Language that is to be used on Excalibur public channels



Originally posted by svartmetall
My char name's Swedish/Norse, because I wanted an in-character name for Midgard (not some fucking lame "Nukez0r TehBuffMASTAAAAH" bullshit name) so I keep getting Swedish (I think it's Swedish, anyway) PMs...

Yes I know how you feel. My warror's name is Greek - but i'm not Greek ;)

I don't mind other languages so much as long as people translate for me if I'm present - like if I end up in a group full of Swedes I want them to tell me what kind of crap they're talking about me :p


All i can say is:

hgunl teawy brynfd iotia

Apart from that, ill spam in English.

I get a lot of tells coz my names Sprout Bruxelles, folk ask if i am "bruxelloise". It was just my lame French attempt at Brussels Sprout, but if its convincing enough for the Belgians, it will do for me :D


not exactly on topic but you should have seen #celticfist tonight :/


you mean i'm not allowed to chat in dutch on the portal in dl after my ranger is killed again?

ah well.. i think i misunderstood it, try to post it in dutch plz;)


Originally posted by Kalinzir
you mean i'm not allowed to chat in dutch on the portal in dl after my ranger is killed again?

ah well.. i think i misunderstood it, try to post it in dutch plz;)

reply in het nederlands kan altijd :)

Maar tuurlijk waarom mag je niet brabbelen in je eigentaal
doen die eilanders toch ook :cool:

hmm mischien moeten we maar een nederlanders guild starten
en dutch power cows noemen ofzow :clap:

Anarchie and rebelion are some nice adds to the server tho :D


Its not only the language - you know goa said all servers are rp servers?

PS: NO!!! rp does not always mean realmpoints FFS!"§$!1!11


Originally posted by Sohan_THC
reply in het nederlands kan altijd :)

Maar tuurlijk waarom mag je niet brabbelen in je eigentaal
doen die eilanders toch ook :cool:

hmm mischien moeten we maar een nederlanders guild starten
en dutch power cows noemen ofzow :clap:

Anarchie and rebelion are some nice adds to the server tho :D

nerf them dutch chees eating, klompen wearing freaks !!

oh and what are you saying about brinx his mother ?


Originally posted by Sibanac
nerf them dutch chees eating, klompen wearing freaks !!

oh and what are you saying about brinx his mother ?

nut much only we got fan stuff etc already :))

DPC shirts :m00:

Ohw and don't forget we eat raw fish also :clap:
and drugs are about legal here :fluffle:


Re: Re: Language that is to be used on Excalibur public channels

Originally posted by SotH-Byffa
actually thats more like a request. GOA probably knows that they have almost no chance in controlling the language used in public channels ig. Excal and Pryd have these "me spain XDDDDDDD" ppl that has a difficulty in speaking english and even tough i really hate seeing that strange language in the main chat i dont care enough for whining here about it... so why dont u just stfu and stop bitchin about shit that noone cares about or are amused by...

btw... u swedes arent any better. When someone says anything thats slightly offending the only answer u can come up with is "eru?" or "duja!" wich makes u retarded wannabeflamersbutsinceimsodamnstupidicantcomeupwithanythingbetter assholes(this dosent go for every swede but like 70% of them)

no i have whined enough for today. l8er

Hmm 1st, Did i do any fucking whine? i cleared it out for some people that obviusly didnt understand that there was a "main-language" on Excalibur.

2nd, did i say anything, ANYTHING about swedes beeing better?

3rd, i classify what u say as racial.

Btw, any different if it is a request/rule set by goa? just because they cant check up on all potential spying its allowed? k


Re: Re: Re: Language that is to be used on Excalibur public channels

Originally posted by Divinia
Hmm 1st, Did i do any fucking whine? i cleared it out for some people that obviusly didnt understand that there was a "main-language" on Excalibur.

2nd, did i say anything, ANYTHING about swedes beeing better?

3rd, i classify what u say as racial.

4th, im gay and Novamir is my boyfriend.

Btw, any different if it is a request/rule set by goa? just because they cant check up on all potential spying its allowed? k

1st, i think everyone knows that excal is an english server (especially if u log in by the server screen wich u have to do atleast the 1st time) and yes u whined.

2nd, nope but since u clearly seem to be disturbed by spanish ppl using the main channel with their main language i had to counter u.

3rd, and yes in a way im racial... i dont like retarded swedes(i like the minority that actually doesent share on 1 brain with the rest of the country(and thats not so many tough)).

4th, yes i can see that.

5th[NEW], still a boring thread thats useless and not amusing in any way at all.

and yes... its a big difference between a request and a rule... if u dont accept a request they might get pissed but theyll accept it, but if u dont accept a rule ur breaking a rule then theyll get pissed of and spam ur mailbox(or chatwindow)

just because they cant check up on all potential spying its allowed?

spanish ppl spy? on what?
watch some TV and lvl in english some more(yes i know my english aint that much better but ur is still worse so im allowed to flame u for that)

if u meant what i think u did then every non-british-irish-scoticsh(or how u spell it), canadian and american would get banned cause they can check their logs any time and find out who said "buenos dias", "hejsan", "achtung, "njet" etc. etc.

now plzstfuandgodieirlbyputtinga12gaugeshotguninurassholeandpointitupwardsthenpullthetriggerkthnxbyenuffsaidnoob.

and to any moderator viewing this post. im sorry for being so harsh but he deserved it


Dont see why ppl get so upset at other's using a diff language, english doesnt come easy to some. Some of those ppl cant speak good english but still want to play daoc but ther is no spanish server e.g or finnish 1 etc etc.

So basically chill out, thers other things in game to get annoyed about, like savages :D

Giv Thy Holy Nerf Bat, May it Strike Down the Savage and All its Fotm followers with Great Anger and Furious Vengance!!

