level 1 to level 50




Have read that ppl who really likes PvE exists but as for me, PvE is boring. Beating some machine controlled mobs for hours...again..again..I cant get whats the fun in that? Hrr...

RvR is opposite, human controlled characters. Group working against each other. Close fights always exciting and I dont mind even I loose. Of course you like to win but its just game at the end.

Have been 2 times at SI lands...looks nice but still only that PvE...went fast back to Svasud find some RvR grps. :)


It took me /played 33 days to get my NS to 50, a long time I know, but that's cos of only getting to play at weird times when hardly anyone online.
To be honest, I dread the thought of trying to get another character to 50, but I'm trying anyway cos rvr just isnt so great that I feel I should stop now and just rack up rp's. There's too many with the zerg mentality in random rvr groups who ruin the fun by not sticking with the group, running off like headless chickens, not knowing how to play their character. I feared that level 50 might not be as splendid as I imagined while i was trying to level ... and it's not. Hey maybe it will get better when the p0w3r g4m3r kids get bored and leave. Makes me wonder why I want to get another to 50 though ...... I guess that's addiction ;)

Those who have a level 50 already should be able to start a new class at level 20 imho. I've started most hib characters as an alt at one time or another ...... none of which were hard to learn. You can pick up all you need to know about a class from 20-50 just as well as you can 1-50. I think there should be a reward for having got one to 50 already ....... and I don't think rvr is it ;)
I also think it should be easier to get to 50 generally. The difficulty as it is, tempts people to spend WAY too much time in the game instead of RL imho. And if you just enjoy pve ....... well, then go pve, you dont HAVE to stop at 50.


It took me a lot longer than that to solo my ranger to 50. I enjoyed the challenge and the long journey. Having said that, I would rather gouge out both my eyes with a spork than do it again, and I would leverage my existing high level character in any way possible (twinking, powerleveling) to raise up my alts as quickly and painlessly as possible.


I really enjoy the levelling process.. although thats only if I can find a group or at least vary my hunting spots. The 40-50 bit can get to be a drag after a while though.. even though some of those levels are definately fun. Im fairly sure my opinion will change when my next alt nears 50 :)


It's rather sad that you have to waste so many hours of your life levelling to 50 just to enjoy the only fun part of this game.


Well, it really doesnt take very long to get to level 50 then whether it be 5 game days or 25 game days. I'm in top 5 players in Runescape, my total playing time is 150 game days, and that doesnt even make me top player, only top 5 as I said. 25 days is a walk in the park in comparison.

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