Just starting DAOC, have a few questions :)




I've been playing World Of Warcraft since it came out in Europe, however, after the recent Battlegrounds and endless queues i finally cancelled my account, and so now im starting a Dark Age Of Camelot character.

I plan on being an Infiltrator, so does anyone have any links to a good Character Template for me to look at?

Also, whats the population like on Excalibur? even though i hated being in large queues to get onto World Of Warcraft, it was nice to have lots of players on the server, so is there alot of people on Dark Age Of Camelot playing? RvR etc?

Sorry if these questions have been asked before, and thanks for reading :)



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
Sirus420 said:

I've been playing World Of Warcraft since it came out in Europe, however, after the recent Battlegrounds and endless queues i finally cancelled my account, and so now im starting a Dark Age Of Camelot character.

I plan on being an Infiltrator, so does anyone have any links to a good Character Template for me to look at?

Also, whats the population like on Excalibur? even though i hated being in large queues to get onto World Of Warcraft, it was nice to have lots of players on the server, so is there alot of people on Dark Age Of Camelot playing? RvR etc?

Sorry if these questions have been asked before, and thanks for reading :)

first of all. welcome to the game.. second.. you will have a VERY hard time leveling a infiltrator. alot of downtime and youll die alot.. i would reccomend a "pve-machine" as a first char to learn the ropes and get cash to get your rvr-char complete... if you plan on playing albion you should learn about the necromancers and use that as a first char to get a 50 on the account. (i wont suggest you playing ohter realms, because you seem set on albion. but fyi, albs suck ;) )


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
VampiiricMist said:
first of all. welcome to the game.. second.. you will have a VERY hard time leveling a infiltrator. alot of downtime and youll die alot.. i would reccomend a "pve-machine" as a first char to learn the ropes and get cash to get your rvr-char complete... if you plan on playing albion you should learn about the necromancers and use that as a first char to get a 50 on the account. (i wont suggest you playing ohter realms, because you seem set on albion. but fyi, albs suck ;) )
I find alb the most fun realm to play, it's all about opinions.

As said above getting a pve friendly character as first char is nice indeed. What's different between rogues in wow and stealthers in daoc is that stealthers in daoc do less damage than a light tank, so they're not that populair in groups so you'll have a hard time leveling. Though I havn't leveled in catacombs which is supposed to be easier.

Necromancer, as said above, is a good pve class. If you spec in Deathsight you'll have very low downtime due to power drain and lifetap. Which gives you life and power(mana) when you nuke the enemies. Other nice pve classes is Paladin and Theurgist, but they are at best when they are together with a full group or so, while a necro is very good alone but worse in groups.

If you choose a Necromancer you won't have much of an end game in pvp since Mythic havn't bothered to fix them very much, while Paladins and Theurgists are needed in rvr.

If you want solo rvr scout/infil is the way to go. You can of course group up aswell but I like to see stealthers as solo. :p

If you have any specific questions you can pm me here or on irc(Xith\), dunno how often I'll check the thread though since I only troll the boards when I'm bored.

Oh, and welcome to the game! It's a great game and some of the people you find around here is really nice. I can't recommend you to a guild though, I'll leave the Excalibur people to that. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Welcome to daoc dude ^.^ Well, as a starter char. i wouldn't choose any of the stealth classes, seeing as there aint many lvling groups around, and those that exists is probarly looking for some more pve friendly classes.
I don't know which realm you intend to start in, but I can give you a few hints on which classes in which realms are good and solid pve chars.


Healer: A very nice grouping char, can do a couple of nice specs, but for leveling i would recommand either a pac healer (primary crowd controll spec in midgard) og a mend (primary heal spec in midgard) healer. As for solo a healer aint that great, unless you are aug, which kinda rules out the option to level with other people, unless you can find a melee group that already got a mend healer with them. As for rvr, a healer is always in demand.

Shaman: Kinda like the healer. They are however the primary buffers in midgard, and are provider with a wide variety of spec buffs. They are nice for buffbots, which you will see alot of on your travel through out daoc. However you can actually solo okish with a shaman if you go 'cave magic'. In rvr a shaman is a highly needed classes in any good rvr group (but you wouldn't get alot of groups with full cave spec, shamans role in rvr is 'buffer', buff shearer, interrupter, diseaser etc)

Zerker/savage: Both are nice light tanks, and dish out good melee damage. They are nice for soloing, either botted or not. Tho a botted light tanker is a hole lot better and easier to gain xp with, than a nonbotted. As for rvr, light tanks should always be able to get a spot in a tank group. However, i would choose a zerker personaly, since they get the better masterlevel and access to better artifacts (imo hehe).