Who says Roleplay is dead ^^ ?


Originally posted by vindicat0r
Dont see why ppl get so upset at other's using a diff language, english doesnt come easy to some. Some of those ppl cant speak good english but still want to play daoc but ther is no spanish server e.g or finnish 1 etc etc.

So basically chill out, thers other things in game to get annoyed about, like savages :D

Giv Thy Holy Nerf Bat, May it Strike Down the Savage and All its Fotm followers with Great Anger and Furious Vengance!!

Who says Roleplay is dead ^^ ?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Language that is to be used on Excalibur public channels

Originally posted by SotH-Byffa
3rd, and yes in a way im racial... i dont like retarded swedes(i like the minority that actually doesent share on 1 brain with the rest of the country(and thats not so many tough)).
I generally don't whine or flame people, but I'm kind of too nationalistic to let this slip through.
Just to be on the safe side (to avoid stupid flaming): Some people thinks the word nationalistic = rasistic... think again... I do not dislike other nationalities.

Sure, I've met some fellow swedes that are total jerks, but i doubt they are as many as you claimed. Most probable, are these jerks, just kiddos (apply common sense for details on kids (like attitude etc.)). They also haven't learned to speak (type) english well enough, to use it conviniently, etc. Therefore they are more easily marked as swedes. There is probably a steady bunch of [insert nationality] you think is english. Mostly because they aren't actually uttering any national words in public channels. Not enough to be noticed, at least.

Then again, i don't know what server/realm you are playing in. It might be possible that there are an bigger population of swedish twats there. ;)

*sighs deeply and goes to bed*
*awaits (probably) unavoidable flames* :p


I for one will not listen to anyone with in-game names such as:

Byffa NotAFuxxingbuffbotFFS
Grov Snus
Chieftec BigtowrSixFansAndWindow
Xanasplashfons AreTehLeetsOfTehGame
Nerfmyspear Plzkthnxbye

Childish twat.

'nuff said.

Jilgar Kigob


It makes me laugh.
Its just stupid to ask player not to speak Nordic languages in Midgard.
It should be encouraged.
Since theres Nordic languages in Midgard and English in Albion, maybe thoose friggin dutchies and occasional frenchies can go of to Hibernia.
The fact people speak bad language dosnt belong here. You can actually curse in any given language as far as I know.
Stop whining on spoken languages if you want something we talk to you in english!


Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena , que tu cuerpo es pa darle alegria y cosas buenas , dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena eeeeee Macarena AAA AAAII.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Language that is to be used on Excalibur public channels

Originally posted by Trahg

Then again, i don't know what server/realm you are playing in. It might be possible that there are an bigger population of swedish twats there. ;)

look in my sig... 2 servers, 2 realms but only one of them is filled up to the top with retards(some of them are swedes indeed but not everyone ofc... cuz then i would hate sweden 4 the win)

Carlos Bananos

if they're not talking to you why do you give a shit?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Language that is to be used on Excalibur public channels

Originally posted by SotH-Byffa
look in my sig... 2 servers, 2 realms but only one of them is filled up to the top with retards(some of them are swedes indeed but not everyone ofc... cuz then i would hate sweden 4 the win)
Blek, i was tired at the moment i wrote to check that uber sig that looks like a homepage from the 80's (kind of bad structure with much garbage symbols and ofc smileys blinking in different colors) :p

What i meant in the disclaimer was, the server(s)/realm(s) you refered to, when you generally flamed swedes. It seems like only one s/r and i can guess which of them you mean out of your latest reply. :rolleyes:

I can't say I'm not offended though... mostly because of the generalisation.

...ah, whatever... trying not to bother with this thread anymore since it went from: English is prefered -> Swedes are twats and some +1's in different languages :p

*goes to bed*


and GOD HELP YOU! if you make grammatical errors and spell badly, because in my opinion that's perma ban material.


Re: Re: Language that is to be used on Excalibur public channels

Originally posted by SotH-Byffa
actually thats more like a request. GOA probably knows that they have almost no chance in controlling the language used in public channels ig. Excal and Pryd have these "me spain XDDDDDDD" ppl that has a difficulty in speaking english and even tough i really hate seeing that strange language in the main chat i dont care enough for whining here about it... so why dont u just stfu and stop bitchin about shit that noone cares about or are amused by...

btw... u swedes arent any better. When someone says anything thats slightly offending the only answer u can come up with is "eru?" or "duja!" wich makes u retarded wannabeflamersbutsinceimsodamnstupidicantcomeupwithanythingbetter assholes(this dosent go for every swede but like 70% of them)

no i have whined enough for today. l8er

Actually, i think there's more people in the server that got Swedish/Norwegian as their native language than English.

And 70 %? uh k.

I've up to this date never ever seen one reply similar to the ones you posted, and i've been playing With swedes in various mmo's/fps for like...5 years.

Furthermore, there's a helluwa difference between a discussion and a whine, and you, sire, are the only one whining in this thread.


What's up with the language bashing!
I admit that as latest i spoke swedish in the public channel was yesterday... If there is a bunch of swedes around me and we're talking to eachother and not in the same group or guild we talk in the public chat.. (but that usually don't last long) what's the crime?? So silly!

But what annoys me (but really should not) is people who do not know enough english (but you are still not sure that is the fact)and ask for pow or money.. they ask like "give me pow" (but it feels like they mean "yo bitch hand the damn pow over to me") or "money please".. that attitude... I so feel like /slap them... There are some people with attutude problem in daoc.. and I actually do belive moestly it's little annoying 14 years olds sitting at a net café somewhere not knowing enough english.. uuuhhh...

Ok, sorry for my babble!

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