Lamer Infil



whenever someone kills my alts I just get my thane and beat them senseless.

Then /laugh spam their body while jumping on them

Thanes may not be uber gankmeisters, but with IP ready he'll give anyone a good run for his money.

in the last 3 days, I have suffered a total of 7 xp deaths in the frontier. All albs.

Do I come here and whine? nope... I just remove the "greycon privilage" from alb chars. I see alb: They die. If they are xping? Tough shit.

read this thread for more opinions


blah blah blah

What a bunch of whiners :D ,grats to all those that realise frontiers arent for xp'ing its for xp killing :flame:
And by preventing grey cons from getting 50, hes actually busy with Zerg-Prevention :p

And with the new bindstone i doubt there will be a lot of borderkeep camping going on, take yesterday for example: me and another inf are camping gorge - (yes, its a hunting pack FFS!!!!!11) - kill phirb1 , luri1 nukes us, kill luri1, luri2 kills other inf,luri2 gets killed,phirb1 and luri1 are back :rolleyes:


Is this the point I can start whining about being ganked by yellows? IT'S NOT FAIR I TELL YOU! Just because I'm some poor yellow-con, the damned yellows think its ok to attack me. I'm getting sick of this. Why can't we all just get along. :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Lamer Infil

Originally posted by old.Jadow

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

So you think Azal is n000b AND lame. period. ?

Here's 50 cents - go buy yourself a clue. If some grey gets ganked and laughed at - fuck him. He shouldn't be there if he can't take it.

Lol Jadow, you really dont wanna let go of the idea that its cool to gank greys? How about you try a green next time? You will find that when playing your class there is not much that can go wrong really, NOT EVEN when the enemy is *gasp* green!

And if it was you that Azal was laughing at, it would be okay. Thats an exception to the rules you see. :)
As clearly stated in paragraph §7.3b:
"None of the above rules shall be applied if the ganked character was Jadow or any other level 50 character that wears black tight kinda gay looking leather."

There are things that deserve a little /laugh but those things does NOT include happily killing mobs and then suddenly drop dead.


A thane with slam tried to trick me once, he was hiding in a corner between the amg doors and waiting for me to open door so he could spot me and stun me. Then a hib came, and I revealed and lured him towards the door and opened it, then I quickly stealthed again, the thane came out to bash me but then he noticed the hib and they started fighting and I killed the troll with arrows, but didnt attack the hib cuz he helped me getting rid of that annoying slamming scum :p

then i heard the thane started whining on irc about how lame i was cross-realming (or whatever its called) with hibs

anyway, the point is no matter what you do, resskilling people over and over, cross realming, pbaoeing lordroom, camping mg's, camping noobs and running from highlevels, buffbottinh or logging 40 level 50's in a keep thats about to be taken by a huge army these are the kind of things that can be considered 'lame' by some people. If you give others the convience of letting them live the moment after they get ressed, you can expect (with some exceptions ofcourse) the same treatment from them when the tables are turned :p

If you gank greys all the time some people may not like you for it and you may become a prime target for reskilling etc and some ressers of your realm may not want to help you anymore (I dont help #%$#heads)

So do as you please, you can either be known as a 'lamer' (like the one who camps the alb merchants in df all the time, waiting hours till no yellows are around anymore and killing greys, no names called) or as a ' good player' (like lots of people), the latter sure has its advantages.

I know it all sounds very stupid, but it worked for me, I can't really say I've ever been reskilled, although they could have done it with ease.

There was someone who liked killing me over and over when I was grey, but I gave him his 'payback' when I was 50 and , met him in yggdra, he couldnt move more then 3 steps after getting ressed every time hehe, I didnt whine back then, he shouldnt either :rolleyes:

so if you like spending time killing greys that give absolutely nothing dont start creating threads like "Morch is alb and wont res me/lets me die on purpose" cuz I dont promote spoiling fun (and its a game so its supposed to be fun) :rolleyes:


Bleh, nice one Kreig, I wouldn't have /laughed but you killed them, good job.

I used to spare greys, but I was awoken to their evilness a couple of weeks ago, when I was happily dancing with one (not in a popular area I might add) and then got zerged. Thanks a lot you little bugger.

Kill everything you see.


I dont think the grey killing is an issue but its not exactly cool to stand there laughing , its not hard to killl greys.

Oh yeah nice to see Jadow has such a good grip of the English language. Your school teacher will be proud.


Originally posted by darbey

Oh yeah nice to see Jadow has such a good grip of the English language. Your school teacher will be proud.

I doubt it, most of them are probably dead ;) It's err been a while since I was in school.


Originally posted by SilverHood
whenever someone kills my alts I just get my thane and beat them senseless.

Then /laugh spam their body while jumping on them

Thanes may not be uber gankmeisters, but with IP ready he'll give anyone a good run for his money.

in the last 3 days, I have suffered a total of 7 xp deaths in the frontier. All albs.

Do I come here and whine? nope... I just remove the "greycon privilage" from alb chars. I see alb: They die. If they are xping? Tough shit.

that just makes your as bad as those albions who xp killed you.

those wee albions you XP kill arent the same people who killed you before, but you obviously dont see it like that.

i dont XP kill/grey cons etc even though my alts get ganked by level 50s, but that just me.


Originally posted by Mardukk
I agree , this infiltrator is very lame...cause an infiltrator has no reason to run away from any class in the game ...Nerf !!

hehehehehe that was a joke right? :)


just a quick point.
last week after an Alb zerg up to the Mid entrance was blunted.
me (swords) and a few of my guildies who were xping to 24 managed to uncover a minstrel. his stealth being comparable to mine we alerted everyone and chased after him.

eventually a group of about 8 grey cons to him managed to wittle away at him and take him down.
with no losses to our xping greys

moral of story? dont flee and spam /as get stuck in. high lvl's ARE killable and it's about time the greys struck back at their oppressors.

so no more "no point trying to hurt him, he's purple" crap. the more people attacking the better the chance to hit so bring your grey con mates and humiliate the grey ganker :)

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