Just when I was warming to 'em


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
There's a massive Ramadan convention going on up the park today. Unlike last year they have sent us all letters to let us know, and the road is blocked, there's police there etc.

There are hundreds and hundreds of people up there.

So, I'm walking me dog, and it's all good, I know some of the people anyway, and then I stop to listen to the feller shouting over the microphone for a minute.

"You must wake up my sisters! If you do not wear a hijab, there is a high possibility that ...

you are going to hell ... "

Oh joy.

So what are some of our youger viewers going to call me? A racist? Or a mysogynist? ;)


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
as long as that doesnt change to "if you do not wear a bomb vest" i dont mind tbh, its no worse than anyone else if peddling, and hey, at least they arent making pedophilia a national pastime


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Religious nutters are religious nutters; Islam, Christianity, Scientology, etc.

Hell should be an awesome place, that's where all the cool people from history will be - imagine sitting having a pint with Caligula and Gengis Khan whilst listening to Freddie Mercury and Kurt Kobain doing a small acoustic set whilst Marilyn Monroe gives you a rim job.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
At the end of the day they can wear what they like, not really our business. If, however, it's a step down the path of become more radical then that's not so good.

And, to be fair, a lot of the rules they have around women are understandable. They want children born to married couples so they frown upon pre-marital shenanigans. They want their kids born to good families, so they might help arrange (or simply arrange) weddings.

Of course, it's completely at odds with Christianity where pre-marital sex is massively frowned upon and marriages are often arranged or at least helped along by the parents and other members of a congregation.... It's just the style in which this stuff is carried out that separates the two. We've drifted from our Christian roots and, frankly, I think the country is probably worse off for it.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Religious nutters are religious nutters; Islam, Christianity, Scientology, etc.

Hell should be an awesome place, that's where all the cool people from history will be - imagine sitting having a pint with Caligula and Gengis Khan whilst listening to Freddie Mercury and Kurt Kobain doing a small acoustic set whilst Marilyn Monroe gives you a rim job.
And Hitler offers you the use of his shower block.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Not sure I like this "our business" thing though - are we not all supposed to be British and equal etc? I always try to look at things like that.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Well, if you're a believer (christian or muslim) you shouldn't be shocked with these lines,

it's all in the book(s).


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Not sure I like this "our business" thing though - are we not all supposed to be British and equal etc? I always try to look at things like that.
But you'd be pissed off if some bunch of pussy liberals started moaning at you about your guns. I agree it's a moral obligation to speak up for the oppressed but the line between oppression and long held religious traditions is a shaky one. Forced arranged marriages are obviously bad shit but persuading someone to wear certain clothes? Dunno.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
But you'd be pissed off if some bunch of pussy liberals started moaning at you about your guns. I agree it's a moral obligation to speak up for the oppressed but the line between oppression and long held religious traditions is a shaky one. Forced arranged marriages are obviously bad shit but persuading someone to wear certain clothes? Dunno.
Put it another way.
How many people are *persuaded* to wear a shirt and tie for work everyday? There's no reason for it but it's "the done thing". Same thing with being persuaded to wear a hijab. The pressure is put on you from some source to conform to "the done thing".


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
But you'd be pissed off if some bunch of pussy liberals started moaning at you about your guns. I agree it's a moral obligation to speak up for the oppressed but the line between oppression and long held religious traditions is a shaky one. Forced arranged marriages are obviously bad shit but persuading someone to wear certain clothes? Dunno.

It's a different thing surely? Liberals will always moan about my guns, but they wouldnt make me wear some kind of Jewish star to make people aware that I own them. Well, I dont think they would anyway lol


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It's nice to know the worlds second largest cult can still pull em in.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Put it another way.
How many people are *persuaded* to wear a shirt and tie for work everyday? There's no reason for it but it's "the done thing". Same thing with being persuaded to wear a hijab. The pressure is put on you from some source to conform to "the done thing".

I'm pretty sure no-one's ever threatened me with eternal damnation for not wearing a tie...

