League Update



Right once again here i am to say my bit :p

Having a small lague with 8 v 8 to start with TBh is very fair considering their are alot small community based rules that need sorting. Take TFC for example Backtracking, spawn camping etc etc ok BF1942 hasnt got these yet and TBH till they are in some sort of order any lague will be full of more problems then would be expected.

The main reason for this first league is to iron out issues such as have been raised with clan games. Public games and Clan games are VERY differant and so noone really knows what to expect in a full blown league (anything might happen, just look at summo)


eLL Tee


call it bitching if you want. but a league made of a few clans all having as many team as they want would sux.

Cos Ive mentioned this the league master d00d has now said only 2 teams max. which tbh with a 8 v 8 league to start off aint too bad an idea.

Will I set up a clan, whats the point, there are loads of clans out there who need players, if you want more clans, why not let half of ur team go start another clan ?

So plz dont get pissy with me, cos i have as much say as anyone else here, if I think letting a clan have as many sub teams as they want will ruin the small community that pay for online gaming.

ie 3 or 4 clans with 20+ members each.

when you could have 7 or 8 clans with 10+ each.

eLL Tee

and on the league format situ.

Why not run a few cup comps to start it all off, to help start to see what maps work best.

start with a 2 week cup with as many clans that u have all with 1 team each, having fun and seeing what maps work best.

that will also let you find out whatever admin problems you might get.


I wasn't getting pissy, I didn't mean it to sound that way. I'm just trying to explain why I don't think it would be a problem.
But it should really come down to how many clans are available, used as a making up numbers thing. If we have a choice of a 3 [G] league or no league, I know which one I'd want.;)

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by eLL Tee
Will I set up a clan, whats the point, there are loads of clans out there who need players, if you want more clans, why not let half of ur team go start another clan ?

So plz dont get pissy with me, cos i have as much say as anyone else here, if I think letting a clan have as many sub teams as they want will ruin the small community that pay for online gaming.

ie 3 or 4 clans with 20+ members each.

when you could have 7 or 8 clans with 10+ each.

Contrary to popular opinion, none of my clan are there through force, everyone has requested to join, or accepted an invitation, and are, as far as I know, happy with their choice (sure the winky touching may scare them at first, but that's just Summo's way).

Once again I'll point out, that the teams issue is only there due to a lack of clans, and once again I'll point out that the non clanned people are there, it's just you have to make an effort and grab them.


Yeah Bif, can't say I blame Barrysworld/Game Stores Group for wanting BW to pay for itself. I think when Game bought Barrysworld everyone assumed the guarantees of a subscription free service did have a burning fuse on them.

Regarding an all subs league I doubt that will be a problem, maybe it'll mean less euro LPB's warping all over the matches! :)

eLL Tee

no one said, you or any one forced any one to join any clan, any player can and will play for any clan they so wish.

my point is, if a clan wants to have a team list of 50 players why should they then be rewarded with extra places in a league, just so all there members get a game.

If a player wants to join a large clan and fight for a place then so be it, nothing wrong with that.

I don't see why ppl have taken offence to me bringing up this point.

Scooba Da Bass

Your point is incorrect, the possibly two places in the league are, as already stated by myself, and Davross, to make the league a decent size. If a bunch of other clans come forward I'd support 100% one place per team, if only because it breaks up the hassle of organising two squads, when we have a single squad for every other league/ladder.


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
Contrary to popular opinion, none of my clan are there through force

He only feeds us bread and water once a day, and we only get 1 hour outside a week

Somebody help us,


anyone.......... :(


A couple of points on this:

1. A clan needs to be able to field, for example, 12 players on a given night of the week. If a clan has 15 players that are always available then this is a good number. However, depending on the make-up of the players a clan may need 20 or 25 players just to be able to field 12 on any given match night.

2. If a clan is top heavy with players, ie they have 30 members that all play *alot* and only 20 are regularly picked, the other 10 will leave after a few weeks.

In the old days of QWTF clans would have no issues with 12v12 and would sport an average of 20 to 25 members.


eLL Tee,

I was scared when I joined [G], lots of new names and winkie touching but I stuck it out and now look at me. I'm a small cog in the Clan Green machine.

I hope this league and any future league stays subs only at BW, I pay my money to get the best service and so far that is what I've got.

I would prefer a 12v or 16v league but if the servers bork with that number of players making the league unstable then I'll accept that we have to play 8v8 (what about 10v10?).

Whichever team I join in [G] whether it's the main or reserves there will be no love lost, sure if [G] win the league I'm sure we'll be happy but not elated as I'd put the bullets in the enemy that is [G] Main/Reserves!

The point regarding [G] is that we have more than BW interest, we're in another ladder where they are going to be playing 12v upto 16v. If [G] was to split to accomodate BW then we would lose players for the other ladder.

In the Land of Barrysworld where the Shadows lie.
One Clan to rule them all, One Clan to find them,
One Clan to bring them all and in darkness bind them,
In the Land of Barrysworld where the Shadows lie.

eLL Tee

Can we clear something up here.

I have no problems with big clans, or who wants to be is what clan, ive ran a clan with 30+ members before.

Ive played online for over 5 years and ive also ran a few leagues.

im not a n00b trying to stirr things up.

my original post was due to the league saying clans could have as MANY TEAMS as they wanted.

NOT at what size a clan should be.

The league has now said that for the first league while there aint enough clans, that a clan can only have 2 teams, which is fine for an opening new league.

I was against any one clan having 5 or more teams in a 1 div league.


Stav, wanna quantify the statements that if enough clans join then they will be limited to 1 team each?

Just wondering cos I agree it should be 1 team each if possible cos no matter how 'honest' they are if 1 team can't get enough players a little white 'aliasing' will go on and we could do with avoiding that!


One way to avoid one branch of a clan throwing a game against another branch of their clan is to avoid placing two sides from a clan in any single division.

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