whats the point in a forum then
As some1 pointed out in the Rvr section its defenetly not a english spelltyping forum and thats why i dont understand whats the point of yours and golena replys.
If I WaNtEd To PoSt a ThReAd LiKe ThIs As LoNg As ThE mEsSaGe GeTs ThRoUgH dOnT sEe ReAlLy ThE PoInT of some saying anything about it.
You totally missed my point as usual.
wich was?
Kinetix said:As some1 pointed out in the Rvr section its defenetly not a english spelltyping forum and thats why i dont understand whats the point of yours and golena replys.
If I WaNtEd To PoSt a ThReAd LiKe ThIs As LoNg As ThE mEsSaGe GeTs ThRoUgH dOnT sEe ReAlLy ThE PoInT of some saying anything about it.
How do you change from english to US version?
Are your subs still the same etc, or do you have to cancel and start up again with US site?
Prompted from this:
Ok, from the occasonal people who are asking how to roll on us servers, I decided to make a short guide before i go to bed!
Ok, 1st off your going to need to change your client to the us one to do this you
1)Go into your hdd with cama installed
2)Go into the cama folder
3)Locate the updater.dat file
4)Right click and open with notepad
5)You will see the following:
Mythic Patch
6)select all of this and delete it.
7)copy and paste this:
Mythic Patch
8)note that if you are using catacombs client, or darkness client, you replace labyrinth in the above with either *darkness* or *catacombs*
- I cant remember the one for toa client , but im guessing its *atlantus*
9) you run your updater as you normally would and let it patch up to the current patch (some 50 years ahead of GOA)
Now that your client is updating to us you will want to make a account, for this you will go to here Dark Age of Camelot This basically gives you the cd key you need to make a account with - if one dosnt work you just try another untill one works!
In order to enter these codes you will need to click the "new account" button where the cama launcher asks for your account name and password, it will ask you for all of the usual stuff and your credit card number after.
If your like me and just want the 14 days no hassle, just pop in a used prepaid ccard number and it will close after the 2 weeks, or (not tested this myself so pls dont blame me if it dosnt work) after entering your ccard numbers, pick no renew amount - or if that aint there just go into your account payment scheme and press close account (should run out the 14 days before it closes) all of your account related jive is built into the client - so dont worry about the 5hour flash riddled site loading up!
Now, you have a account with a name you chose (joy) a password you chose also (thank you sweet jesus) and are free to roam in US servers!
Finally - worth a note - the free account is catacombs only - if you update your lab or darkness client this will not work with the free trial (unless you purchase the addon for about 24Euros (DR and LAB together)!
Enjoy and hf!
Wasn't having a grammar discussion, but thanks for that rather useless advice!
I'll do it when you stop being an asshole as well.. I don't see me having to worry about that in the near future however.