Lamer Infil



Is there any more nOOb Infil then krieg ... stealthing 2 df killing grey cons and laughing at em when he kills em .. and as soon as he sees a lvl 45+ he runs away ... he cant kill anything he´s lvl so he gotta kill grey cons and laugf at em ... and u gotta love him 4 xp killing grey cons ..... Krieg Lamer infil ....


lol, what a shame getting killed while in a frontier zone, i am so very sorry for you /sarcasm.

Smell the roses, you enter DF then prepair to face enemys be they level 5 or level 50, if you dont like it, dont go in there. Ive seen far to many post's like this... And its not just us "pesky Albions" that exp kill greys in DF and such, i can name two or three Midgard SB's that do the same...


well .. going 2 df 2 kill grey cons is lame dont u think ? and laugf at em after ... then run and hide from ppl your own lvl .. and only go there 2 kill grey cons over and over and over again ... u realy dont think its lame ? .. yeah once or 2ice i can under stand the fun but over and over day in and day out ....


name a few ? that do it day in and day out and i´ll talk 2 him and ask why


err pvp zone.... go at your own risk... it's been said before....


Oh dear god, not another of these... :sleeping:

/em pound glm's head into a wall until he understands Frontier Zone = Getting Killed

Go back to Vendo/Spragg/Keltoi or whatever hole you crawled out from and come back when you are DeWhined, ok?


Originally posted by glm
Is there any more nOOb Infil then krieg ... stealthing 2 df killing grey cons and laughing at em when he kills em .. and as soon as he sees a lvl 45+ he runs away ... he cant kill anything he´s lvl so he gotta kill grey cons and laugf at em ... and u gotta love him 4 xp killing grey cons ..... Krieg Lamer infil ....

oh shit kreig killed someone in the frontier!!! what a noob i cant believe he got level 50 being such a newbie. i mean, killing people in the frontier, what the helll is that all about!!



Enter frontiers at your own risk, if you get killed is your own fault.... but still killing and laughing at greycons is really sad and I laugh at these kind of players, I wonder what he was thinking that moment "wow im s0 l33t now they must be really pissed im so cool and strong omg 1 rp i rule hahahaha O F$CK a yellow RUNNN"

nope haven't killed any greys in a few months, I need REAL warriors to test my strength not exping greycons!


Re: Re: Lamer Infil

Originally posted by n3wbie
oh shit kreig killed someone in the frontier!!! what a noob i cant believe he got level 50 being such a newbie. i mean, killing people in the frontier, what the helll is that all about!!

Reading problems?

Killing greys = pretty lame
Killing greys regulary = very lame
Xp killing = very very lame
Killing only greys = extremely lame
Laughing at someone you just oneshotted from stealth = Well I dont know how to be more lame than extremely lame so I guess I have to use the word KREIG!

Ok everyone who went and read some I-got-killed-by-a-purple-i-hate-him-thread and watched all the cool guys flame the one who started it. This dont seem to be one of those threads so sorry, you are not cool. This is about some moron who laughs at his victims, that IS n000b AND lame. period.

And as an amusing anecdote i'll mention that the guy has 75k rps! Aaawwww poor guy! I guess you dont get so many rps from xpkilling. Some helpful guy in alb mebbe give him a hand and tell him that mebbe?


Re: Re: Re: Lamer Infil

Originally posted by Freia
Some helpful guy in alb mebbe give him a hand and tell him that mebbe?

sorry not wasting my time to these kind of idiots ;)


Why ?? Hibs do it Mids do it , its always going to be part of the game i guess we all have to live with it.


I agree , this infiltrator is very lame...cause an infiltrator has no reason to run away from any class in the game ...Nerf !!



Ive seen some Infs being nasty to the lil ones of the mid realm. Does make me cringe sometimes when i see them killing little grey caster and such. Im not really into that owning mentality, If you got the skill then save it for the big guys. Play with some honour and the mids will respect ya if you dont youll notice them all jumping on your head and laughing at your miserable corpse.

Personally I dont pick on greys unless of course I've had a bad day at work.. Ill usually let them see me, if they attack me then Ill happily slice them... Its all about conditioning the greys, you gotta keep them disciplined or theyre going f*** you over one day.. Kill the mentalist ones, make friends & help out the funny ones and show some respect to the rest... That way then when your fighting high levels the greys seem just to spectate.....
Will be heading to middies DF after my respec to test out DragonFang and my new styles.
Forgot how funny the DF ganking scene is...
See you soon
Venemous Shadows


Re: Re: Re: Lamer Infil

Originally posted by Freia

Reading problems?

I could ask you that to, read the first post here, he says hes a "n00b", clever dick.


think one day these grey cons will be killing you, why not slow that down?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Lamer Infil

Originally posted by n3wbie
I could ask you that to, read the first post here, he says hes a "n00b", clever dick.

So did I.
What's your point?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lamer Infil

Originally posted by Freia

So did I.
What's your point?

How is it n00bish to kill an enemy


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lamer Infil

Originally posted by n3wbie
How is it n00bish to kill an enemy

See above :sleeping:

Im still a little worried about your reading skills :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lamer Infil

Originally posted by Freia

See above :sleeping:

Im still a little worried about your reading skills :)

yes he killed and laughed at greys, big deal. ive been killed by plenty of red cons and been laughed at and some purple cons at lower levels. if i made a thread about every time it happend there would be about 60 threads with "xxxx laughed at me after he killed me!" deal with it, its part of the fucking game. if you dont want to risk something like being laughed at (oh how terrible) then dont goto the frontier.

