Legal help? Anyone? (Speeding Fine)




I heard.... (but don't quote me) that if you get fined, say £30 and you make out a cheque for £31 you can get away with not getting points added.

This 'apparently' works cos they have to give you the change via a cheque. If you don't cash the cheque then it doesn't go through the system and you don't get the points added.

Can anyone confirm/dismiss this?


30 mph over limit gets you a court case and probable ban.
25mph over limit gets you court case and large fine.

This was fully explianed to me by a member of Staffordshire Constabulary late one friday night on the A50 2 years ago as he pointed out that I was doing 97.5mph in a 70 mph zone.
I got 6 points and £300 costs/fine.

My brother got done on another A road doing 115mph, fine and 1 month ban. He was in an Integra Type R, "racing" a Mondeo ST24. The Mondeo turned out to be the Plod.

I considered my fine and points good value considering I've been doing this for years without previous prosecution.


Originally posted by Grandadwrinkle
Am I the only one here who has absolutely no sympathy
Give me a break. Who here doesn't speed whatsoever? I don't necessarily mean reckless speeding, I mean "driving at a speed appropriate for the conditions, the car and your own ability".

I couldn't give a shit if the limit is 70mph on the motorway, I'll happily do 80-90mph+ and beyond with impunity. I'll stick to 20 and 30mph limits almost always, and always within residential areas. I treat 60mph limits like motorway speeds (see above).

Feel free to judge :swords:


I believe the faster you drive.. the more you concentrate...

slow = boring, bored = day dream etc etc you get my point :)


Of course we break the speed limit regurlarly, but if I was caught I wouldn't start whining how the road was empty etc. You were speeding, you broke the law, there is no reasonable justification (Your partner wasn't giving birth in the back seat, a member of your family wasn't bleeding to death next to you).

Pay the fine if your lucky to get away with it, and keep a sharper eye out for speed cameras...

Rubber Bullets

Originally posted by PR.
Of course we break the speed limit regurlarly, but if I was caught I wouldn't start whining how the road was empty etc. You were speeding, you broke the law, there is no reasonable justification

Whilst this is correct I do have some sympathy for Perp, in this regard. I am feeling a little bit sorry for him anyway, banned from driving and these forums in one day; coincidence?......

Basically speed limits should be about safety, but in reality they are not. Doing 110mph on a straight, dry, empty and well lit stretch of motorway is much safer than doing 70mph on a very busy, wet stretch at night. Which is illegal? Which will get you banned? Which is more likely to see you, and possibly countless others in your local A&E department, or worse?

The 70mph limit was introduced in the early 70's (thanks to a couple of nutters from Motor magazine and an AC Cobra) cars then were considerably less safe than they are now, with fewer safety features and less effective brakes.

Don't get me wrong, I am entirely in favour of speed limits, and have no sympathy with people who get caught for exceeding them, I just wish there was a better way of setting them.

I would loive to see a way of having variable (though rigorously enforced) limits on motorways. It would be possible, though nop doubt prohibitively expensive, to have a system which would allow an unrestricted speed(within reason, perhaps a nominal 120-130mph) on the afformentioned empty well lit dry motorway, and yet would automatically drop this, by increments, to say a minimum of 40mph at rush hour in appaling weather conditions. Everyone who exceeded these limits would be punished accordingly.

If affordable I believe that this sort of system would make motorways a far safer place, but also give people the knowledge that under ideal conditions they would still be able to legally go for a bit of a blast :) . In reality of course we all know just how often those 'ideal' circumstances would occur on our over congested roads.



Originally posted by Durzel
Give me a break. Who here doesn't speed whatsoever? I don't necessarily mean reckless speeding, I mean "driving at a speed appropriate for the conditions, the car and your own ability".

I couldn't give a shit if the limit is 70mph on the motorway, I'll happily do 80-90mph+ and beyond with impunity. I'll stick to 20 and 30mph limits almost always, and always within residential areas. I treat 60mph limits like motorway speeds (see above).

Feel free to judge :swords:

I never commented on whether speeding was right or wrong. Of course everyone is guilty of it at some time, and tbh everyone has a right to decide whether or not to do it. Whether or not an individual has the ability to judge the conditions correctly is another matter.

Fact is though that its against the law and if you speed you run the risk of fines and or bans.

My comment is based on the fact that if that you decide to speed then at least take the rap with a bit of dignity, rather than either whinge about it or, in Perps case, boast about it.


To stick up for Perp in his absense: he wasn't actually whinging about it. He said "count yourself lucky <pic> :\"

Hardly whinging now, is it?


If you would take the time to read my post properly you will see that i said he was boasting, not as you seem to think,whinging:rolleyes:


Originally posted by Grandadwrinkle
rather than either whinge about it or, in Megs case , boast about it.

I was talking about Perp. You said Mystic G was boasting, but implied that Perp was whinging. And even if you were saying Perp was boasting.. he wasn't doing that either.


Whoops, me silly, apologies. Ive ammended it to what I meant it to say...its the dementia kicking in:mad:

Anyone who spends the time scanning that stuff ets etc and posting it is definately boasting in my books. Well agree to differ then


Well, it's a digital camera job, and it may well have been scanned earlier to show other people. Infact I'm certain it was. I very very much doubt that Perp was boasting becaus a) I know him a bit b) he's not 15.


I've been driving for 12 years, with 0 points on my license. I do about 25 000 miles a year, much of that up and down the motorway, at an average of 85mph.

Speeding is more an issue on A and B roads than it is on motorways. You might look at that dual carriageway with a 50mph limit and think "hang on, why shouldn't I go a bit faster?" Well thats fine, but limits are there to indicate safe maximum driving speeds, and not to be a guide for appropriate speeds. Somebody designed that road, and set that limit, for a good reason, and you can bet that that somebody knows a damn site more about road safety than the people using that road.

Designers also have to take into consideration different weather conditions. The vast majority of drivers don't, and as a result, accidents happen.

Most accidents on the motorways happen on the hard shoulder, so variable speed limits would not work above 70mph, unless you had cameras covering every single point on the variable section.


Re: Count yourself lucky...

Originally posted by Perplex
I'm going to lose my license on the 21st of March


If you were honestly driving that fast I have ZERO sympathy for you... a couple of years ago I had to climb out of an upturned car and pull three people out after me because the driver of the vehicle was speeding. He got a ban too. :D


Originally posted by Grandadwrinkle
Anyone who spends the time scanning that stuff ets etc and posting it is definately boasting in my books. Well agree to differ then


The digital pics were taken for a completely legitimate reason quite a while ago - but as this thread appeared I posted them to let Dinger know there is *always* someone worse off


Good. Thats all I can say on the matter.

The sad fact of the matter is that I know people that have gotten away with all sorts of shit. Lad at work got caught doing 117 in a 60 zone. 2 weeks ban and a 400 quid fine. My old man got caught doing over 100 in a 30 zone 3 days after getting his S3 - road side warning, no further action. Disgusting. Both are a danger and should have been off the road for a good year.

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