Lame Game Price Question.



Quick! Write a news story for The Sun!

"Businesses in out to make money SHOCKER"

An appalling report into business practise in the western world was published yesterday, with some surprising results. It seems that most businesses don't act out of compassion or charity, but actually try to make as much money as possible in order to turn something known as "profit". By charging the SRP (Standard Retail Price), many companies are ripping off customers. "It's tantamount to daylight robbery" one commentator said.

Look, I don't know how many of you run or own, or work in any kind of business which involves selling, but it's not rocket science. Of course we're trying to profit. Duh!!! It doesn't make us evil, or stupid, or different from any other business in the world.

It's just the way things are. Here. You could try Cuba? I believe they've made communism work. Now, go buy lots of things (not just games) and maybe we can kickstart this country's economy again and make things better for us all?


Jonny Jonny Jonny, always getting so defensive you are.

I actually felt Lynchet made a good point: it has been claimed that you're looking out for the best interests of the customer, but you're happy to sell it at one price in one town, but another price in another town. i.e. you're selling it at the best price you can get away with. That's fine, that's a business, but what he's saying is don't pretend to be working to get the best price to the customer like it's some lovely thing you're doing. If it was, you'd have the same prices in the same stores all over. The fact is, without other shops to push the price down in the area, you'll quite happily keep the price up. That's called a monopoly, or near enough, isn't it?


I never said the prices online were because we are thinking of you. Of course not, we're thinking that if we can't compete in our environment you'll go elsewhere.

What I did say was that people in this department, have, over the years, gone out of our way, and well beyond the line of duty to ensure customers are happy. It's a different issue to pricing. That isn't a lie and there are people here who constantly fight for what is best for the customers, and who would be extremely saddened to hear you don't believe it to be the case.

Originally posted by nath
The fact is, without other shops to push the price down in the area, you'll quite happily keep the price up.

What, you think that without any competition Gamestation's prices would be what they are? Get real.


But people here aren't slagging off the individual people who work at game, merely the corporate machine, man!


No but someone made out we'd purported that our prices were cheaper online out of compassion for the customers. We never said that, as it's blatently ridiculous. Prices are cheaper online because costs are lower are competition is tougher. There really is nothing else to add to the topic. This is fact and is all there is. No hidden agenda. Just check out any other clicks 'n' mortar outift in the country and you'll see the same thing happening. Dixons, Argos, Currys, Smiths, Woolies. Whoever. Mostly, they're going to be cheaper online for the same reason.

You asked a question. We answered. But then everyone had to rail against the evil of the corporate machine (it looks cool, or something, those of you that are students will grow out of it, trust me), before, no doubt, donning their anti-capitalist clothes woven from ugandan butt-hair by blind tibetan monks.


Just because it's unrealistic to expect anything to change, doesn't mean we can't have a good ole moan.

And it's not just tree hugging hippies that are in to the whole anti capitalist thing. I'm not for it to the same extent as some, but the corporate machine is an evil thing. A lot of the stuff I've read has left me thinking that there really is no such thing as morals in these big companies. It's all about what they can get away with.


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
Quick! Write a news story for The Sun!

"Businesses in out to make money SHOCKER"

<snip crap>

so stop saying you care for the customers when you just said you dont. :sleeping:


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
But then everyone had to rail against the evil of the corporate machine (it looks cool, or something, those of you that are students will grow out of it, trust me), before, no doubt, donning their anti-capitalist clothes woven from ugandan butt-hair by blind tibetan monks.

I know, lets a) patronise and b) lump all the posters on this thread into one convenient social bracket and slag them off at the same time - surely this will answer everything.

I find your manner puzzling Jonny Darko. I don't see a thread full of people yelling "yah boo Game sucks ass, whatever you say". I see genuine legitimate concerns. Kieron gave a decent answer but people still don't agree - so what?

It quite frankly pisses me off (as an observer). There is no need to get so defensive and THEN slag people who don't agree/accept what you are saying. Agree to disagree - you tried to explain and get your case over - the end.

As a cog of both the evil *government* and *corporate* machines, I can assure you people don't have to "grow out" of railing against it by the way.

Right rant over. Please do NOT take this personal - I don't know you and I don't presume to. You and Kieron actually taking time to post is appreciated you know.


Originally posted by n3wbie
so stop saying you care for the customers when you just said you dont. :sleeping:

No I didn't! You're confusing two seperate issues here! One is the reality of business, and that yes, it's unfortunate that you have to pay more money than you'd like for things you want, but this is called the real world. I'd rather have paid a fiver for my car, but no, it's actually crippled me financially. Tough cheese on me I say.

And the other is that whether we actually care about customers - a completely seperate issue, which I've also covered.

I love you all, doesn't mean I can afford to give you all free games. Again, REAL WORLD.


