/Level 2-50 Command ”Why Not”



/Level 2-50 Command ”Why Not”

I think that all of us that have a account with a level 50 on, should have the opportunity to make characters from level 2-50. Why…………!

Because after playing since BETA the only fun part left in DAoC for me is RvR. After the Expansion SI, people are hard to get in groups. And when “Foundation” and the new Expansion Pack is coming, many places will be deserted from characters.

If you take “Excalibur” with about 2500 peps on at night, and divide it with 3(Realm), there is about 833 in each realm. About 30% is level 50, that leaves 500-600 potential players to group with. If you are a level 20…..and want a group, try calculate how small a percent there is left to group? NOT MANY. I haven’t even calculated all the “BOTS”(2 Account’s), people that don’t even want to group. :-(

I think the world is already to large, and making it larger will kill the game.

So give us the opportunity to make whatever level we want, so we can create BG characters(Level 19-24-29 and 35), and of course level 50.


soo ppl who arent lvl 50 can basicly foad? right


Are you IN a guild? Makes finding people a whole lot easier, you know...and IMO lvl 2-50 would be pointless, you'd end up with a lvl50 character that you had no idea how to play.
And if RvR is the only fun left in the game, then you're doing PvE wrong - the main reason I RvR is to get RAs to make PvEing more fun/survivable.


Originally posted by mikkelhelle

I think the world is already to large, and making it larger will kill the game.

thats the only part i agree with, you say there's not enough groups as it is, giving /level 50 to people who have lvl 50's that will completely screw anyone without a lvl 50 or did i misunderstand what you were saying?


Originally posted by -fwapp-
soo ppl who arent lvl 50 can basicly foad? right

I wouldn't quite say that but once they got their first level 50 'The old fashioned' way they would have access to the command themselves. All /level 20 has done is create a billion BG alts who will never get to 50 for real RvR, a few might but 99% won't.


well basicly there are still quite a few ppl who dont have a 50 just a bunch of 30s and 40s, and making the /50 command would make them kinda isolated :)
i find that the rvr/pve for money bits are pretty balanced and are useful if u get bored of 1 aspect for a bit and want to do a bit of the other


thats the only part i agree with, you say there's not enough groups as it is, giving /level 50 to people who have lvl 50's that will completely screw anyone without a lvl 50 or did i misunderstand what you were saying?

Then there is many screwed people right now. But havent heard any complains about that.

HALLOOOOOOOO GUY'S. The game allready have /level command implemented. Its not my invention.


Originally posted by -fwapp-
well basicly there are still quite a few ppl who dont have a 50 just a bunch of 30s and 40s, and making the /50 command would make them kinda isolated :)
i find that the rvr/pve for money bits are pretty balanced and are useful if u get bored of 1 aspect for a bit and want to do a bit of the other

You make a contradictory point when you say 'quite a few people'. If there are that many people who have never got to 50 then they can all exp together. the current system is making people who have played for almost 2 years go through the exp grind over and over and over and over and over and over.........................................

............. again, well you get the idea.


I don't have a level 50. I have played since the beginning. I pay the same amount as level 50s. Why the fuck should I miss out? IMO everyone who has played over a year should be given /level anyway.


Originally posted by mucking_fuppet
I don't have a level 50. I have played since the beginning. I pay the same amount as level 50s. Why the fuck should I miss out? IMO everyone who has played over a year should be given /level anyway.

Work harder then, 20 months is a long time to have never dinged the big 50. Why should everyone else not have it just because you haven't managed to get a char to 50 for whatever reason.


Originally posted by mucking_fuppet
I don't have a level 50. I have played since the beginning. I pay the same amount as level 50s. Why the fuck should I miss out? IMO everyone who has played over a year should be given /level anyway.
Just out of curiosity, WHY don't you have a lvl50 after all this time?
Why should you get a free one if you can't even be bothered to earn one?


Originally posted by mikkelhelle
Then there is many screwed people right now. But havent heard any complains about that.

HALLOOOOOOOO GUY'S. The game allready have /level command implemented. Its not my invention.

Yes the game is already imbalanced in RvR, wanna make it even more imbalanced ?

sure would be great with /level 50 but that would kill the game, no new players ( not that it's lots of new players anyway but /level 50 would make sure noone would start playing ).

/level 20 does suck for those without a lvl50 char, but still lvl20 is quite easy solo doing KT etc.


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
You make a contradictory point when you say 'quite a few people'. If there are that many people who have never got to 50 then they can all exp together. the current system is making people who have played for almost 2 years go through the exp grind over and over and over and over and over and over.........................................

............. again, well you get the idea.
mate have u leveled thru the 30s recently? if so, imagine it with far less people to grp with


Originally posted by -fwapp-
mate have u leveled thru the 30s recently? if so, imagine it with far less people to grp with


Originally posted by svartmetall
Just out of curiosity, WHY don't you have a lvl50 after all this time?
Why should you get a free one if you can't even be bothered to earn one?

ROFL because I have a life, I'm afraid - I've given up every time I got close to 40 as you need to play 10 hours a day straight to level. I deserve this just as much as any other level 50.


