katt! said:mass brightlance platforms will kill 5 devastators in like 2 sec ;X
katt! said:not like they will spend more than 2% of the fight on their feet anyway xD
mts said:space marines pwn!"#!!1
... bring on your eldar avatar, bloodthirster and squittoth i will destruct them all!!
Cyfr said:I would own space marine... if my antitank tanks would fire on the target I select
They hit it with the shity guns then randomly fire the main antivehicle gun around at infantry![]()
unit control is rly fucked in this game, pathing sucks and they "lag" alot when they recieve orders etc. fire prisms like to roll the dice when selecting targets with the artillery as well etc.mts said:oh, thats no good :|
remember to report it as a bug! =)
katt! said:unit control is rly fucked in this game, pathing sucks and they "lag" alot when they recieve orders etc. fire prisms like to roll the dice when selecting targets with the artillery as well etc.
other than that it reminds me of starcraft which = teh good.
my orks never hit their designated target, but I doubt thats a bugmts said:yar, pathing really needs some work.. haven't experienced the problems you eldar guys have had yet. my dreads and missile marines usually hit their designated targets
Karam_Gruul said:btw, how the hell do you get your camera angle to be lower.. i dont mean to zoom in (with the mouse wheel) i mean... to make it more parrallel with the ground, so u can get a proper good look at the combat. cos at the moment i've only figured out how to zoom in from above so i can just kinda see the top of my peeps.
Cyfr said:alt and mouse I think it was