Despite having lurked around the General forum for a couple of months, the only online games I've actually played are Midtown Madness 2, Crimson Skies, Combat FS and a dabble in Operation Flashpoint (waiting for server support )
Thought it was about time I really went out and bought one of the muhl-tip-lay-er farst-per-son, but shitting Christ! Which one?
Here's my impression of them so far. I've seen a few in action but have had limited playing time:
Counter Strike - The most 'tactical' of the FPS but doesn't go as far as OpFlash. Based on the dated Half-Life engine but undoubtedly has the largest following.
Team Fortress - As above, without the 'tactics' or the following.
Unreal Tournament - Very pretty. Very straightforwrd. TdC and Wazzerphuk's columns have whet me appetite and I quite fancy this one. Bought Unreal but didn't like it.
Quake III - Looks very similar to UT, even prettier and has groovy jumps and stuff. For some reason gets a slating nowadays
Voyager: Elite Force - Does anyone actually play this? Guys at work talk about it but it sounds like downtown Nerdsville and I'm happy in the suburbs. Prob shouldn't even be on this list, ffs.
Tribes 2 - I know nuttin.
I'm not really sure what I'm after. Fun, I guess. OpFlash catters for my thinking/shooting needs so I need something to cater for the discerning shooting/shooting gentleman.
You guys are the experts... what would you recommend?
Thought it was about time I really went out and bought one of the muhl-tip-lay-er farst-per-son, but shitting Christ! Which one?
Here's my impression of them so far. I've seen a few in action but have had limited playing time:
Counter Strike - The most 'tactical' of the FPS but doesn't go as far as OpFlash. Based on the dated Half-Life engine but undoubtedly has the largest following.
Team Fortress - As above, without the 'tactics' or the following.
Unreal Tournament - Very pretty. Very straightforwrd. TdC and Wazzerphuk's columns have whet me appetite and I quite fancy this one. Bought Unreal but didn't like it.
Quake III - Looks very similar to UT, even prettier and has groovy jumps and stuff. For some reason gets a slating nowadays
Voyager: Elite Force - Does anyone actually play this? Guys at work talk about it but it sounds like downtown Nerdsville and I'm happy in the suburbs. Prob shouldn't even be on this list, ffs.
Tribes 2 - I know nuttin.
I'm not really sure what I'm after. Fun, I guess. OpFlash catters for my thinking/shooting needs so I need something to cater for the discerning shooting/shooting gentleman.
You guys are the experts... what would you recommend?