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I've upped mine to 200%... All the cool kids were doing it, and I just wanted to be popular.

But after playing with it for a bit it seems much much better... I don't know how I'll cope when the next patch comes and I'll be as good as blind.
Plus my favourite "tactic" will become loads harder... I need that extra view distance to aim the planes into the tanks. :)

If there was a server side option for max. view distance, what would BW set it at ?


Originally posted by Jamanio2
If you dont have to write protect the file to keep the viewdistance then I personaly wouldn't consider it a hack/cheat

When I played CS on Blueyonder I had to write-protect my config after it somehow kept remapping my controls... was I teh l33t hax0r ?


You only have to write-protect it because, if you use the options to change any other settings like your keys, it will overwrite the video config file again.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by jo.

When I played CS on Blueyonder I had to write-protect my config after it somehow kept remapping my controls... was I teh l33t hax0r ?


It seems that moaning about view distance is sour grapes, if you can set your view distance to more than 100, what possible reason would there be for not doing so? If your PC can't handle it, well, too bad, why should I have to endure an ugly game because people won't upgrade?

As Will points out, the default tag view distance is 300, why is it set to that if you shouldn't even be able to see that far?


Originally posted by Louster
And it's Goddamn funny that they say "I think we are all in agreement that TKers deserve to be stuck in traffic with a full bladder listening to Barry Manilow…FOREVER!" Hey, I have an idea for a solution!!! Disable the friendly fire option!!!!!!!!!!! That'd stop all those evil Team Killers forever and ever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate these guys.

Not quite, even with FF off if you blow a friendly up into the air and they don't hit parachute (or can't, say 'sliding' down a beach/hill) they die as per a direct teamkill with FF on.

FF off does make it rather too easy to make use of artillery in some situations too.

-Ath, who hasn't bothered to up his view distance yet and seems to do ok.


I could phrase it another way. As a scout, my only advantage is range. I can only kill 15 people at most before I need to go back and get more ammo. My job is basically to "scout", report enemy positions, keep my team informed.

"Ok team, I'm at the highest point of the island, I should be able to get you some info."

"Well team, there sure is a lot of fog today. I think I can hear someone moving, but I could be totally wrong."

Anyways, I've made my point. Scouting with a view distance of 100 sucks. If fog is locked to 100, then that sucks too.


Heh well what I meant was I was suggesting that they disabled the slider on the server setup screen or whatever that allowed people to set the amount of friendly fire damage taken, because then that'd stop people killing other people!!!! And in response to that explosion thing, they could add checks so that teammates were immune to friendly explosions!!!!!!!!!!!!

It just seems really dumb.


I haven't increased the view distance beyond 100, but I agree that it would be better to see further. I think that Dice should just remap the slider so that 100% becomes 300% or whatever and the default is 50% for slower machines. I don't like the idea of changing config files to get benefits that are not available through the game interface..

In short in should be greater, but controlable within the game so that everyone has the same opportunity, not just those that have the l33t h4><04 ski11z. :)

Scooba Da Bass

Remember kids, leet haxxors use notepad and right click to write protect!

Scooba Da Bass

You could use Vi, I just can't imagine it'd be worth it hehe

Scooba Da Bass

I'm glad they put all that crap in about the world series, I can only hope that instead of addressing issues which actually make playing the game a bitch, they've replaced the game with a scrolling banner marquee that says 'GO GIANTS WIN THAT WORLD SERIES OF THE FINE GAME OF BASEBALL'

Bf1942 dead within 6 months anyone?


"Increased Tiger tank health by 25%"

good grief, that bastard was already tough enough to kill!

Other than that I think there are some interesting changes. They seem to have tweaked and fiddled with a lot of the damage for various weapons and units. Jeeps look like being complete death traps after this patch though.

Just wish they would hurry up and get this thing released...


Originally posted by Itcheh
I'd use vi if I could. Notepad is for kiddies.:p

Go install gvim then, I have it in windows including on the files right click menu *:cool:.


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