Originally posted by Xtro
Kieron gave a decent answer but people still don't agree - so what?

This is what has frustrated me. "People don't agree." this isn't an opinion-based discussion. It's fact.

Please, please tell me what more we can do because in trying to please you, Kieron told you the honest truth and still it was not good enough.


35 as opposed to 25 quid for a game is hardly the same as X grand as opposed to a fiver. Your exaggerating to belittle other peoples points. Don't go there, it's lame :|


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
This is what has frustrated me. "People don't agree." this isn't an opinion-based discussion. It's fact.

Please, please tell me what more we can do because in trying to please you, Kieron told you the honest truth and still it was not good enough.

I know and I can understand where you are coming from. However people's *opinion's* tend to drive their buying decisions, despite the facts presented. The bottom line is Customer Joe Bloggs couldn't give a monkey's about the factors of supply and demand or any business rationale. Customer Joe Bloggs sees the pound sign and follows his or her nose as a result. THAT's why its not good enough.

Anyway you've stated your case. Surely its clocking off time soon so have a brew :)

On a side note I walked into GAME and bought Planetside knowing it was cheaper online. I did this because luckily I'm minted for once in my life and couldn't give a shit. I'm sure I'm a rare breed :)


Originally posted by Xtro
Customer Joe Bloggs sees the pound sign and follows his or her nose as a result.

Precisely! And hopefully he follows his nose to our website. Pro: Cheaper. Con: Waiting a day or two. Balances out nicely.


everybody step slowly away from the conversation, chill out, and have a ciggy break:)


Cigarettes suck azz. Why do smokers get the luxury of an excuse for a five minute break every time they get a craving.

If a non smoker started taking jaffa cake breaks as often and for as long as smokers did, someone would have words. It's not on.

I'm thinking of spearheading a jaffa cakes in the workplace revolution. Who's with me!


Well... You are legally entitled to go away from your screen for so long in a day; use that excuse:)


I'm sure they'd find some other reason to fire me if I complained :/


You asked a question. We answered. But then everyone had to rail against the evil of the corporate machine (it looks cool, or something, those of you that are students will grow out of it, trust me), before, no doubt, donning their anti-capitalist clothes woven from ugandan butt-hair by blind tibetan monks.

I stopped being a student many years ago and have worked in the "evil corporate machine". I think if you read my posts I nowhere state that I believe Game is or should be different.
Game is a business, businesses survive to make money -- where did I say you were wrong for that or that you should give away everything free ?
What I was saying is stop the caring, "in for the customers" stuff thats been put out because I dont buy it ;) Again thats not having a go at individuals, I am sure you have many employees who very much care about customers, Im talking about the general ethos and direction of Game.

In the previous thread on Game, you challenged me to try you and judge for myself ---- I did - twice - and my views stayed much the same !


Originally posted by Xtro

On a side note I walked into GAME and bought Planetside knowing it was cheaper online. I did this because luckily I'm minted for once in my life and couldn't give a shit. I'm sure I'm a rare breed :)

I also did this but I walked straight back out of game and bought it in virgin.

I paid a fiver more (than i would have online) but i'm an impatient bastard.

Plus they were a fiver more in game.



no you're not entitled to a break by any measure. only display screen users as defined in the display screen equipment regulations 199*yada are legally entitled to periodic breaks. And that can be at the convenience of the employer, e.g. at a given time.


what every single person in here except you and kieron is trying to say is we want fair-play, if you wanna stick a sticker on something in a shop and say £45 please that's all well and good... and £30 on ur website... but if a customer comes up to the counter and says "i want to pay the price you charge on the website", just as they have the chance to pricematch against a local shop. you should let them. you're one company with two prices in two environments... what you FORGET is both of these environments exist in REAL-WORLD(TM).

whsmiths for example will pricematch against any other whsmiths in the land, and if you push, their own website!


i think everyone would be happier if you put both shop and website prices on the boxes. then at least we know your not bull crapping about caring for the customers but then your probably losing a tiny bit of profit at the same time so i doubt youd do it.

Originally posted by wolfeeh
regulations 199*yada are legally entitled to periodic breaks. And that can be at the convenience of the employer, e.g. at a given time.

your not allowed to work for longer than 2 hours at a time at a screen without being allowed a break, its up to you if you take it but some employers would probably force you to have one so you dont sue them for all kinds of crap.


A Summing Up....?

Screen stuff - way too much detail, but thanks;p

In store and web pricing difference, interesting stuff (not sure if it's 3 pages interesting, but hey) I wouldn't have expected such vociferousness about discounting online. You can't please everyone all the time, etc... As for showing dual price, generally in-store will be RRP - a controversial phrase for both consumers and retailers, let's not 'go there', sister - so it kind of already is shown.

