Larc if you were just here.....
I miss you in Odens, since we fought each other in BG3 (caledonia)
Héhé we allmost capped each other there, withouth buffbots
Then we met in Hibernia Prydwen we teamed up and asked each other some questions there we found out we were/are the rivals of each other from BG3.
We arranged a meeting in Dodens gruva were we exp'ed like hell untill i got HEAVY diseased by mob for 999999 seconds.
So u killed me I tried to come back but Nolby Fried camped AMG big time .
I saw some nice dead messages like no0b was just killed by Larc i allways /cheer then .
Please if you read this message let a reply behind and we'll arrange another meeting (I can also be found at svasud much killing grey so yellow try to find me
/me givfs Larc much :wub:
Greetings from Asardog.
I miss you in Odens, since we fought each other in BG3 (caledonia)
Héhé we allmost capped each other there, withouth buffbots
Then we met in Hibernia Prydwen we teamed up and asked each other some questions there we found out we were/are the rivals of each other from BG3.
We arranged a meeting in Dodens gruva were we exp'ed like hell untill i got HEAVY diseased by mob for 999999 seconds.
So u killed me I tried to come back but Nolby Fried camped AMG big time .
I saw some nice dead messages like no0b was just killed by Larc i allways /cheer then .
Please if you read this message let a reply behind and we'll arrange another meeting (I can also be found at svasud much killing grey so yellow try to find me
/me givfs Larc much :wub:
Greetings from Asardog.