Lets make Lyonesse alive!



wizards > tanglers

was great... it would always be a case of "ok u guys keep us alive, while i kill everything in sight in 10 seconds flat. ok? go."



At its worst I would actually close my eyes at night and hear pygmy goblins.

Yurk, yurk, yurk, arghhhh!

Yurk, yurk, yurk, arghhhh!

Yurk, yurk, yurk, arghhhh!

Yurk, yurk, yurk, arghhhh!

Madonion Slicer

First time i was in a tangler pull i was in amazment of how many mobs came, man i hate the little buggers but would love to get some groups going back there again.

My Earth wizard use to rock there, but now he just sits on a rock unwanted by all :(


This not a post " oh lets tell our tanglerz stories"

Just get your asses to Lyonesse :p


First tangler pull is I guess something everyone remembers.

39 levels of asinine pulls where 3 mobs at a time would be considered 'adventurous'.

Then suddenly a fricken goblin army rises up in front you. And while the group in front you looks a little nervous, nobody is actually shouting "RUN AWAY RUN AWAY!".


This not a post " oh lets tell our tanglerz stories"

Just get your asses to Lyonesse

Pfft. You been hijackxxored.


Originally posted by Eporunner
...don't reply on such stupid aggro-reaction Moona. Such guys don't even deserve a look ingame.

Originally posted by moona
And you are?

Originally posted by moona
he 's still jealous because i could solo tanglers :p

Hail yea Landtwat :)

Well, if you pause for a second and apply your gargantuan mental powers to the problem, it may just occur to you that I am in fact... Landshark. Hi.
You, Sir, were a fucking awful sorc when I grouped with you on two occaisions at tanglers. You didn't pay attention, I personally remember having to tell you that debuffs break mezz, you didn't communicate and you constantly blamed others for your deaths to miserably badly-controlled pulls, which were damn frequent because you never started casting until they were pretty-much on top of us. Don't tell me I'm jealous you can solo tanglers, because I'm perfectly capable of it myself and... tbh, I just don't see your point :great:
Sorcs like you are what made even tanglers (which, in a good group, were as fast as it got from 40 to 44) hellish.

For what it's worth, I grouped with you a few times when I was levelling my first lvl50 and you were playing Babluna, and you were a perfectly good paladin.


LOL so you grp with me 2 fuckin times and i'm a bad sorc

whats your lastname Landshark MisterPerfect??

did you ever played a sorc yourself?

btw i was a good paladin, its not difficult to hit the Amethyst slash button

now go play with your GI Joe's again ;)


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
...got cut off mid-sentence?

Couldn't find the edit button in time! rar!

Originally posted by moona
LOL so you grp with me 2 fuckin times and i'm a bad sorc

whats your lastname Landshark MisterPerfect??

did you ever played a sorc yourself?

btw i was a good paladin, its not difficult to hit the Amethyst slash button

now go play with your GI Joe's again ;)

I pointed you out on two occaisions to the group leader when we needed a sorc, both times ended with the group splitting in short order and people PMing me that "hehe maybe moona was a bad idea =)" and so on.

No. For all I know I was a lousy fucking friar, but clearly I didn't stick in your memory as being too dire to even play right in PvE :great:

Yes, thanks. I was, even if I say so myself, perfectly fkin good at it in PvE, because let's face it if you can't play a sorc at tanglers at lvl40+ (i.e. without having a huge resist rate) then you aren't worth of the class. I got to level 47 on Guinevere before I cancelled my US account and moved to Excal when the game opened in Europe.

Well, perhaps good then is an overstatement - let's just say that when you told me in-game that you were babaluna's alt, I said to myself "hum, should have stuck to playing pala".

And in closing...


First time i went there i got a piece of advice i still remember this day:

When we pull, repell u urge to run away, we r perfectly safe!

sad thing was... he pulled whole beach and we died, and 3 of us had a hard time beliving him after that :p


Dear Mister Landtwat,

first i dont remember you , i should have done it because , you happy attitude

But i'll put you on my Friends list , yes you read it good , FRIENDS list
you know why? i forgive peoples :)

From now on i'll stalk you to dead

Happy huntin


my first tangler grp was with herc a long time ago when a fucked up pull wiped out not only your grp but any1 else anywhere near the tangler area.

Lyonesse was a nice place back then, especially with the chain pulling and CRIPPLE!!!! (seen spanish dudes in those grps)

I still hunt there with a cabby m8 to farm and pl. cabby+wizz kills the whole pull very easy :) however I was much more effective as an earth wiz, not having a proper aoe dd/snare makes it a bit harder and no dot is always a bad thing, no AOE root is the killer, the earth bolt used to almost 1 shot the tangler, now i have to settle for a few ice nukes :(


landshark id love to see you play a fresh new sorc at tanglers
it takes quiet a lot of bubs to get used to it
i watched moona doing tangz alot and she was doing a great job at it
mayb you joined her grp when you was in a bad mood or got yoursleve killed a couple times in a row out of your own stupidity and just started blaming moona for it

it is really a pity that tanglers arent camped anymore cuz it was a great learning skool for every sorc who is about to enter bigboys RvR

and yeah i miss those tang days too
soloing the entire beach with your pokemon hours after hours
paying attention, swapping tru 2quickbars at teh same time
not pressing 1spell sprint /face same spell sprint again liek most tang farmers do

still soloing aqua once in a while outta nostalgy (without any pet thoo ) but aqua and beach just drain to much power


Look, I have no idea why I bothered bringing up the flame in this thread but I can assure you I'm not enough of a fucking retard to blame other people for my own mistakes in PvE groups. Just forget I said anything - Moona, I apologise. :rolleyes:


Nice to see ya have a hate-love relationship now


Originally posted by fl_gorre
landshark id love to see you play a fresh new sorc at tanglers
it takes quiet a lot of bubs to get used to it
i watched moona doing tangz alot and she was doing a great job at it
mayb you joined her grp when you was in a bad mood or got yoursleve killed a couple times in a row out of your own stupidity and just started blaming moona for it

it is really a pity that tanglers arent camped anymore cuz it was a great learning skool for every sorc who is about to enter bigboys RvR

and yeah i miss those tang days too
soloing the entire beach with your pokemon hours after hours
paying attention, swapping tru 2quickbars at teh same time
not pressing 1spell sprint /face same spell sprint again liek most tang farmers do

still soloing aqua once in a while outta nostalgy (without any pet thoo ) but aqua and beach just drain to much power

Well cant say playin sorc is very hard really at tanglers. Never played a sorc before and for about 7 months ago i borrowed a friends sorc , asked mezzzi for a quick breifing how to do it then it took 5 min and u could solo em just perfect.


hmmz i cant say ive ever tried, is it possible these days with a 44 mind / 31 body spec?
edit: should be pointed out that landshark was referring to playing a sorc in a tangler group rather than solo, which from experience was trickier than you might imagine


I'd imagine it might be smoothly doable with a buffbot, at the aqueducts... :p

Cabas can still do beach or trees fairly easily, so I'm sure a sorc could manage ducts.

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