killing greys...lame? wrong? or just damn good fun! RAAAHH! :)



not a new debate, but something today just brought it to life a little more for me, we were 2fg's of hibs running around in uppland (everywhere else in mid was dead, we just thought "maybe" there'd be someone here, we were right btw :)) when we were running down a road and happen to zerg through some lowbie xpers who were just on the other side of a rise we were running over, needless to say, these grey's died a death :p.

were probably lvl 20ish considering the mobs they were stationed properly to pull, so didnt stand a chance against 2fg's of lvl 35-50 hibbies. now i didnt really fine it enjoyable, since just zerging 2-3 people who die in one hit rarely is much other than boring since i can only get halfway through my spellcast before they're already dead :).

thing is though, that several hibs that were with us were half way to leaving because of this..?!(seriously, were going to leave over it) i'm curious what the hell is so wrong about it? now xp killing i can understand entirely to be pretty lame, gotta be pretty small minded to go around xp killing on purpose, but this wasnt that, we just trampled them, no xp deaths etc... but because they were grey then it's "oooooooh no, can't kill those!".

now sorry, but if you go into the frontiers, you make the decision to risk invaders, it's as simple as that, if you die then big deal, you could have stayed in the home realms and not had it happen, so why oh why, do people have such a problem with it?! been killed while xping in collory tons, yet i still went back because i dont mind it, and the xp was better there, it's a choice i made to risk invaders, anyone else makes that choice too, so why in hell do i hear people threaten to leave just because we killed the 3-4 grey con mids as we ran past to the 3fg's of lvl 40+ middies (who were a fun fight :), killed us but it was a laugh and i got a new realm rank out of it :))

basically, bottom line is, frontiers have invaders, people you meet there from other realms know this, so show no mercy if you want to kill them, of course, if you dont then dont, just wave etc... but the point is, there's nothing WRONG with killing them, please realise this and stop having a go at everyone else when they kill greys, they're not doing anything that they're not supposed too.

besides, grey's can actually hit for significant amounts of damage now, and with 5-6 of them (talking mid 30's greys), any lvl 50 would be in deep shit without some form of aoe CC, even less, considering i saw a lvl 35 chanter kill several lvl 50's solo (not all at once though :)).

anyway, if someone would like to give reasons why i should care about someone being grey and therefore "off limits"?, sometimes i kill them, sometimes i just point to the border gate etc... (depends on my mood) but regardless, since there is NOTHING wrong with taking them out, why whine at others for doing it?


I'd say that since the level difference is "insignificant", at least compared to before, the situation is slightly different like you pointed out...
But for example a group of purples killing single greys is just stupid nonetheless.
Depends on the situation really... a purple solo could consider a group of greys a threat these days so...


Well you're pretty forward in stating that it is ok to do it, so I see no reason to rant against those that say it isn't.

Each to their own.


Off course it's okay to gank greys.
Maybe that grey got a lvl 50 main or just tell your whereabouts to his friends. Dead enemy = good enemy, no matter con.


I think the main points are.

1. A grey con is no threat to you at all

2. You gain nothing by doing it.



grey con = enemy should die
green con = enemy should die
blue con = enemy should die


catch my drift?

Generic Poster

If they don't pose a threat, I won't waste my time.

Once in DF, I killed a couple of orange-cons, a yellow and then only greys were left. After waiting for some more non-greys to appear, I figured I'd try the group furthest from the merchants. A couple of greys with a green and blue con. After, I felt remorse for them, and for myself for dropping so low.

There's no danger, no competition, no honour. Only a coward would kill greys for fun.

Last night in Emain, a group of hibs were running towards me and the one at the back caught my eye. As they ran past, I pounced and before the rest knew what was happening, I was already stealthed.

Now kills like that mean something to me, planning, timing, acting and surviving. It's not about being an assassin, it's being a predator and only the worthy will be hunted.


My rules for killing.

In the Enemy Frontier.
No Grey Killing unless attacked or in a keep defence.

In My frontier.
All Cons are game You've invaded my homeland.

Thats the rules I try to play by.
others play by different rules and thats the bit people have to remember.
there is a person controlling that toon and its working to its own set of rules.

I will not berate others for the way they play if they get fun out of it, thats what its about its a game.

But if you are the enemy killing any of my realms lowbies you go to the top of the kill list :)


There's nothing wrong with killing greys, its a war.


