/Level 2-50 Command ”Why Not”



i kinda see hes point about playing for a long time and not having a L50. There are people that just go out and buy a L50 or get someone to PL them, they don't put in the effort and they're unlikely to know how to play there characters as effectivly as someone that done it the old way.

On the other hand too many people play the game like they're playing a FPS, they want to always win in RvR and kill other player so they can say there the best. For them there are only 2 levels in the game, L50 and every other level. I'm sure they would love to be able to role a L50 as easy as they as picking a class in Team Fortress.

I'd like to see a way that too out a lot of repetative exping but still made it an importaint part of the game. Doubling the exp earned buy player that have a L50 already would really help people a lot more than having a free level 40-50.


Tilda, what happened to freedom of speech? A couple of swearwords and you resort to deleting a post? Where's old Damni gone, she was a decent moderator.


I still swear like a fucking trooper but then I am great :D


Of course, moderators have their favourites here :)


I got my paladin to level 50 last night and yes it felt great :D

i'd like to think that i have learned alot about PvE along the way and i never once thought level 50 players shouldn't get the /level command because i cant use it.

the /level command allows level 50 players to try out something different, to keep interest in the game.

it also allows them to avoid levels 1-19, theres nothing more annoying thatn spending alot of time getting to 50, learning the do's and don'ts of PvE, to make an alt, get a grp and have annoying new players getting you killed, most of the time even after warning them (people just dont liek to take advice :S what can i say, when i was level 10, i welcomed any advice)

most players who /level to 20, may be new to the class, but have enough knowledge about PvE not to get everyone killed. Furthermore, new players will often have learned enough by this level to be good players also :)

<end rant> :p


I wanna new commands too:

/Booom Albzergs

/Booom PurgeDuids


/em wonders why one wouldn't roll a Warden when you want a Nightshade/Ranger main if the /level 50 would be in game


Give /lvl50 and this is what emain deathspam will look like:

Heylookatmeigotasavage was just killed by Omgffspwndjoo!
lolatthisstuff was just killed by Iamnotafotm!
Hahahamyhealpetsrock was just killed by Dfisnotoverpowered!
Dfisnotoverpowered was just killed by Savagespwn!


I'd like to see:

1 lvl 50 on account = /level 20
2 lvl 50s on account = /level 30
3 lvl 50s on account = /level 40
4 lvl 50s on account = /level 50

have it so that only non "/level" characters so that if you already had 3 50s you couldn't just /level 40 a character and get him to 50...


Alb 1 : ahh damn no sorcs lfg
Alb 2: gimmie a sec and uve got 1

Alb 1: finally! it took 30days /played but i have a 50 scout, a fun rvr character, although it was hard i think it was worth it in the end for the better rvr experience
Alb 2: woooooooot my lvl 50 necro meanz i can levl a 50tee bower and then shoot teh mids with my ouber crossbow and then stelf and wun away teheheteeee xD

Mid 1: ok, zerkers were nerfed.... but i like playing it so ill carry on neway
mid 2: OMFG u noob wtf u doing on that sht lvl 50 a savage already ffs wtf omg ull get pwned lets duel 4tewin imho

Mid 1: having spent time leveling my class i feel that i can use my knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses that i now understand to my advantage in rvr
Mid 2: omg i got a lvl 50 savage quick get rr3 for stlonge MoPness and then i can beat alb tanks on the crit damage generated alone rofl whats this styles thing ah that one will do wassat after evade? eh well i put that on my qb and press it it makes me take out my pwnage wepens

Hib 1: u know due to lower pop on hib we should rly get /lvl 60 :|
Hib 2: yeah.. damn got 2 shotted by a savage again..

/level 50?

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