Runemaster (rm)/spiritmaster (sm)/warlock (wl)/bonedancer (bd): All four are nice classes, they all do well in both group and solo pve. For specs it's all about opinions, tho darkness rm is kinda fotm, same goes for darkness sms, warlocks got access to alot of nice specs and are excelent solo chars in both pve and rvr (pve because they get access to 'primers' and 'chambers' which allow them to xp in a nice pace). As for bonedancers, suppression is both a nice pve spec and rvr spec. Personally i would choose either a sm or wl (leveling a warlock myself atm, and must say I'm amazed from how easy they are to solo with ^.^ )

Thane/warrior/(valkyrie): Both are very nice chars, tho i would choose a warrior myself, since they imo are better in both aspects (pve and rvr), remember this is my opinion, others probarly think the thane is better...) They can both solo very well, and still do good in groups. (I don't know much about the valkyrie, but from what I have read, they do very well in solo/group pve, however you will have a hard time finding any rvr groups)

Skald: Primary speed provider ^.^ They are a solid pve class, but don't expect amazing melee damage hehe. Have tried leveling a skald myself a couple of times, but got bored of it everytime, don't know why tho... They got decent utilty, in the form on instant dds, mezz and snare (also got a group dmg add chant and resist(s) chants). If you find a melee pve group around, you would probarly be able to get an invite. As for rvr goes, some groups run with skalds, some don't.


Bard: A bard is a strange class in some way, combindin' the healer from midgards crowd control abilities, the speed chant from the skald and the end. from the shaman. A bard is classes with which you won't have a hard time getting into pve groups, however they are terrible soloers, so unless you are sure you can get groups, don't start with this class (also it aint the easiest starting class since they got so much utility). In rvr a bard is always need for groups (mostly just one per group tho, but shouldn't be that big a problem, usually enough groups going so you won't just stand around).

Druid: Kinda like the mend healer from midgard and the augmentation shaman. They are hibernias primary healer classes and buff class. They won't have any problems getting into a pve group if there is one around, since they are nearly always in need. You can however solo with a druid -maybe not as good as other classes, but it's possible. As for rvr, a good druid is almost sure to get into a group.

Warden: Strange class in some ways. They have some nice utilty and are a hybrid when it comes to melee damage. In pve they do very well solo aswell as in a group. For rvr combined with the 'battlemaster' masterlevel path, they are a very solid class. They act as both guarders, backup healers and interrupters.

Hero: Like the midgard warrior, nice for solo/group pve. Good in rvr also.

Blademaster: Like the midgard zerker.

Valewalker/champion: Both classes are very nice in solo pve (aswell group). They both offer some good things to a group, combined with their masterlevel abilities. Champion is probarly the class that would get the most invites to rvr groups tho, seeing as they got a couple of more pro's then the valewalker.

Bainshee/Eldritch/Enchanter: As the rm, sm, bd and wl from midgard. Primary casters. Do well in solo/group pve. Always needed in rvr...

Animist: A pve machine :) This class is what makes pve a bliss when playing hibernia. Almost everyone got one, since they make accuireing (sp?) artifacts and what not a hole lot easier. In rvr they can also do well with the right spec/items.

Vampiir: Very nice solo class, both for pve and rvr. They can however spec for group rvr, but they are abit underrated, and most would pick a blademaster anyday, instead of the vampiir.


Heretic: Odd class imo. Never tried them. They are a hybrid with access to buffs, dd's weapon/shield spec. They do well in pve i imagine when they gain a couple of lvls. As for group rvr i don't know how easy it is to get into good rvr group, however you see loads of them around (imo).

Merc: see midgard zerker.

Friar: A hybrid with access to buffs and melee spec. Is a nice solo and group pve char. As for rvr i imagine they got a hard time getting into balanced groups, but it's possible tho.

