Kill stealing


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
playing on alliance beta server 4 atm and usually within the space of an hour or so I get plenty of incidents where ppl come and start whacking the mob I'm already attacking. Anyone else find this with there server? I hope it just alliance and not on horde as well?

is this normal for wow? or am I missing something?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
they wont get any xp for hitting it after you, unless their in your group.

It can affect the xp you get if they are much higher level but generally its a nice thing :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 20, 2004
In actual fact they are doing you a favour. Unless you are trying to see if you can kill the mob. The way i understand is that if you are the first person to hit the mob then you get the EXP and the loot when the mob dies. If other people pile in after you have hit the mob then they receive nothing from it. If i am correct and this is in fact the case then blizzard have done us all a great service by implementing this.

The only drawback to that is if you are playing a rogue and you stealth and then move in for your ambush attacks and some mage pulls the mob before you whip the attack off. This has pissed me off so many times. You get right behind the mob and all of a sudden it erupts in flames and runs off to go kill the evil cloth wearers. The thing is that many people don't see a problem with this and so using your devestating attacks in solo PvE in a semi- crowded area can be a problem. :touch: :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
As Solo said (are you sure about the high levels hitting it thing?), tisn't a bad thing. If it's a crowded area then pulling with a spell that tags it is always a good idea; various spells (mostly DoTs) don't.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
Nightchill said:
As Solo said (are you sure about the high levels hitting it thing?), tisn't a bad thing. If it's a crowded area then pulling with a spell that tags it is always a good idea; various spells (mostly DoTs) don't.

Well I did try getting a friend whos not in my group when I was about 14 he was 19 and if i 'tagged' the mob, then let him kill it my xp would be alot less than i got if i killed it alone.

He doesn't get any xp tho.

So powerlevelling doesn't work. (although a higher character can be useful for quests)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
That's interesting, I haven't really looked into it. I wonder if it's just similar code to pet's leeching xp, with the xp proportional (not linearly) to the damage you do with a minimum of somewhere around 1/3rd.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
The xp is reduced when someone interferes, but not drastically, and it's generally a good thing. Otherwise I will have caused lots of lost xp by healing passing lowbies :(

Last night I was getting 360 xp for killing level 21 elites solo, when another group helped (took about 2/3 of its health), I only got half the xp.

It's pretty good for anti grief, though its possible to tag a mob just before someone pulls it, and by then they have aggro, and usually end up killing it for no gain.

To be honest though, it's ever only been a problem in the starter area, where you have more than 10 people hunting in the same area... actually, in happend in hillsbrad too, but that was because people were being muppets and not teaming up to kill the 15 peasants required to get to the next part of the quest.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Playing as a warlock is a pain for this sort of thing, between levels 10-20 I'm soloing with VW. I prefer to pull with a dot (low aggro build up) stick a curse on then another dot. During this (when the mob is pulled to somewhere I want it) I'll tell the VW to attack which holds the aggro off me. None of this (the dots, curse or pet attack) tags the mob. Thats 2 spells on a casting timer plus cool down from the insta cast curse and yes lots of lovely people will steam in and take the mob during this time although I've clearly engaged the mob (think - "Collect 15 of blah blah dropped item" or "Kill 20 mobs" type quests where 10 people are camping, you get the idea).

Sucks tbh, hopefully blizzard will let pet attacks and dots/curses tag a mob. After all this is enough to get it to aggro you: you could dot dot dot, take something down to 1/4 hp and some arsehole can tap it with a stick and run away. They'll get the xp and loot. You get a beating :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
punchy; immolate (DoT with a small amount of upfront DD) tags. I tend to pull with this for mobs I'm soloing if, as Silverhood says, it's a crowded area.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
silverhood - not sure if wand damage tags a mob? Shouldn't it count as ranged, thus if a hunter can tag a mob with his gun/bow (not played hunter so I don't know) a wand should do the same?
nightchill - thanks for the tip, didn't realise immolate tagged :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
What's bothering me more is people who keep following me around, and the instant the mob dies, they try to skin it.

