the timesink of XPing - literally 100s of people over the years. If we're not going to blame Mythic for not helping them who are we going to blame? Ourselves? But I just said we DO help them so..... I even spent two weeks in Caldey PLing my new Cleric and half the guild up using my necro. They were chuffed, and now we've got some almost 50s in RvR all shiney and ahead of schedule. And not pissed off about having to solo as smite clerics! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2006
Ctchuck, you have a 46 mend healer you cant lv, try tagging along on MLs, get on artis raids and borrow a mate to do a few quests Blag your way into a PL grp in alliance, 46 mend is plenty I would of thought to be a usefull healer even RvR isnt bad xp at that lv can you not get into a pug or start one?. If you really really cant get anyone in your guild to help you with anything at all perhaps your in the wrong guild?

Icebreaker, no arguments from me that its dull, im saying its not difficult or particuarly challenging to make headway in this game these days. Newbs dont need to have geographical knowlegde of the realm /help /catas content /personal instances tells you who to speak too and where they are. Tottally agree this is THE dullest way to xp the textures dont even change in TD's they all look the same and they are a plain and simple drag to grind through. Nothing like the fun of a grp where u get to meet ppl and form online freindships. I dont think that day will ever come back no matter what mythic does.

RSphil, yep people are always going to leave no matter what guilds do for them and im no way saying everyone who plays these days is to 1337zorz to help out new starters. Some are and I have certainly heard others complain about newbs asking too many questions, I have even seen people leaves guilds over it as "they only wanted to play with experienced players". That kind of attitude is no loss to us imo. Yes i suppose i do in some ways miss the grps of ppl at trees in lyo, the joy at a 89% rog dropping, my god if it glowed you almost wet yourself with glee at the ubah sword of pwange.

Them days are gone sadly, make the most of whats left while it lasts and if someone pms "hey im new here have you got a minute" Ill certainly take the time to try and help. Ive stayed in the "newb" guild with my new toons just incase someone genuinley logs in and needs a little help it costs me nothing as most of my buddies are already in /freind.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
RS|Phil said:
I can't really see the bad in that. :)It'll still take you a few weeks or longer to get to 50 (and there's still loads to do at 50). The key here is that the more people you have in the group the easier to XP it is - (add another XP bonus of 15% per peson on top of the other XP bonuses in TDs and camp bonus for example) - at the moment that's simply not true. It's often harder - adds, level normalising, people not knowing what they're doing etc. For right now, it's simply to solo or be PL'd and that's what I think has been wrong with the game since day one. Overall, I'd rather group than solo/PL but it's just not worth it time wise. Though it's more of a laugh. :)

Bladze, you sound a bit like me tbh. I sometimes hark back the days when I was still xping with my trimmed branch and rags I could afford from the NPC merchants and then look at how much easier it is now and think why do people think its too hard? Well, like you said it ain't "hard" its "long" and the longer people play for the more they realise that 50 is just one step in many - and in that sense it's too "hard".

Red Shadows is still as friendly as it ever was, and one of the few guilds where you might get an XP group, and you'll always get your questions answered, yet as I said we've still lost a lot of people through the timesink of XPing - literally 100s of people over the years. If we're not going to blame Mythic for not helping them who are we going to blame? Ourselves? But I just said we DO help them so..... I even spent two weeks in Caldey PLing my new Cleric and half the guild up using my necro. They were chuffed, and now we've got some almost 50s in RvR all shiney and ahead of schedule. And not pissed off about having to solo as smite clerics! :p
We get a lot of new members in Aquamarine also who quit for different reasons, even before they hit lvl20 or they get to lvl50 and then just jump to the next game to lvl to 50 in. DAOC is very different from other games, where in other games you're finished and completed when you reach lvl50, in DAOC you're just getting started.

New players who have "completed" countless other games by reaching max level, just don't believe me when I say that's when the game starts, and quit anyway without even trying "the game after 50". Others quit because it took too long to learn rvr, and just gave up.

Another example is new players just trying the free week and not getting hooked, quit before lvl20 and haven't even tried Thidranki. I also get new players in the guild who refuses to receive any help and want to do everything on their own, even though our guild vault has a lot of equipment that would help them a lot. They want to "earn their own suit", and also they quit before they hit lvl20. What most people don't realize in the beginning is that the gameplay changes a lot at different levels, there's a lot more to DAOC than just pve.

Maybe it would've helped if there were more quests that explained more about Thidranki and Leirvik, and pointed new players towards the old people in the capital that hands out the free second hand lvl20 gear before pointing them towards Thid. The quest should explain about the /xp and /rp commands that enable them to stay in Thid as long as they want until they're ready to move on, and tell them about the long road to lvl40 and Leirvik. The quest should also point towards barkeeps, so they will know where to find other quests for their level, but it should be more thorough and it should give choices for different paths.

