King Arthur: An Itallian????



Originally posted by Peter North
get a life you tossers

Says the tosser reading what other tossers have written, so who's the biggest tosser?

Now go crawl away and wait for your balls to drop you pre-pubescent Farleys rusk chewing dickbasher.


You are all WRONG!

King Arthur and his closest men were dwarfs.


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
A number of ancient texts would indicate an date of 450-500 A.D. which is also backed up by the roman connecton. There were still many intact roman forts and towns in that period as well as decendants of the many romans that stayed after the emipre left the shores of Britain, which does make the roman lineage connection plausable.

The Roman tactics point is very interesting, the shield wall was used by British warriors for the first time during that period and that does show a very strong roman influence.

OK, I'll go with that..
Change my century to the 5th then.


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Stonehenge pre-dates any major foreign arrival on the British Isles by almost 1000 years, it has been dated as constructed between 2800-2000 B.C. The architecture resembles many smaller stone circles found throughout Ireland which are from the same era, that would suggest the druids built them.

I doubt the Druids were around then.
I'm quite sure I've read somewhere Stonehenge predates the Druids/celts etc.
But there were people native to Britain at teh time.
Very primitive actually who probably built it.
Still, either way, it was an impressive achievement.


Originally posted by heilel
I doubt the Druids were around then.
I'm quite sure I've read somewhere Stonehenge predates the Druids/celts etc.
But there were people native to Britain at teh time.
Very primitive actually who probably built it.
Still, either way, it was an impressive achievement.

Lots of conflicting opinion on that, I have read druids were thought to have been around as far back as 3500 B.C. That is based upon atrifacts found on the sites of funeral pyres that have been carbon dated, sadly though there is no 100% way to tell :(


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Lots of conflicting opinion on that, I have read druids were thought to have been around as far back as 3500 B.C. That is based upon atrifacts found on the sites of funeral pyres that have been carbon dated, sadly though there is no 100% way to tell :(

Possibly, but druids were associated with the Celts, who didn't arrive in Britain until much later after Stonehenge was built.
It IS thought however that Stonehenge was probably USED by the druids, But is pretty much generally agreed that they didn't build it.

However, if any proof shows otherwise, I'd change my opinion.

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