That's with me being a skinner and luckily I tend to start skinning just before they do.

They then keep following me around and attempt it again.



Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
AFAIK it's only the warlock's dot curse that allows other people to kill steal - other dot's mark the mob as your own. I -think- ... haven't played my warlock since closed beta, and people there were a lot less likely to try to do anything as lame as killstealing.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I tried this out last night.

I attacked my better half's tagged monsters for about 1 hour. Difference in experience gained was zero, zip, nada, nil, nothing. Didn't matter if I did 90% of the damage in the battle or 0%. Also, I received zero experience for the kill.

At times it seemed like the experience went down, but that was only because the mob was a level or two lower that time.

This was with me just being one level higher; I think they have reductions in place when the level difference is larger; unsure if number of attackers play any part in it at all. Haven't tested any of that yet, but atleast this seem to be a good way for people that usually play together to even out any difference in level, should they want to.


Regular Freddie
Dec 3, 2004
this annoys me, to be honest. hats off for blizzard ensuring it does sod all to our xp, but you wonder if they saw it coming or something. i'm sick and tired of people steaming in, the only reason many, many people haven't received an ear bashing from me is because it doesn't leech any of my xp.

i want to play the game, not have some idiot follow me around and barge in. i don't buy a racing game so that i can keep my hand on the accelorator button and have someone else steer for me. same applies here.

i play on 2 servers.

EN final beta 1 - on which there is a fantastic spirit and i've never had problems. i spend a lot of time on this server chatting while i play, and usually /dance and have a drink with a few people each session too :p

beta - on which everyone seems to be 12 and you get stupid questions on general constantly, people are rude and if there is someone in the same area as me i reckon there is a 33% chance they will see it fit to attack whatever mob i attack.

so i'm begging everyone on beta to tell me which server they will be playing on retail (when announced) so i can avoid it like the plague.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Thats the problem with betas, you dont need to pay-to-play so the percentage of 10 year olds is substantially higher. Should improve once it goes live (I hope) but killstealing is annoying, I cant really understand it, maybe they just dont realise? I normally tell ppl if they do it too often just in case.

A lot of the problems are due to the starter areas being overpopulated at the moment of course.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
on the other side of the medal however, theres the fact that when a person is trying to kill a mob but he is about to die, and u try save him by throwing in everything u got, burning shitloads of mana or whatever to be nice and help fellow players, you arent rewarded either, and that can be abit frustrating aswell, ofc u can invite him first and then start helping, but usually u dont think about that when trying to save someone from getting killed :d
theres not a perfect system, and there never will be, flaws will always happen, unless you got an employee for every player xping deciding who gets xp and how much at the exact time and place, but thats utopic :x


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Well, I was grouped with a guy that suddenly began to attack other people's mobs, and I just had to tell him that it was not considered nice to do that.

Many people haven´t played any MMORPG before, and doesen't know which rules apply, just tell them nicely and it might solve a lot.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
What really gets my goat is people stealing ore veins, tossers .. especially when you are actually at the vein and mining it. If you are killing off any surrounding agro then its maybe acceptable as they didnt know, but they should still ask. Always seems to be bloody paladins as well.. :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Tasslehoff said:
Well, I was grouped with a guy that suddenly began to attack other people's mobs, and I just had to tell him that it was not considered nice to do that.

Many people haven´t played any MMORPG before, and doesen't know which rules apply, just tell them nicely and it might solve a lot.
Or they might have seen some of the early WoW trailers where people seem to be whacking stuff at random.