Armsman/Reaver: Armsman is like the hero/warrior class (kinda...). The reaver is a nice solo and group friendly class. Together with high realm rank and masterlevel they can dish out some nice dmg :) (kinda like a thane on steoroid hehe :) )

Cleric: Kinda like the hibernian druid, albions primary healer and buffer. Can also do some gimped soloing with the right(wrong?) spec. Also in need for a balanced rvr group.

Cabalist/wizard/theurgist: Like the other mages, can do some nice dmg. All three are good for soloing/grouping in pve. The theurgist however is very nice for pve on the higher lvl mobs, and will also make it easier for you to accuire rare items/artifacts. As for rvr, they should always be able to get into a group.

Sorcerer: The primary crowd controller. They got nice utility and the ability to charm mobs. This makes them good in solo pve/group. Always needed for a good rvr group.

Necromancer: A strange class in some ways, since it aint the actual char you play but rather, you use it to command a pet that you summon to do all the stuff. Very nice for pve, both in groups and solo. Can also be used to accuire rare items/artifacts under some circumstances. As for rvr, they got a hard time finding groups i imagine, but can do rather good solo tho.

Hope this can help you some, just did a quick comments to each class (didn't include the stealther classes) to give you a quick idea about what they can do and what not.

Good luck with the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Steffan- said:
Welcome to daoc dude ^.^ Well, as a starter char. i wouldn't choose any of the stealth classes, seeing as there aint many lvling groups around, and those that exists is probarly looking for some more pve friendly classes.
I don't know which realm you intend to start in, but I can give you a few hints on which classes in which realms are good and solid pve chars.


Healer: A very nice grouping char, can do a couple of nice specs, but for leveling i would recommand either a pac healer (primary crowd controll spec in midgard) og a mend (primary heal spec in midgard) healer. As for solo a healer aint that great, unless you are aug, which kinda rules out the option to level with other people, unless you can find a melee group that already got a mend healer with them. As for rvr, a healer is always in demand.

Shaman: Kinda like the healer. They are however the primary buffers in midgard, and are provider with a wide variety of spec buffs. They are nice for buffbots, which you will see alot of on your travel through out daoc. However you can actually solo okish with a shaman if you go 'cave magic'. In rvr a shaman is a highly needed classes in any good rvr group (but you wouldn't get alot of groups with full cave spec, shamans role in rvr is 'buffer', buff shearer, interrupter, diseaser etc)

Zerker/savage: Both are nice light tanks, and dish out good melee damage. They are nice for soloing, either botted or not. Tho a botted light tanker is a hole lot better and easier to gain xp with, than a nonbotted. As for rvr, light tanks should always be able to get a spot in a tank group. However, i would choose a zerker personaly, since they get the better masterlevel and access to better artifacts (imo hehe).

Runemaster (rm)/spiritmaster (sm)/warlock (wl)/bonedancer (bd): All four are nice classes, they all do well in both group and solo pve. For specs it's all about opinions, tho darkness rm is kinda fotm, same goes for darkness sms, warlocks got access to alot of nice specs and are excelent solo chars in both pve and rvr (pve because they get access to 'primers' and 'chambers' which allow them to xp in a nice pace). As for bonedancers, suppression is both a nice pve spec and rvr spec. Personally i would choose either a sm or wl (leveling a warlock myself atm, and must say I'm amazed from how easy they are to solo with ^.^ )

Thane/warrior/(valkyrie): Both are very nice chars, tho i would choose a warrior myself, since they imo are better in both aspects (pve and rvr), remember this is my opinion, others probarly think the thane is better...) They can both solo very well, and still do good in groups. (I don't know much about the valkyrie, but from what I have read, they do very well in solo/group pve, however you will have a hard time finding any rvr groups)

Skald: Primary speed provider ^.^ They are a solid pve class, but don't expect amazing melee damage hehe. Have tried leveling a skald myself a couple of times, but got bored of it everytime, don't know why tho... They got decent utilty, in the form on instant dds, mezz and snare (also got a group dmg add chant and resist(s) chants). If you find a melee pve group around, you would probarly be able to get an invite. As for rvr goes, some groups run with skalds, some don't.


Bard: A bard is a strange class in some way, combindin' the healer from midgards crowd control abilities, the speed chant from the skald and the end. from the shaman. A bard is classes with which you won't have a hard time getting into pve groups, however they are terrible soloers, so unless you are sure you can get groups, don't start with this class (also it aint the easiest starting class since they got so much utility). In rvr a bard is always need for groups (mostly just one per group tho, but shouldn't be that big a problem, usually enough groups going so you won't just stand around).