"oh no his pixels laughed at maah pixels, what is teh world coming t00?!""


same as what everyone else has said. :)

<pointless reply to bump post count>


i love these posts it just proves most cant read and the others just guess what the person is on about.

The original message was a complaint that someone was killing grey cons over and over and then laughing at them as if it was some great acheivment. now i dont have a prob with krieg so this is not a post aganst him but more due to the normal dumb replies to the post. there is little point killing grey cons as everyone knows hence not much point doing it over and over again, laughing after killing grey con is not really sportsman like :)
even if it is a mid or hib.
the original message was not complaining about being the fact they were killed in df or a rvr zone so not sure what posts about you can expect to be killed in a rvr zone were about unless they meant for another post.

never mind the spelling cant be arsed to check it.


Originally posted by monkeynutter
laughing after killing grey con is not really sportsman like :)

if i wanted sportsman ship i would be out playing cricket or golf. but hey this is a game where fun =the point in a game, or maybe im wrong? its fucking hilarious wiping out a load of greys and they keep coming back for more.

Generic Poster

I don't subscribe to the 'They do it to us, so we do it to them' mentality.

If SBs come over and gank grey-cons, they dishonour themselves. If Infils go and gank grey-cons, they shame themselves also.

The last time I was in the Mid part of DF, I wandered around but there were only grey cons. I forbade myself to kill greys and waited, within the next 20minutes, I killed one yellow and two orange cons, which made them lv46-49. What's interesting is, none of the greys around us tried to interfere.

Now that the 'to hit' modifier has been removed, I may well attack a group of 5+ greys.

The Real Redi

Well, put it like this, you enter DF and start on your way, and not 20 ft from the portal, you are ganked in the spine by a purple stealther. you die, he laughs. Epic armour comes thru the portal, he sits tight.

Im sorry, that sounds awfully sensible to me! Im 36th, i kill greys at my season in Yggdra/Upplands, and no one moans about me, because they have relatives/friends who are big and ugly enuff to come and slap me around, and they usually do. I fear that the whinging will never stop, and i also feel that there will always be triple standards as long as there are three realms.

Dont knock one Krieg, as Narve and his little band of merry gankerz have been terrorising the road from sauvage to excal for months, before him it was Death, or Sinister, or one of a million other stealthers. They killed many more greys than i can even count and they were perfectly within their rights to do so.

Teador can singlehandedly wipe out an entire army of Mids or Albs, and he gets whined about, but equally you cant moan at him about it! For the record Teador, i hate you with a passion, but i have to applaud the fact that you not only have these skills, but you use them well. There are others as powerful as Teador, im sure, but how many of them will scream about being gimped, just because they dont play as devastating a game as Teador?

Dying in frontier/RvR areas is inevitable, i rarely see anyone actually port back out of a frontier zone, so get used to dying now, when you have an excuse for not beating him, cos when your 50th and he does it again, you'll not have a leg to moan on... :flame: and he will do it again... :D


on a scal of 1 to 10 of whinish threads this one gets a 10



It is noobish and lame ganking greys... but its even lamer to moan about being ganked... TaDa!


you shouldnt have posted this glm, we all know that grey con ganking is cowardice but its not as though there wont be a SINGLE grey-con ganker.

live with it. find out where he lives and beat him to death if that will make you feel better but posting here and yourll get a negative response


Constantly ganking greys is lame, from the point of view of the gankiee(a lot less lame now that the greys can hit back, it now takes at least some skill to drop a group of them)....but that doesn't mean people should not do it.......and it is many times less lame than allowing the low lvl players of your realm to get ganked by 50s.
A high lvl infiltrater camps your DF entrance?
Get it together and wipe the bugger, it's not hard dammit.
Oh but he's got 50 in stealth?! What the hell, I can bring a lvl 50 assasin outa stealth no trouble, and I've got 25 stealth and 11lvls difference, you've just gotta use some imagination. On the down side they'll have me on the cold stone in 2 hits, but that's what my backup is for.
Will people stop the stupid grey ganking debate and get on with defending their not that hard!!


tbh an enemy realm person is an enemy realm person, i see a damned grey in df ill kill him/her a green ill gank, a blue ill gank even a sodding yellow con, if i get killed, i get killed, i release and go back, frontier zones a places where you should expect to be ganmked sooner or later.


Originally posted by old.Kladen
live with it. find out where he lives and beat him to death if that will make you feel better but posting here and yourll get a negative response

Kladen + Sigurd = love ? :D


Re: Re: Re: Lamer Infil

Originally posted by Freia

Reading problems?

Killing greys = pretty lame
Killing greys regulary = very lame
Xp killing = very very lame
Killing only greys = extremely lame
Laughing at someone you just oneshotted from stealth = Well I dont know how to be more lame than extremely lame so I guess I have to use the word KREIG!

Ok everyone who went and read some I-got-killed-by-a-purple-i-hate-him-thread and watched all the cool guys flame the one who started it. This dont seem to be one of those threads so sorry, you are not cool. This is about some moron who laughs at his victims, that IS n000b AND lame. period.

And as an amusing anecdote i'll mention that the guy has 75k rps! Aaawwww poor guy! I guess you dont get so many rps from xpkilling. Some helpful guy in alb mebbe give him a hand and tell him that mebbe?

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

So you think Azal is n000b AND lame. period. ?

Here's 50 cents - go buy yourself a clue. If some grey gets ganked and laughed at - fuck him. He shouldn't be there if he can't take it.

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