

I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Without reading it all. I think teaching humility and respect are so important. A guy in work is always so proud when talking about how his 5 year old son takes no shit from anyone and told his teacher to get lost when the teacher was mean. He was then spitting feathers about the teacher being mean. He also talks about the epic fits his kid throws when they try to take his tablet away at breakfast. I already know this kid is a lost cause if at that age he is rude enough to tell his teacher where to go at 5 how will this kid ever respect anyone and if he does not respect anyone how will he ever be kind.

Some of the most important lessons I learned are that I am not more important than anyone else and in fact almost less important than some (elderly and pregnant on public transport). And respecting your elders. I would never have had the guts to mouth off to the police. Not because I am scared of them (my Dad hates the police) but because I was taught to respect my elders. I think that respect helps a lot with being kind.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
And respecting your elders. I would never have had the guts to mouth off to the police.

Disagree about that.

Respect is earned. You can be young and kind and good and better than an old cunt or an authoritarian figure. Authority never deserves automatic respect - they have to show that they deserve it.

Not to say you should be rude or anything - just normal. But not deferential, ever.



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
One must remember that in the 50's the older generation thought the teenagers were out of control..bad respect..aggressive..and we tend to look back at it being a more innocent time...everyone thinks that as they get older ..there will always be well behaved kids and out of control brats..its just we cant hit the shits now so they can run around unheeded..except by a load of hand wringers saying 'stop it..or we'll say stop it again'.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Authority never deserves automatic respect - they have to show that they deserve it.

Not to say you should be rude or anything - just normal. But not deferential, ever.

Works on individuals, not on entities such as the police.

And being "normal"(or one should say kind in this topic) is being respectful of strangers, you don't have to respect them, just be respectful(don't get anal about it, you know what that means).

Innocent until proven otherwise works, in my opinion, on respect as well. I have no reason to disrespect someone, not saying i should submit either, i just met.

Then again aaaaall of this depends on what kind of a base assumption you have of people, different levels of kindness/consideration change that. I for one think optimistic of people before they prove themselves dicks, @Scouse you i'd imagine think below average.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Disagree about that.

Respect is earned. You can be young and kind and good and better than an old cunt or an authoritarian figure. Authority never deserves automatic respect - they have to show that they deserve it.

Not to say you should be rude or anything - just normal. But not deferential, ever.
It is the same thing. Yes officer, no officer is showing them respect. You don't have to drop down and blow them, just don't be an aggro dickhead because they are the police.

Your hatred for the police as an institution though is starting to worry me.

* Also respect being earned is bullshit respect should be a given and then lost. Otherwise you go through life not respecting strangers. If you are only respectful and kind to people you know then you are not a kind person.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
just don't be an aggro dickhead because they are the police....
respect being earned is bullshit respect should be a given and then lost.

Soze m8. I wish you'd actually read what I wrote, ever:

Not to say you should be rude or anything - just normal. But not deferential, ever.

So, I'd already predicted and replied to your inevitable response (because I knew it'd be you). But you wrote it anyway.

It is because you are clearly deferential to authority.

Did you watch the Carl Sagan vid? It's less than a minute long and about education of the people - including our children. It tells you exactly why you should never be deferential to authority - and it's hugely important and relevant to this thread.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I think what Scouse is saying that, regarding the police, you shouldn't be disrespectful, but also not deferential aka obey without question and bow to every command.

Basically we're all in the same ballpark on the opinion part of respect, just one saying it by starting with the no and one with yes ;)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Soze m8. I wish you'd actually read what I wrote, ever:

So, I'd already predicted and replied to your inevitable response (because I knew it'd be you). But you wrote it anyway.

It is because you are clearly deferential to authority.

Did you watch the Carl Sagan vid? It's less than a minute long and about education of the people - including our children. It tells you exactly why you should never be deferential to authority - and it's hugely important and relevant to this thread.
Why do you associate respect with being deferential. I respect someone until they do something that shows they do not deserve my respect. I do not bow down to police officers I just said in my first post that I would never have gobbed off to one as a kid. You then disagreed and and said you should not respect anyone until they earned it. But then said you should still be polite ect. Which is my idea of showing respect. We are not even disagreeing just you want to word it your way so you can still say you don't respect the police. I am out anyway before we get accused of ruining another of Russells threads.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I am out anyway before we get accused of ruining another of Russells threads.

How is discussing respect a derailment of the thread? (I'd deliberately not answering Toht in an attempt to avoid that).

It wasn't the police thing that got me going (though it was part of my original reply to you) - and if you re-read that original reply you'll see that it wasn't specifically about that. I was more pissed off about this:
And respecting your elders.

"Elders" being "authority figures".

To which I said this:
You can be young and kind and good and better than an old cunt or an authoritarian figure.
The elderly/police/authority of any kind - or anyone at all - should never be singled out for "special" respect.

Kids should be taught to respect everything equally - including themselves.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It's ok @Scouse , wasn't planning on derailment myself ;) I can deduce your pov and how it differs from mie by your discussion with the rest, leaving the 3 page ring-a-round-the-rosie out of it.

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