Let's talk about GOA


Brannor McThife

Re: Re: Let's talk about GOA

Originally posted by Vell
A few new areas to run around in, but given that (almost) no-one has explored the entirity of each area in the game anyway, will it make any difference?
Only point I actually disagree with you on. ;) (I must fall into the "almost"... :p )

I have been to almost every corner of Midgard. All across the frontier, into every dungeon, and even swam out to some of those little islands offshore to see what was there. Ok, I haven't been to 100% of the place and haven't killed EVERY creature there is to find. But I've been around.

Also, I explored a lot of Hib (still got lots more to do there someday) and am presently exploring Alb.

I love dungeons and will love DF. But I've still got lots of the normal game to explore, both area and class-wise.



Oh, I fall into the 'almost' too. Don't misunderstand me - the points I made were not actually what I think, but what I could think if I wanted to look on Mythic in a bad light. Does that make sense?

The point I was trying to get across is that I think some people need to remove their blinkers and actually see the bigger picture. No, GOA are not perfect. But there not as bad as some people like to make out, either.


Originally posted by Vell
Still, I guess the optimists need the pessimists to remind us how happy we are.

This has to be the best quote i have seen in a long time


Originally posted by old.Cordain
If the english servers would be patched up to US version there would be massive movement from french/german servers to the english ones.
Yes and I know they should do some work on the server farms for this but hey...

No they wouldn't, they would play on the US servers allready if it was so. So that argument isn't IMO a valid one.

To play DaoC in German/French is an extended service from GOA to Germans and French people and the English talking players are the ones to wait for something that's doesn't change the games content from the US versions. Ridicolous priority if you ask me.

Brannor McThife

Well, I have to say something about the patch levels. :p

Chenuba, you miss the fact, that if we went straight to the latest patch, the french and german players WOULD shift. Why? Because it costs them NOTHING. Shifting to the USA costs them more money.

And I enjoy NOT seeing Armorer, etc. Besides, just wait for the PvP server...then see how the Germans will occupy most of it, and the "english" players will be in a minority. One server, capped at 3500, means 70% German, 29% French, and 1% english. Would you like that on Prydwen/Excalibur? No? I thought not.




just to add my 2 cents into the mixer

why would french and germans leave their nicely translates servers at 1.48 with their established level 40-50 characetsr and a great community to come and play on a slightly more up to date patched English server with a bunch of strangers and loads of players level 50+?

dont think they would relish starting all over again at level 1.

Sure you would get a few die hards to do this, but these would be a very select few.

Dont start spouting how Germans and French would abandon their beloved servers to come play a more patchye dEnglish server.

Would you leave your server and lots of your friends and your nice level 50 char to move tpo a german or fench server if they got 1.49 now and we didnt? NO i dont think you would, silly argument imo.

Brannor McThife

Ahh, but Solid, you're assuming that they'll move one by one. What if entire guilds moved? I mean, I moved from Hib to Mid and restarted, and have done so again recently.

Let's loose the herd.

:m00: :m00: :m00: :m00: :m00:
:m00: :m00: :m00: :m00: :m00:



YIIHAA! Round 'em up boys!

I :m00: :m00: I :whip:
I :m00: :m00: :whip:
I :m00: :m00: I :whip:

Brannor McThife

The last 4 make a run for the open plains while Tohtori :sleeping:




:sleeping: <-------Tohtori

................................(Screech!) :m00:
..............................(Screech!) :m00: Tohtoris friend ---> :flame:
..................................(Screech!) :m00:
.............................(Screech!) :m00:


Originally posted by Solid
just to add my 2 cents into the mixer

Would you leave your server and lots of your friends and your nice level 50 char to move tpo a german or fench server if they got 1.49 now and we didnt? NO i dont think you would, silly argument imo.

Actually, if the french servers got patched to 1.51 now, then yes, I would go and play on them. As it stands already, I am playing a french server to get my third realm, so makes no difference to me.

Although, it is true, some would not move. But some would. And given that the german and french populations outweigh the English, it would make a substantial difference to the server populations, and quite possibly, the servers would become flooded.

IMO, it is your arguement that is the silly one - just because you wouldn't do it, don't assume that no-one would.


Vell :(

I was thinking whether I wanna start a discussion on this point, and gave up after writing 2 paragraphs, sorry :)

It aint gonna happen so no point in me getting worked up I guess :)

so how r the Cows doing lads?
All penned up again?



Path - hope u left the spinal cord alone, dont want u getting BSE now do we?


GOA is getting a right dogging in the UK pc gamer mags for their lack of patches, and new content.

A quote from PC Gamer August issue . " The European version of the game is seldom updated already many months behind the US release due to translation issues, sparsely populated (with very few real role players around ) and very sloppily managed. If you want to play import a US copy and use the proper servers."

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