It should say something like this: "Now that you know where Thidranki is and you've gotten your second-hand armour, you have a choice. Either you can go to Huginfell on a [quest] for better jewellery and weapons that will enable you to compete with the enemies you find in Thidranki, or you can go to [Cursed Tomb] wich can be tough for beginners but the rewards are good armour, jewellery and even weapons if you're lucky, or you can go to [Muspelheim] and search for the one-time drops wich are excellent for Thidranki fighting. If none of these choices sound exciting for you and you just want to reach level 24 fast with a group you can go to [Vendo Caverns] where most people go to group up for fast xping, or [Task Dungeons] where you can get fast xp solo, and then go spend your gold at the Erikstad [marketplace] for gear."

When you ding out of Thidranki the quest should pop up again and guide you to lvl30. Here's where they've already implemented something similar, as when you hit lvl30 the /help window will pop up and tell you that you're ready to visit the king and start doing Darkness Rising quests. You probably won't get this message if you don't have Darkness Rising though, wich I doubt most beginners have. That's a shame, and if they don't have Catacombs you can't guide them there either (hundreds of quests there, and lots of land to explore for a lvl30+), so they need to get a popup quest that tells them about [Skona Ravine and Varulvhamn], and the quests in the [Shrouded Isles] zones. Choices, choices etc.

Also the "Looking for group" feature should be merged in the /social window, so you can view all who's looking for group and their preferances in a tab, just like you view where your 'Friends' are and 'News', 'Guild', 'Alliance' and who's 'Looking for guild'. The 'Looking for guild' feature should be extended so you can flag your guild as 'Recruiting', so people without guild can see wich guilds they can choose between and investigate a little instead of just sitting and waiting for a guild to contact them.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
The problem isn't the time in getting to level 50, it's the lack of other newbies.

We can get "old school" players to group with new players all you want and it's not going to get people hooked. Look at most people's attitudes to PvE content in this thread... everyone is screaming, make it faster!!
As a new player, grouping with people that want this part of the game to be over now thx very much isn't a good introduction to it. Newbies want to go visit new areas and explore, old players want to go to the best camp and farm it efficiently to move on.

The two types of players at this stage just can't really mix. Going to explore a new dungeon for the first time can actually fun, more so if your not solo while doing it! Less so when 5 of the people instantly scream, nono do the TD again, much better exp..

Catacombs, while people when it first came out said what a great expansion it was for the easy ways of leveling was just the last nail in the coffin of the new players. 1->50 in 5 very small unimaginative dungeons, yeah!! that should hook the new players on what an awesome game they've bought! But on the plus side, it takes a day less now!

Ignore the time spent TOA'ing a char, that's only painful these days because your doing it for the 7th time, not the first.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
I'm just looking forward to Warhammer and the whole place being over-run with new people =) Ah, that'll be fun. Like when you had more than two people in Camelot at once :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 22, 2006
Golena said:
The problem isn't the time in getting to level 50, it's the lack of other newbies.

We can get "old school" players to group with new players all you want and it's not going to get people hooked. Look at most people's attitudes to PvE content in this thread... everyone is screaming, make it faster!!
As a new player, grouping with people that want this part of the game to be over now thx very much isn't a good introduction to it. Newbies want to go visit new areas and explore, old players want to go to the best camp and farm it efficiently to move on.

The two types of players at this stage just can't really mix. Going to explore a new dungeon for the first time can actually fun, more so if your not solo while doing it! Less so when 5 of the people instantly scream, nono do the TD again, much better exp..

the worse i think is the attitude of some old players. i thought wow community was bad, but some major jerks in daoc as well. i would never think, you would find people with the elitist, arrogant attitude. new players, not only will get ignored in their own guilds by old school. but yes mostly they ll be on their own. we are now waiting untill our paying first month runs out to cancel account and stick playing guild wars untill something good comes up.

i most say however, that is possible to find some great, kind helpful layback mature players as well.
Catacombs, while people when it first came out said what a great expansion it was for the easy ways of leveling was just the last nail in the coffin of the new players. 1->50 in 5 very small unimaginative dungeons, yeah!! that should hook the new players on what an awesome game they've bought! But on the plus side, it takes a day less now!

Ignore the time spent TOA'ing a char, that's only painful these days because your doing it for the 7th time, not the first.

but im not having at all with daoc all the contrary. i m 50 and now is hard to find a group to get the other things you need to get done. making a new char wont make it any better.

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