At the end of the day they can wear what they like, not really our business. If, however, it's a step down the path of become more radical then that's not so good.

That's kind of the point; how many women are wearing the hijab entirely by choice? Even the women who do wear it willingly are doing so because they've been indoctrinated to do so.

And, to be fair, a lot of the rules they have around women are understandable. They want children born to married couples so they frown upon pre-marital shenanigans. They want their kids born to good families, so they might help arrange (or simply arrange) weddings.

Understandable to who? The men who run the rules of the system to keep women as second class citizens? And you're comment about "good families" is laughable, "good families" usually means "cousins or someone from the same village back home".

Of course, it's completely at odds with Christianity where pre-marital sex is massively frowned upon and marriages are often arranged or at least helped along by the parents and other members of a congregation.... It's just the style in which this stuff is carried out that separates the two.

I fail to see your point except that the culture of arranged marriages in Christian congregations hasn't really existed for at least a century except in the odd backwater.

We've drifted from our Christian roots and, frankly, I think the country is probably worse off for it.

You've got to be fucking kidding.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
And Hitler offers you the use of his shower block.

Actually Hitler should be in heaven according to the rule of "as long as you believe, you're forgiven".

Otherwise the topic is just meh, other cultures, their things.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Actually Hitler should be in heaven according to the rule of "as long as you believe, you're forgiven".

Which religion is that? I've heard of 'as long you're truly sorry, you're forgiven'.

As for the megaphone dude, it depends on how he's doing it. Standing in a field yelling crap, is ok; people should be free to express their views but stuff that could be intimidating is dodgy. I'm catholic but I am very uncomfortable about those people who camp outside abortion clinics praying for the people going in. Granted they're better than the twats giving the poor women a hard time but still I don't think it's totally altruistic.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The hijab must be a godsend for bad hair days.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Ban all religion, Kill all extremists, enforce Dredd law, and elect me Supreme ruler of earth!

or just what G said....


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Under my rule:

- No man shall go whithout booze.
- No man shall know hunger
- No man shall go without pussy! - jacking off will henth fourth be known as a luxury endulgence.
- Women ? fuck em! - no, I mean it literally, go fuck em, they're beautifull, sexy & awesome, do it now!

it's a joke! lighten up :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Which religion is that? I've heard of 'as long you're truly sorry, you're forgiven'.

One of them christian ones. He who believes in me will be saved and all that.

Ironic that wanting to rid the world of all religion is extremist as well. Wanting rid of extremists is fine in my books, religion shouldn't be forced by any means.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
We are in the midst of huge cultural change, you my friends are living in a time unprecedented in human history as mankind slowly awakens from ancient superstitions and beliefs, young women in tyrannically conservative muslim countries are slowly fighting back, such rallies are evidence of the fear and realisation in the powers of cultism that the game is over.
They are rejecting it here and at home and soon the grandchildren of the oppressed will be able to watch big brother and get pissed on saturday night wearing a pink bimbo dress...bring it on!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Or it's just because there's a whole lot more people around and the majority are still religious while some are not simply to be anarchistic and "different" :p


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Religion simply cannot survive the bright light of the truth.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Or it's just because there's a whole lot more people around and the majority are still religious while some are not simply to be anarchistic and "different" :p
Difference is though, it's a celebration, there shouldn't be a guy there telling people to wear hijabs, if they were religious, they should wear the hijab anyway, that's a fact, don't brainwash people, they're meant to have the celebration to celebrate a particular day, for a particular event, imagine on Christmas if there was a religious nut job on your door step in the morning saying make sure you wear your crucifix today!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
imagine on Christmas if there was a religious nut job on your door step in the morning saying make sure you wear your crucifix today!

It's not far when there's a month or two of decorations, xmas songs and all that blasting 24/7 message of santa buy buy buy spend spend spend have fun must enjoy cause this sh*t is rare only once a year!

Actually it's not far, it's worse.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Was gonna post but Gaff pretty much covered it :)

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