level 1 to level 50



anyone esle sick of it ?
it takes far to long now.... once u exped from 1 to 50 u really dont want to do it again do u ?
people with buffbots take like 5 hours to get to lvl 15+ people without 5 hours lvl 7 may be ?:p
i know there ment to be a patch up an coming once u made a lvl 50 u auto get lvl 20 when making a new class? dont u think it be better chaging the lvl 20 to lvl 45? after all why would anyone want to do more pve if they done it before ? tbh i am thinking of quiting daoc because of the pve crap... takes like /play 8 days to make a lvl 50 (without messing about or rvr) which is a bit of a joke...

but anyway anyone esle sick of exping 1-50 if u done it before on that realm ? :sleeping:

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Mr TNT
anyone esle sick of it ?
it takes far to long now.... once u exped from 1 to 50 u really dont want to do it again do u ?
people with buffbots take like 5 hours to get to lvl 15+ people without 5 hours lvl 7 may be ?:p
i know there ment to be a patch up an coming once u made a lvl 50 u auto get lvl 20 when making a new class? dont u think it be better chaging the lvl 20 to lvl 45? after all why would anyone want to do more pve if they done it before ? tbh i am thinking of quiting daoc because of the pve crap... takes like /play 8 days to make a lvl 50 (without messing about or rvr) which is a bit of a joke...

but anyway anyone esle sick of exping 1-50 if u done it before on that realm ? :sleeping:

Thus you role a good class and stick with it.

<Krypt licks Mr T> :p


Originally posted by Mr TNT
takes like /play 8 days to make a lvl 50 (without messing about or rvr) which is a bit of a joke..

mate if you do 1-50 on /played = 8 days you are getting powerlevelled almost the entire time, slow down and enjoy the game/scenery and a good hunt for FUN not exp..... might make it a bit easiere for you in the end



Some people just enjoy PvE. I do, and I made a damn infiltrator.

I hope to god they don't add this "free level 20 alts for level 50s" thing. That's a horrible idea.. I mean.. your first 20 levels teaches you alot about your character, stuff you should already know by level 20..


lvling from 1-50 should be fun and hard, imo it's just right atm. And don't gimmie a patch where things get easier cause i lvled my inf to 47 and it sure took me long enough and i don't want to meet a person who does it in half the time it took me to do it...

Carlos Bananos

Re: Re: level 1 to level 50

Originally posted by Octanion

mate if you do 1-50 on /played = 8 days you are getting powerlevelled almost the entire time, slow down and enjoy the game/scenery and a good hunt for FUN not exp..... might make it a bit easiere for you in the end

When you've done it all before 3-4 times, theres not much to enjoy really.

My healer is 43 atm, just over 1 day played, going as fast as i can because lvls 1-49 are boring as hell.


I hate xping tbh I want all my alts to be lvl50 so I can go rvr ffs >,<


my chanter currently 35 and 3 days played, has NOT been power leveled, tbh 50 is easily managable if you do not RvR and solo if you dont get groups, mind can be boring or as fun as you make it.


hit 24 with my animist today on pryd 1 day 17 hours played no power lvling as i dont have any chars on there just good old fashioned looking for a group.

I actually enjoyed it reminded me of when the game was released about exploration and stuff.
atm im looking to get 4-5 lvls a day ive done it so far plus i got this week off work so ive set my target for lvl 30 by next sunday il probably get over that but still nice to set a target


would love to try more characters in RvR.

I tried some in thidranki, RM, SB, skald, etc but getting them to 50 just takes too long.

It may be a strength financially, getting people to pay for longer, but once you've been there, done that, gotten the epic armor, xping is one of the biggest chores in the world.
Sure, it can be fun, now and then, but it's the same old leveling threadmill as before, and it's just boring.

I can't wait til games like SW:G, Shadowbane, PlanetSide come out - they have no leveling threadmill as such.

and about the lvl 20 alts - you can get to 20 in less than a day. My best so far is 18 hours. Good groups and knowing where to xp makes it easier.


Venture about the new lands same treadmill but explore and see what you're limits are. Sitting and xping at the same spot will be very boring. Its good to move about.


i dont mind the length it takes to get to level 50 but it has to be fun, getting from level 1-40 can be fun, but i think everyone agrees that going from 40-50 is very very boring, killing the same thing for a whole week, and waiting for groups for hours sometimes,

think they should make exping from 40-50 more fun somehow but im not sure what.


I don't see how anyone can get from 1-50 in 8 days and still have any form of social life tbh. I'm averaging a level a day atm (maybe 6 hours playing a day tops) and I thought that's pretty good - but I can't see how it's possible to go faster without being a) powerlevelled or
b) playing day and night.
I wish this game took half the time to get to level 50, because I have played since the beginning and not got one character beyond 40, despite playing just about every class. The reason? I can't play for hours on end, my time is more or less split up, so I might manage 4 hours in a row if I'm lucky... you can say "you have to persevere" etc. but I know people who have been stuck in their 40s for months because they share my situation.