I remember once sparing a grey con, I just waved and he bowed back. a couple minutes later I got into a fight with a even con, I was winning until that grey con showed up and healed my opponent leading me to lose the fight...

So from then I just kill anything that isnt smart enough to run.... its war after all.


depends on the class they play
All albs cept friars get beaten senseless, Infils, scouts and minstrels an xp death if possible.

Hibs eh? Can't really see the difference between classes, but anything with a pet dies.... sometimes I spare a luri now and then, but only if I'm in a good mood.


The point here is that some people are trying to change a rule of the game. The official rule is that there is nothing wrong with killing ANYONE of other realms. You can't blame people for following this rule. If you yourself choose not to kill greys/greens, lurikeens, or perhaps not kill druids dancing at loc 30452 48321 in Hadrian's, that is your choice and your choice alone. Don't force this rule of your own on others, who are following the official rule.


Best moment I remember was when 2 lvl 20ish chars were running about in odins... a cleric and a scout

I was standing solo at amg and they came through

I put on my light show (self buffs) and they just stood there.
I waved, and they quickly ran past.

A mate of mine, a lvl 50 hunter was at the HMG-AMG junction... he popped on top of them, led them back to amg. Then we took them back to their pk, and they ported back to albion :D

A days work in keeping the frontiers safe


If i am in a group i will kill anything be it grey or yellow. If i am solo i generally wont kill greys, ive even helped out two grey firbys exping in Crauchen Gorge by mezzing there adds (im so nice) ;)

I will never exp kill an enemy realm member intentionally, be they grey or yellow. And i wont group with anybody who finds exping killing people "fun" :)


not fun... just payback to classes that has caused me an intense amount of grief during my playing days.

Best is when you see somebody's alt, adn you KNOW that their main xp killed your alt just a few hours before... /revenge


everyone is fair game as far as I'm concerned, try not to exp kill people though.... thats just plain nasty.

And in response to a previous poster, grey cons can cause a threat and with a patch coming sometime that makes it easier for greys to hit purples they will be even more of a threat.


Yeah.. that poster was me. And 'tis true. Greys are able to hit back now which makes them fair game.


cos most people who play frairs are nice guys... and I have never been xp killed by one


friars sucked while you were xp'ing :p

depends on the situation, for me. If i go to yggdra or gorge, or somesuch, anything i see, goes down. reason? death spawn draws a crowd.
if in normal RvR, i sometimes give the grey a chance to run. if he doesnt run, i kill him. simple. for the same reasons as someone posted. that ickle grey con COULD be turning point factor in a later battle. Just because he is grey con, doesnt mean he will honour you by not interfering in a later battle.
Own frontier? everything dies, always.
Keep/relic defence/attack? anything goes.
DF? alb side, Everything goes. enemy side? well, havent manage to actually meet anyone there yet :)

Generic Poster

Just wondering why some would kill greys, but not XP kill people?

I won't kill greys, but if I see even-con or above, I'll make a point of XP killing them.

If they have to die, they die hard.


Grey Today .
Yellow Tomorrow.

Think the gray of yesterday remembers you and spares your life?



I never kill greys now unless I absolutely have to. I had a different philosophy when I first started out in RvR, mainly due to being ganked as a lowbie in Uppland and wanting some revenge of my own back, so greys were an easy target :). These days rather than kill them I prefer to have some fun by giving them a wave or helping them out if they're experiencing and get into trouble.

keela is

Originally posted by blain
I think the main points are.

1. A grey con is no threat to you at all

2. You gain nothing by doing it.

3.its fun


When hunting in other realms' frontiers, I kill ALL green-con and above, unless they're grouped, then I'll weigh up the threat they are and decide whether to slaughter or not :)

When in MY frontier: You're going to die. RaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaR!


Kill everything, regardless. If they're xping, tough shit for xping in an RvR zone - get a clue. That's why it's called Realm vs Realm, rather than Cross Realm Daisy Picking or The Dark Age Scout Club.


I think the point's been missed on later posts.

The initial post was about some people in a group not wanting to kill greys, and being vocal in stating that opinion. The author disagreed with this view... and felt the need to talk about it here.

Now what all the 'Get a clue' types here think is neither here nor there. if someone doesn't want to kill greys, then that's their choice.


True. And if someone *does*, that is also their choice. Compare the number of threads/posts of people whining that people don't kill greys, to the number of threads/posts of people whining about people killing greys. I think you'll see a rather large disparity.

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