Originally posted by -fwapp-
mate have u leveled thru the 30s recently? if so, imagine it with far less people to grp with

Yes I have on my Reaver, there are a reasonable amount of people around still exp'ing so all it takes is 'EFFORT' to get a group sorted. If you look on Prydwen/Albion forums you will see people organising fixed groups for 30-45 on a weekly basis.


Originally posted by mucking_fuppet
ROFL because I have a life, I'm afraid - I've given up every time I got close to 40 as you need to play 10 hours a day straight to level. I deserve this just as much as any other level 50.

Sorry but no, even if you soloed all the way you could still do level 50 in a year playing 3 hours a day and the only people who solo all the way are usually scouts and necro's.


Originally posted by mikkelhelle
Then there is many screwed people right now. But havent heard any complains about that.

HALLOOOOOOOO GUY'S. The game allready have /level command implemented. Its not my invention.

there are alot of people who cant find groups as they arent lvl 20 but /level 50 hasnt been implemented (afaik) and so it would mean no groups from lvl 1-49 rather than 1-20 ;)


ROFL because I have a life, I'm afraid - I've given up every time I got close to 40 as you need to play 10 hours a day straight to level. I deserve this just as much as any other level 50

Errm no you dont, you earn a lvl50, i've played since beta aswell and got my 1st lvl50 last night.. i didn't once think i 'deserved' a lvl50 handed to me just 'cos i have been here since the start.


Thanks no, already enough level 50's around who have no clue how to play their class ;) No need to have more of them around ;)

Oh, and I'm pretty sure this would make the stealthzerg even worse... Guess the second it would be implemented it would be:
/who all -> 560
/who infiltrator -> 300
/who Scout -> 200

Hooray, sounds like fun ;)

I really really hate the level grind. I made "only" two level 50 chars since release and still I think Instalvl 50's would hurt the game more than it'd help.

Want a buffbot? /level 50 There you go

Cba to get a respecstone for your LowRR-Class X? Just delete and /level 50

Want Excal insta zerg on Prydwen? Watch Uber-Excal Guild /level 50 on Prydwen then... Sounds like a lot of fun in emain...

etc. ;)




I never want to use the /level command at all , i dont have a lvl 50 yet , still working towards my first , and still enjoying it even though i have been playing DAoC for over a year now , like SI and the new classes and race , will enjoy foundations and cant wait for ToA .

Half the fun of playing is grp and xping , yes if you cant find a grp lvling is slow , and worse on less populated servers which can use the lvl command. Unforunally people have real lives outside DAoC or just get bored which i have become , so i take a break and play planetside and Star wars galaxies , but still come back to DAoC. Remember too much of something can be a bad thing ..


Originally posted by mucking_fuppet
ROFL because I have a life, I'm afraid - I've given up every time I got close to 40 as you need to play 10 hours a day straight to level. I deserve this just as much as any other level 50.
I have a very hectic life, too, but found time to earn my lvl50.

You DON'T have an automatic 'right' to a lvl50...

/lvl is a reward for those who have put in the effort to get to 50, pure and simple.


Originally posted by Barek_Pureblade
i've played since beta aswell and got my 1st lvl50 last night
Grats :).

Didn't it feel nice, knowing you'd EARNED it?


it was great, felt really good after playing for so long :)
it was even better when i went into DF with a few guildies and 4of us killed the princess twice :clap:


Ah, this really is funny. So despite the fact that I've probably played more than some level 50s, but just not in a straight line, so to say - half an hour here, half an hour there - barely ever enough time to group properly - I don't deserve a level 50? Fuck off. Mythic should allow for people with social lives too, and I'm fed up of all this "you haven't earnt" bullshit, there was no way in hell I could have levelled to 50 in the time I had, unless it was back to back. I know what I deserve, and that's a level 50 like almost every other player in this game.


um.. seriously. You want to take the easy route to 50? There's only one way to lvl 50 imo and that's a bit of dedication. If you only play 30 mins a day then the dedication isn't there. Even the busiest person in the world can find more than 30 mins in their life to do something they love. In short, why exactly do you deserve to have a lvl 50?


you don't deserve anything ..

hell ... why not give a free lvl50 with every account? you pay for it right? so you deserve that..right?

just shut up and lvl to 50, it's really not that hard .. most of us did it


Re: mm

Originally posted by sleeplessone
I never want to use the /level command at all , i dont have a lvl 50 yet , still working towards my first , and still enjoying it even though i have been playing DAoC for over a year now , like SI and the new classes and race , will enjoy foundations and cant wait for ToA .

Half the fun of playing is grp and xping , yes if you cant find a grp lvling is slow , and worse on less populated servers which can use the lvl command. Unforunally people have real lives outside DAoC or just get bored which i have become , so i take a break and play planetside and Star wars galaxies , but still come back to DAoC. Remember too much of something can be a bad thing ..

Totally I actually like the early stages of lvleling, I have a lot of low level alts which I play with because I enjoy finding out how a class works and TBH I think you learn more about the way a class works in the first 20/30 levels than you do in the latter stages...

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