Uncle Sick(tm)
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- #31
keel teh infiltwators!!1
Originally posted by old.Jadow
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
So you think Azal is n000b AND lame. period. ?
Here's 50 cents - go buy yourself a clue. If some grey gets ganked and laughed at - fuck him. He shouldn't be there if he can't take it.
Originally posted by darbey
Oh yeah nice to see Jadow has such a good grip of the English language. Your school teacher will be proud.
Originally posted by SilverHood
whenever someone kills my alts I just get my thane and beat them senseless.
Then /laugh spam their body while jumping on them
Thanes may not be uber gankmeisters, but with IP ready he'll give anyone a good run for his money.
in the last 3 days, I have suffered a total of 7 xp deaths in the frontier. All albs.
Do I come here and whine? nope... I just remove the "greycon privilage" from alb chars. I see alb: They die. If they are xping? Tough shit.
Originally posted by Mardukk
I agree , this infiltrator is very lame...cause an infiltrator has no reason to run away from any class in the game ...Nerf !!