let's get back to a true test of skill..


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
remove /assist from game and use your eyes to pick targets.

assist trains ruining game now.

(and yes i play hib and i know hibs do it to nuke.. but u cant interupt tanks can you? not properly...)

get back to old school ways imo.. /assist is the tool of the idiot and unskilled.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
That would be better yes, would just require tanks to be awake. However that would nerf assist nuke groups more.

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Cheese? :D
And no I don't know the first thing about /assist as I've never played any tank propperly! I'm just doing my job: Offering Teh Cheese™! :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
I think assist is an ok command in PVE. But should be removed when RVRing.
This gives some kind of issue in DF. But etc just say you cant assist a target which got targeted a realm enemy?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
What about spread heals? If Tanks are allowed to start using skill again then the same should go for Healers :)

Munkyman OFC

Fledgling Freddie
Apr 10, 2004
tbh i dont use assist. i dont see the need for it. i can see who needs killing first. if others cant then thats their fault ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003


And to AE nuke multiple targets you would have to select everyone you want to nuke by holding shift down for example.

Or maybe just leave things as they are :p Removing just /assist would hurt casters much more than tanks as pointed out by Asty.

[edit:] Perhaps you should have to target everyone you want to use your AE spell into too? To make spamming PB/AE mezz/nuke/amnesia/etc harder aswell? :p [/edit]


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
remove pbae box then aswell, not that i couldnt live without assist macro... its silly shouldnt be ingame, but boxing up and spamming pbae is not that either.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
stick and face are ok, as you need them alot.

assist on the other hand just Zzz, really takes the fun out of group rvr for me, when the seers can't even do their job when a target falls to the ground in 2sec from a train of mercs for example.

mainly see the opt groups doing it tho... and their ment to be teh skilled, leet most of the time, rather confussing. :/

Prefer mouse targeting or nearest enemy, assist is so boring, ma - stick/face - sprint - spam your anytime - Zzz


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Jaem- said:
stick and face are ok, as you need them alot.

assist on the other hand just Zzz, really takes the fun out of group rvr for me, when the seers can't even do their job when a target falls to the ground in 2sec from a train of mercs for example.
/stick MA, target the enemy he is running to and start spamming styles, not that much difference really.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Jaem- said:
assist on the other hand just Zzz, really takes the fun out of group rvr for me, when the seers can't even do their job when a target falls to the ground in 2sec from a train of mercs for example.

This is hilarious in so many ways it transcends funny :p

ps. I dont use /assist because Im usually the ONLY guy actually trying to target healers :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Saggy said:


And to AE nuke multiple targets you would have to select everyone you want to nuke by holding shift down for example.

Or maybe just leave things as they are :p Removing just /assist would hurt casters much more than tanks as pointed out by Asty.

[edit:] Perhaps you should have to target everyone you want to use your AE spell into too? To make spamming PB/AE mezz/nuke/amnesia/etc harder aswell? :p [/edit]

i agree stupid box system is far more easier to play then assist trains..
the leader needs to pick targets...
box system is only "Oh nice inc lets stay all at 1 point and spam pbae, spread heal, grabble, bodyguard -> oh we have won ? i dont even targeted one enemy"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
constanze said:
box system is only "Oh nice inc lets stay all at 1 point and spam pbae, spread heal, grabble, bodyguard -> oh we have won ? i dont even targeted one enemy"

the "box system" as you put it is actually an age long military tactic used when defending against overwhelming enemies. More commonly called the "square" you basically have 4 lines of pike/riflemen (depending on which era you're in ofc ;) ) that form the 4 sides of a square. Cannons (if available) go at the corners and any officers, support elements etc go in the middle. If anyone falls in a line it simply shortens to fill in the gap and you can quickly move men from one line to another as they can run through the middle of the box. It's an extremely solid defensive position and requires a dispraportionate amount of attackers to dislogde, especially if they insist on charging in at close range. Of course people in a box are usually vulnerable to ranged attacks except in cases where the box group happens to have long ranged forms of attack too.

In DAoC unless you accidentally stumble into a box or get a very unlucky mez where your whole group is stuck in the same spot then there is really no reason why you should die to one. Stay away from the box, spread out to prevent the box charging to you, learn about the other classes in your realm and realise there's more than just tanks and support classes in the game. Trying to resist the urge to /assist spam steamroll everything in sight like normal also helps.

Bring on New Frontiers where the different terrain will actually promote a more tactical way of playing.