Obviously drasitcally reducing the time it takes to level 50 is going to annoy current level 50s, but then which patch wouldn't... the best I can realistically hope at the moment is level 50 in a month (nearly 35 now) and I know there will be some powergaming reaver or necro there before me.


the_chimera, most of the people are talking about 8 days PLAYED, the time you see with /played. As in 8 days spend ingame. It can be around 9 IRL days or a month, depends on how many much you play per session.

My first char had around 25d /played when it dinged 50.
Second char got up a bit faster, due some helpful guildmates and we got a tangler group going with few guildies, did it for few days.
Got him to 50 with only 15 days.
Third char was a PvP char, very high powerleveling, took me only 5 days.
Same for the fourth char, 5 days.

And trust me, Im not ever never ever never ever never gonna exp normally again. It sucks. Period. 1-40 takes only couple of days, its fast and fun. 40-50 is so slow and frustrating, you could call it ingame hell.


I don't see how anyone can get from 1-50 in 8 days and still have any form of social life tbh

um... I think 8 days means /played, not real time.


8 days played may be possible if you do not stop on the way, I had about 8 days with my warrior at 40, but I was also RR2 by then. But surely now people would want to stop and take in the new SI surroundings rather than powergame their way to 50? Or does being the first reaver/necromancer to hit 50 really mean that much...


Second char got up a bit faster, due some helpful guildmates and we got a tangler group going with few guildies, did it for few days.

Yeah, you and a level 50 sorc :/


Originally posted by old.Kladen

think they should make exping from 40-50 more fun somehow but im not sure what.

6 new zones, 3 new dungeons :)

It's called shrouded isles.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin

6 new zones, 3 new dungeons :)

It's called shrouded isles.

the lack of seers in mid/pry it would not matter if u had 30 new dungeons...
u could be waiting around for hours on end for a healer/shammy


Originally posted by Mr TNT
anyone esle sick of it ?
it takes far to long now.... once u exped from 1 to 50 u really dont want to do it again do u ?
people with buffbots take like 5 hours to get to lvl 15+ people without 5 hours lvl 7 may be ?:p
i know there ment to be a patch up an coming once u made a lvl 50 u auto get lvl 20 when making a new class? dont u think it be better chaging the lvl 20 to lvl 45? after all why would anyone want to do more pve if they done it before ? tbh i am thinking of quiting daoc because of the pve crap... takes like /play 8 days to make a lvl 50 (without messing about or rvr) which is a bit of a joke...

but anyway anyone esle sick of exping 1-50 if u done it before on that realm ? :sleeping:

go back playing quake ;)


Re: Re: level 1 to level 50

Originally posted by Octanion

mate if you do 1-50 on /played = 8 days you are getting powerlevelled almost the entire time
I had about ~5 days on both of my heroes (one on excal, one on camlann) when I dinged 50 and no "powerleveling" as such was used.


Well I am quite new and have got to almost level 20 in about 2 days /played by doing the tasks from guards which may seem a bit slow but I have also been doing tailoring along the way to help with my armour as I go. I understand that the guards stop giving tasks at level 20 but you can do some kind of quests which give extra experience between levels 20 and 40. Have any of you levelled in this way and was it worthwhile?

Oh... and before you all tell me to find an 'uber group' I tend to solo as I find it quite relaxing after work :)


Personally having levelled to 50 a few times I would do anything (...anything legal) to accellerate the levelling grind.

I hate it.



Originally posted by Dook_Pug
Personally having levelled to 50 a few times I would do anything (...anything legal) to accellerate the levelling grind.

I hate it.

Cant say better...PvE simply sucks. RvR is fun :)

Have you tested PvE servers yet btw? :p


u shuld really consider another game then.. this game is not only rvr.. pve is big part of it and i really like it..
And if u culd do a lvl 45 when u had a 50 imagen the number stealthers.... if some tank wished to go solo emain 40 stealthers wuld come rushing just to get him first....

edit: oh ya.. and u play cuz its fun.. not like its a "job" to get a lvl 50.. try anotherr ealm if u've seen it all be4.. im having a awesome time lvling in alb tho i hate pve in midgard (seen it all there).


I dont know if u have noticed it m8, but lvlíng is part of the game. some ppl actually enjoy it. those who dont shouldnt really bother to make a new char. but stick to the one they have. If u dont like the one u have, get hold of a new account by trading or something.

u kinda knew that lvlíng was part of the game from the very beginning, and if it took 2 days to get to 50, it wouldnt be much of a game either, now would it.

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