Druid: Kinda like the mend healer from midgard and the augmentation shaman. They are hibernias primary healer classes and buff class. They won't have any problems getting into a pve group if there is one around, since they are nearly always in need. You can however solo with a druid -maybe not as good as other classes, but it's possible. As for rvr, a good druid is almost sure to get into a group.

Warden: Strange class in some ways. They have some nice utilty and are a hybrid when it comes to melee damage. In pve they do very well solo aswell as in a group. For rvr combined with the 'battlemaster' masterlevel path, they are a very solid class. They act as both guarders, backup healers and interrupters.

Hero: Like the midgard warrior, nice for solo/group pve. Good in rvr also.

Blademaster: Like the midgard zerker.

Valewalker/champion: Both classes are very nice in solo pve (aswell group). They both offer some good things to a group, combined with their masterlevel abilities. Champion is probarly the class that would get the most invites to rvr groups tho, seeing as they got a couple of more pro's then the valewalker.

Bainshee/Eldritch/Enchanter: As the rm, sm, bd and wl from midgard. Primary casters. Do well in solo/group pve. Always needed in rvr...

Animist: A pve machine :) This class is what makes pve a bliss when playing hibernia. Almost everyone got one, since they make accuireing (sp?) artifacts and what not a hole lot easier. In rvr they can also do well with the right spec/items.

Vampiir: Very nice solo class, both for pve and rvr. They can however spec for group rvr, but they are abit underrated, and most would pick a blademaster anyday, instead of the vampiir.


Heretic: Odd class imo. Never tried them. They are a hybrid with access to buffs, dd's weapon/shield spec. They do well in pve i imagine when they gain a couple of lvls. As for group rvr i don't know how easy it is to get into good rvr group, however you see loads of them around (imo).

Merc: see midgard zerker.

Friar: A hybrid with access to buffs and melee spec. Is a nice solo and group pve char. As for rvr i imagine they got a hard time getting into balanced groups, but it's possible tho.

Armsman/Reaver: Armsman is like the hero/warrior class (kinda...). The reaver is a nice solo and group friendly class. Together with high realm rank and masterlevel they can dish out some nice dmg :) (kinda like a thane on steoroid hehe :) )

Cleric: Kinda like the hibernian druid, albions primary healer and buffer. Can also do some gimped soloing with the right(wrong?) spec. Also in need for a balanced rvr group.

Cabalist/wizard/theurgist: Like the other mages, can do some nice dmg. All three are good for soloing/grouping in pve. The theurgist however is very nice for pve on the higher lvl mobs, and will also make it easier for you to accuire rare items/artifacts. As for rvr, they should always be able to get into a group.

Sorcerer: The primary crowd controller. They got nice utility and the ability to charm mobs. This makes them good in solo pve/group. Always needed for a good rvr group.

Necromancer: A strange class in some ways, since it aint the actual char you play but rather, you use it to command a pet that you summon to do all the stuff. Very nice for pve, both in groups and solo. Can also be used to accuire rare items/artifacts under some circumstances. As for rvr, they got a hard time finding groups i imagine, but can do rather good solo tho.

Hope this can help you some, just did a quick comments to each class (didn't include the stealther classes) to give you a quick idea about what they can do and what not.

Good luck with the game.

Ooooookkkkaaaaaayyyy xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
give me a / give me a F give me a L give me a E give me a X

Jun 21, 2004
cba typing loads, but imo a really good, fun and easy leveling class is a reaver. Insta lifetaps, dots, aura's that lower defence etc. Personally i think reavers the most fun class to level with, and pretty easy aswell :]


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Just saw i missed the paladin from the albion classes.

Paladin: Very solid pve class with high defense. Nice for soloing and grouping. As for rvr, a good pally should always be able to find a group, otherwise they are cabable of soloing also....

Hope you could use the brief intro.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Reroll hib or mid (underpopulated)
Alb's don't need any more zergers :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
Unfortunately the way DAoC has turned out, you need to do a lot of pve if you want to have even a moderately competitive rvr character. This was Mythics attempt to keep people playing the game when population started to decline. So you will need the ToA expansion for a lot of the item bonuses and artifacts, and you would definitely benefit from having master levels.