(back on topic - yes get rid of /assist - can only be good).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
constanze said:
i agree stupid box system is far more easier to play then assist trains..
the leader needs to pick targets...
box system is only "Oh nice inc lets stay all at 1 point and spam pbae, spread heal, grabble, bodyguard -> oh we have won ? i dont even targeted one enemy"

too bad it doesnt work like that against good groups, boxing can be a suicide if enemy support is free, if you get spammed by ae interrupts all the time the pbae doesnt help much :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
in a box are usually vulnerable to ranged attacks -> rofl show me one alb group that runs with mages (i really wonder why i seee sooooo many albion pbae groups -> our casters owns)

learn about the other classes in your realm and realise there's more than just tanks and support classes in the game -> aha you opened my eyes that must the reason for 3 healer 3 savage groups

nothing beats a hib group with 2 bg, bladeturn and chanters nuking in 0.2 s while somone is using grabble

Stay away from the box -> so chanters can debuff their own nukes to assist kill our alb support

Bring on New Frontiers -> when albion will finally loose their RA advantage so they can die faster to pbae groups

anymore nice ideas?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
constanze said:
in a box are usually vulnerable to ranged attacks -> rofl show me one alb group that runs with mages (i really wonder why i seee sooooo many albion pbae groups -> our casters owns)

learn about the other classes in your realm and realise there's more than just tanks and support classes in the game -> aha you opened my eyes that must the reason for 3 healer 3 savage groups

nothing beats a hib group with 2 bg, bladeturn and chanters nuking in 0.2 s while somone is using grabble

Stay away from the box -> so chanters can debuff their own nukes to assist kill our alb support

Bring on New Frontiers -> when albion will finally loose their RA advantage so they can die faster to pbae groups

anymore nice ideas?

:( :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Dunno if its just me... but even if spamming assist may sound too easy, its far from uncommon to meet a lvl50 light tank who isnt even able to make an assist macro. And meeting a tank who actually assists well is even more rare :eek:

Removing /assist would hurt assist nuking most, sure would be a bit harder for tanks too but instead of spamming /assist they could still go for same targets manually pretty well, especially with some kind of voice comm system; "new target avalonian invader" etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
constanze said:
in a box are usually vulnerable to ranged attacks -> rofl show me one alb group that runs with mages (i really wonder why i seee sooooo many albion pbae groups -> our casters owns)

learn about the other classes in your realm and realise there's more than just tanks and support classes in the game -> aha you opened my eyes that must the reason for 3 healer 3 savage groups

nothing beats a hib group with 2 bg, bladeturn and chanters nuking in 0.2 s while somone is using grabble

Stay away from the box -> so chanters can debuff their own nukes to assist kill our alb support

Bring on New Frontiers -> when albion will finally loose their RA advantage so they can die faster to pbae groups

anymore nice ideas?
haha. Get a good sorc and the pb box is useless. Get some brains and don't stand in a pbaoe box. At least Remish and Fader have the brains to run in and out a box.

2x bodyguard, yes that one is overpowered.
bladeturn, yes very useful vs dual wielders!!1
Chanters nuking in 0.2s :rolleyes:
chanters debuffing own dmg: debuff got nerfed so stop crying.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Removing Assist would make the Best Better as most good tanks dont need assist to kill anything ;) and it would make the crap players / /assist monkeys even worse.

As for casters, It would screw debuff groups up a little. They wouldnt be nearly as effective, they use it more efficiently.

The Caster with the biggest Nuke Effect would be easiest to assist :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
thanes > box groups :p

oh and since when has daoc required skill?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
raid said:
Removing /assist would hurt assist nuking most, sure would be a bit harder for tanks too but instead of spamming /assist they could still go for same targets manually pretty well, especially with some kind of voice comm system; "new target avalonian invader" etc.
Well I don't have more trouble selecting a target with my caster than with my tank. It's not that hard to see if Im nuking the same target as my friends tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
just implement collision detection, cut strafing speed to 30% and make characthers auto face while casting and never give the 'not in view' bug unless he is behind a obstacle

should fix assisttrains (cuz of collision detection you must walk in a line now while chasing someone, which means probably only one would hit you while running)

should also fix the boxing...

this game needs collision detection and the nerfing of AE effects more then anything (zerg based games (what daoc is becoming) + ae dont work, its like playing dodgeball with handgrenades)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Zebolt said:
Well I don't have more trouble selecting a target with my caster than with my tank. It's not that hard to see if Im nuking the same target as my friends tbh.

But you have to select a lot faster because 8 sec on debuff isnt long...

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