I liked the FFXI system a lot, but this one will do just fine. :)


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
Gef said:
What really gets my goat is people stealing ore veins, tossers .. especially when you are actually at the vein and mining it. If you are killing off any surrounding agro then its maybe acceptable as they didnt know, but they should still ask. Always seems to be bloody paladins as well.. :eek:

Gef, if you leave the loot menu open they won't be able to mine the ore, at least that's what i've been told :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 1, 2004
there is veins to all, and if u r mining and some1 comes same time to it, bad luck, just do it fast and u get more than the other, or make some harrass to him, trade, ask duel, etc 4etc , always makes him slower than u


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
what annoys me most is people skinning your mob! you just kill this mob and some cheeky rogue comes up and starts skinning it and then takes the leather!

its silly as there's plenty of beasts for all (so easy to get high skinning, at least, it is when you xp mulgore-barrens :p )

so i usually just slap them, cry at them then move on, the mining thing ill admit ive been guilty of wandering in and just mining, when some guy then says he spent 5 minutes clearing the spawn area i usually just give him the ore (especially if i saw him in combat as i walked in :p )


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
since im not a skinner im glad someone makes use of my kill

the only thing annoys me is when your on the last mob by a chest and someone runs in and takes it just before you kill the mob


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Ormorof said:
what annoys me most is people skinning your mob! you just kill this mob and some cheeky rogue comes up and starts skinning it and then takes the leather!

It doesn't annoy me, the only time a yank (I play in us atm, cba to play a beta, at least my us characters won't get deleted when I buy an euro acc) tried to skin-leech me around while playing my skinner rogue, I told him "Fine, lets have a tea break /goes english", sat down and didn't do a thing for 10 minutes.

He fucked off.

I am not selfish, but while killing beasts as a skinner, I need the leather and it is very easy to drive skin-stealers away, just need to be a bit crafty.

What annoyed me is when I tried to follow a warlock around (who was not a skinner) and she went "omg I WON'T loot the mobs so you can't skin them" . Seriously, she let the loot rot there to spread anti-love on me. In return I followed her around for 30 minutes so she lost some loot due to her greedyness. Earlier while I was leveling my paladin(blacksmith/miner) I allowed skinners just follow me and skin my mobs, as I didn't need the skin, so why can't someone have it? Same realm, no harm done.

In general people are retarded in uswow, I sure won't miss it when euwow is released finally.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Lothandar said:
In general people are retarded in uswow, I sure won't miss it when euwow is released finally.
That made me smile. :)

Boy are you in for a surprise. :m00:


Dec 22, 2003
punchy said:
Playing as a warlock is a pain for this sort of thing, between levels 10-20 I'm soloing with VW. I prefer to pull with a dot (low aggro build up) stick a curse on then another dot. During this (when the mob is pulled to somewhere I want it) I'll tell the VW to attack which holds the aggro off me. None of this (the dots, curse or pet attack) tags the mob. Thats 2 spells on a casting timer plus cool down from the insta cast curse and yes lots of lovely people will steam in and take the mob during this time although I've clearly engaged the mob (think - "Collect 15 of blah blah dropped item" or "Kill 20 mobs" type quests where 10 people are camping, you get the idea).

Sucks tbh, hopefully blizzard will let pet attacks and dots/curses tag a mob. After all this is enough to get it to aggro you: you could dot dot dot, take something down to 1/4 hp and some arsehole can tap it with a stick and run away. They'll get the xp and loot. You get a beating :(

I agree with you on that one, i pull the same way as you and it's very annoying to see like 25% of your mana drained and still not beeing "owner" of the mob. However i'm usually pulling with a wand now (as mentioned) and even though i'm not 100% sure if it makes the target yours i seem to have a lot less killstealers since i started doing that. The damage is still low enough to make your VW able to taunt if from you. It's also a lot faster then casting a bolt.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I havent seen much of this on the EU beta, but on US servers, it was perfectly acceptable for someone to come and pull a mob off you if you hadnt tagged it.. That got quite annoying as a mage, as I sheep one, kill the other then kill the sheep.. Sheep doesnt tag the mob as mine which i think is silly. A paladin can easilyt kill 3 mobs at once, but he might not have tagged the other two mobs on him, so it was 'acecptable' to walk up and take a mob off him.. I dont really agree with that either as the guy could kill all 3 and shouldnt have to tag each mob before killing one.. but oh well :) at least no one has done that to me here, i dont have to ae so much to make sure all the mobs are mine :)

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