Another consideration is that you would probably need a second account for a buffbot (something that WoW was certainly good at eliminating) otherwise you would be at the mercy of others when needing buffs (which is evertyime you go out into rvr).

Assassins in DAoC are also not as powerful as rogues in Wow, and some rvr situations will end up with the assassin having virtually no role (keep takes, keep defense).

Having said all that if you are prepared for all the mind numbing pve (and I guess from a first time players perspective it wouldn't be that bad ;) ) the rvr in DAoC will be more rewarding than any pvp experience you could have in WoW.

If I had to start from scratch I would roll a necromancer first, level it to 50 - use it to farm items and cash. Then on the second account, use the necromancer to powerlevel an enhancement cleric. Then create the infiltrator on the first account learn how to play while leveling and using the clerics buffs.

Some links that may help:




Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
I see a brand new Warder right there.

Welcome to DaoC but if your brand new to the game you will have a very hard and hopefully fun time ahead ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Roll a char on US for starters. Then choose from one of the classic servers. I strongly suggest you roll an infiltrator on Lamorak. "/send Kebabfidde" and ill give you some startingcash and gear :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
haven't read the entire post and i do want to scare you.
daoc isn't a game you can still "start", if you don't know anyone that plays and wants to help you, and you play a class that's not too good at soloing, prepare for weeks of frustration.

With /level, instance pl, poc and you name it, there's no way you'll have the same experience as most of us did that started playing a few years ago. There's no space for learning game mechanics because if you do find a team, it's very likely that it's with someone that has played before and eg. fucking up a perfectly good mezz with ae damage will get you booted from the group.

do keep in mind that there's no way you'll be able to compete without a fully toa'ed set, and those who say you can ... well they're just thanes that sit at pk waiting for a group

ps : welcome :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
i would recomend rolling on both servers before clustering goes ahead you never know you might not like albion and want to change in which case you would have to dump your alb chars and then reroll on the other realm.

I would say go with a character you would want to play in the end game, having a pve char is handy like a necro but tbh roll the infi first get to lvl 24 then muck around in the bg and decide if you want to comit to the rest of the leveling process.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 27, 2004
Sirus420 said:

I've been playing World Of Warcraft since it came out in Europe, however, after the recent Battlegrounds and endless queues i finally cancelled my account, and so now im starting a Dark Age Of Camelot character.

I plan on being an Infiltrator, so does anyone have any links to a good Character Template for me to look at?

Also, whats the population like on Excalibur? even though i hated being in large queues to get onto World Of Warcraft, it was nice to have lots of players on the server, so is there alot of people on Dark Age Of Camelot playing? RvR etc?

Sorry if these questions have been asked before, and thanks for reading :)

Welcome to daoc!
I am not vere common to alb since I'm mid, but i see Mercenry as a very powerful class. They are quite good in PvE (not as good as a shield using tank though) but they are VERY good in rvr, afaik.
It's kind of easy to level in the new Catacombs (expansion) but you won't find so many groups. DAoC is way more harder than WoW, just so you know (not in terms of lvling, just that there are no grps that you can join 'till 50 and you'll have to rest WAY more than wow). So don't expect anything :D But i hardly suggest you to try a Merc (if you wanna be a tank, if you choose a caster, look at other ppl's opinions). Mercs will also have a end-game role like RvR.
Excalibur is the most high-populated server in the EU verions :) but it doesn't really matter because they will soon cluster the two Normal English servers (don't know when but at least they will do it :p)
I've played WoW a bit, got a 40 priest and a 40 shaman. I've got a 50 shaman in daoc and a 50 warrior. I quit WoW and got back to DAoC, so i think i know what i'm talking about ;).

Good luck mate! Just dont give up ok? :p Cya out there!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
Welcome to the game :)

I see a lot of people have given their opinions and answered (I think) your questions but if you need any futher help and/or a good guild then /send me a message in-game and i'll try to do my best to answer or help you the best I can. My Character names are in my signature.

Have fun :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
save your cash, dont even bother dude. this game is fucked, and going downhill faster than bloke on a rocket.

if u gonna start up, wait for classic server. else u will never compete.

waiting times were one thing in wow, but being endlessly slaughtered by radar groups is another.

only thing that will happen by starting daoc, is mythic will take your cash, and not listen to you. even the so called classic servers gonna have warlocks.. what the hell? missing the point ENTIRELY?!!

minesweeper is better option..


