Just Window Shopping ;)



@ work with some spare time so have been checking out some other MMORPG... saw the thread started b4 on other types of these games and tbh some of these look very interesting.

They all look good bar in the main one big drawback... all released in US, on US servers initially :(

sodding americans ;)

DAoC is c00l, very addictive, but from the looks of these other games seems outdated {even after new add-on} by comparison. not just in graphics but scope aswell.

When these other games come out in the UK i'll probably be trying some of them out. Either way i expect only to renew my subscription to DAoC once more {if that} cause its just tooooooooo bl00dy addictive. YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I MEAN ;)

hmmm... funny thread this one.. fook knows why i started it :/ guess its something to do to pass the time.

Either way, im still waiting for TF2 {Team Fortress 2} which was first started in 1998 !!!

LOL.. according to Sierra its still in the pipeline.. hmm... me thinks "backshelf" is a good word here =)

on another side note has anyone played UT2 ? is it anygood ? can it be played online at all ? looking at it i think they made UT2003 for online gaming, and UT2 for an equive. to Halo. Any thoughts ?

Phew... rant over

cya soon ya crazy albs.. death to da ugly mids, and smelly hibs !


You be meaning Unreal 2 and not Unreal Tournament 2 as UT2 suggests :)

Unreal 2 isn't playable online and its astoundingly beautiful yet very very poor in terms of gameplay and such like...like a blonde bimbo.

Unreal Tournament 2003 on the other hand is both :) Beautiful and fun to play online ;)

And i used to be waiting for TF2 but i just stopped caring after ther was no word on it for ages. Raven Shield online is taking up alot of my spare time now :)


<whispering>Planetside, planetside <getting louder> Planetside, planetside <louder still> Planetside, Planetside <shouting now> PLANETSIDE,PLANETSIDE!

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