I think it's a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation. If we go the same price as store, we're online rip-offs in some people's minds, if we price match ppl online, we're being misleading (is that the main gist of the complaint - honestly still scratching my head a bit, not being arsey). As a consumer you get a choice, online with a wait and a different price, a store for perhaps a bit more or a competitor. I say we, but I just do the writing stuff:)

Can't say it's ever bothered me as a shopper myself, (like when I buy my geeky DVDs - Quatermass anyone?) that online sites within a chain might be different, but obviously it's incited a lot of passion here. Didn't come up as an issue in our recent survey, though - perhaps we should do a follow up one including a focussed question?

Anyway, it's late, my work hat is definitely off and half past midnight with a bottle of cider in my hand is no time to be talking about work; Big Brother Live it is....


How about putting the Shop price on the website along with the Web price, that way people aren't sitting at work and go "Hmmm how much is that game <> ah its £25" then goto the shop during their lunch break to find it over £30


I think Pr. summed up the general idea of what the thread was getting at. An in-shop and web price is a good idea, but it may put off people going to the shop at all, unless some things are cheaper in shop than on the web.

One thing that does keep me going back to Game is the second hand stuff. Although I have to ask, why no second hand PC stuff. I can understand online games that require unique keys, but other PC stuff would be great.


I believe PC preowned is not possible due to legal reasons... Could be wrong....


Originally posted by cjravey
I believe PC preowned is not possible due to legal reasons... Could be wrong....

yes it is kinda illegal. more like a grey area really. See when you click on 'yes' on the license agreement? somewhere it says on there, ' i agree not to re sell, hire, lend, copy, distribute...' blah blah or something similar. So its not something that we would like to get into.

Anyway i have enough to deal with everyday with people bringing back software ("excuse me , id like to return Black hawk down cos it goes funny on my 8086 with 500k of ram, can i swop it for another copy as i think this ones faulty" etc etc) without doing the same for pre owned PC games.

Oh and i think Darkys good points need reiterating more plainly:

1. yes game online is cheaper

2. this is cos of cheaper overheads. A warehouse in the middle of nowhere is cheaper to rent than a high st store.

It has a skeleton staff, they dont use as much heat, light, and air conditioning, alot of it is automated, they dont have as much shrinkage(ie shoplifting etc), the transportation costs are less, as one delivery direct from the publisher is cheaper than a carrier delivery to stores.
3. as above, the staffing is lower, as 4 staff in a store is a higher ratio than a warehouse.
4. much like 3. they dont need to pay shopping centre security fees.
5 i could go on and on about little bits and pieces of expenditure that a shop incurs, but i dont wanna bore anyone. Suffice to say that running a high st shop is hideously expensive.

the dual pricing thing is absurd, if i did that at store level, i would get crucified by customers, and id see their point. some would not accept that they can only get that price by going online. They would want that price there and then.

I believe GAME bends over backwards for its customers. Does anyone else know of a shop that will take back your game within 10 days, even though the salesman knows fine that you may have finished it several times? Does gamestation do that? No.

Even though the 10 day privelege is open to abuse, we carry on because hopefully most people are reasonable and dont abuse it.

Does gamestation or offer you 2.5% back on a loyalty scheme? No. Ok so you have to pay a 1 off membership fee, but buy 3 console games a year and youve paid for it.

Yes gamestaion can be a few quid cheaper, but try and take a game back when you think its kak, and you get alot of face pulling before they give you a refund.(often only exchange)

So lets all buy online cos its cheaper, its human nature to want somthing cheaper, but if everyone did that, the shops would close, and there would be nowhere to take back your game when you think its crap or whatever. You cant have your cake and eat it.

I belive games have never been cheaper than today in real terms. Even an Xbox game is cheaper in real terms than it would be years ago. God i remember paying £29.99 for a copy of 'elite' for zx speccy. I think gamers have never had it as good. Would you rather go back to playing 'manic miner' on zx spectrum for 19.99? No. after 10 mins you could not stand it.

Games these days have higher dev, marketing, duplication,quality control, and packaging costs. A typical game runs into millions of dollars. (i think the record is Shenmue-which cost $70 million) A game Dev team hire voice talent, full orchestras, motion capture studios etc, and people complain that 39.99 is too expensive for a game. Well im sorry that the publishers are trying to make their money back.

We all would like to pay as little as possible for things, thats human nature, fair enough. But it costs money to sell things through shops, and id gladly sell all PC games for 9.99 if my staff worked for free. But back on planet earth, even if all games were 1.99 , there would still be people out there who would moan that 1.99 is too much, hell i reckon if they were free, they would moan that they had to spend money on the bus to get to the shops!

**rant mode off**


Scooba Da Bass

I enjoy that you use 'we' as if being an important cog in the machinery whilst working in RETAIL.

gg you!

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