Learn the Lingo HAHAAHA! ahem



EB / haste : for theurgist buffs
Auto it : Start the autopull
PS : Powersong
pop : New spawn popped :)
oom / oop : aut of mana out of power
Pull: pull mobs ( doh )
FG : Full group
INC : Incoming
add : additional mob to the one pulled

Ill post more if i can think of em


Re: Learn the Lingo

TGW-Yup we have all come across it one day, Total Group Wipe, its when u are pulling some mobs on the plains only to find ur oh so clever scout friend has hit F8 on a mob of Grove Nymphs and while ur safely smacking some Basilisk around, unbeknown to u a small group of Nymphs are incoming to woop ya ass, resulting in you guessed it a TGW

:) i almost laugh when saw this one :)

I tried something familiar, with my scout.
I was in a treegrp, a tree was inc, and we began to fight it (as normal).
I press with my mouse on the tree, but somehow get targetted another Wintherwood behind that tree, and pull 3 new once :).


BUT we suvived.. luckily...

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