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Don't believe everything that is being said here, people are overreacting a bit.
The truth is that DAoC is not an easy game anymore. Over the years the game mechanics have changed with the introduction of many patches and expansions, each of which made it a bit harder for new players. It will take some time to get to know the game, I suggest looking up a lot of info on different websites and try to join an active guild as soon as possible. They can answer all your questions and you can group with em to learn about all aspects.
Leveling up in DAoC for new players is not as easy as it is in WoW. There are tons of places to go, the world is massive, but the fastest way would be to make use of the newest areas of the catacombs expansion. It contains many quests you can do to lvl up.
When you've finally reached RvR (pvp) stage of the game, you'll see that it is superior to WoW's pvp. The whole system is much bigger and more complicated and it's also faster. 1 on 1 fights usually don't last long :p At least not when there are casters involved.

But anyways, welcome and good luck in game :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Play a class you like, or you won't stick with the game.... imo...

But then again, you won't stick with it if you roll a stealther as first char =)

Go out and have a look at the pvp aspect of the game (even as a low level), you can't kill anything but it often makes you wan't to elvel even faster.. heh


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
i advise you level to 20 (takes about 2-3hrs in catacombs with certain classes), then go to the battlegrounds see how it suites you in pvp.
Then pick one and focus on it.

That way you wont be disapointed when you reach 50
as said previously find a good guild to help you and answer your questions and your pretty much sorted.

Stealthers are not the way to go as a new player since in the stealther game in daoc your character needs to be at its very peak since you have no group to rely on. That means you need to have a very nice template (your armour) and usually a buffbot (a second account with a character for the sole purpose of buffing you).

For this reason i suggest you re-roll to hibernia and make a Vampiir, this class is very different to "standard" classes in daoc since its buffs are gained through combat and is a very effective class in pve when played properly. Also means you dont need a second account for a buffbot as Vampiir's cant be buffed.

If you really want to play alb i suggest you go Hibernia on one server (Excaliber for example) and Albion on another (Prywden for example)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Welcome dude - you have joined the best realm (alb) not those scabby, dirty hibs or mids :m00:

Roll whatever class u want to, Inf IS great fun but to compete in RvR you will need a buffbot (Full enhancement specced cleric) - the reason for this is EVERYONE else uses one (or more).

If you can afford it buy 2 a/c rather than just one and lvl up your BB at the same time. It will make lvling easier and as an Inf that will be v important.

Get cata on both a/c's and lvl either with quests or in instances - piece of piss - u will be able to get to 50 in about 2 weeks (based on playing 4hours per night).

Join a guild - there are quite a few guilds that are generally more initially PvE orientated. I'm sure if u ask on this forum u will get a couple of positive responces.

(I would recommend SYNERGY as they are laughed at so much in RvR they end up crying and killing grey cons :) )

Once your lvl 40 you can start Master levels - for an inf you will be needed ml9 (mezz poisen) for rvr, as well as this you will need to sort yourself a respectable template, you dont HAVE to use artifact's but they do give you the edge.

Even after u finish fully toa'ing your inf and getting capped buffs from your bb dont expect to be able to win any fights. Remember all you have done with all your work is level the playing field because expect all enemy's to be similarly equiped.

A high realm rank enemy will 90% of the time tear you apart, not to mention the stealth zergs (4+ stealthers in the same area). If you wish to play solo most of the time then expect to be frustrated alot.

Mind you playing an inf is one of the most fun classes and has personally bought me ALOT of enjoyment over the past couple of years.

Good luck in whatever u want to do.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
for a first char, try a heretic (with high rejuv), it`s a perty good jack of all trades, with high utility, high survivabilty, nice damage output and low downtime.

Also, at 50 it`s still a very usefull toon in a level 50 group.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
levelling is easier than it's ever been in daoc - the 1-50 bit.

even the master levels are far easier now than they were at release too - so don't listen to all the doomsayers.

That said, it is quite hard to find groups at lower levels these days (they do still exist just you'll have to put in some effort to making them) so a character that's not too terrible at soloing is a good idea.

PvE is quite fun in daoc - and given that not everyone is always in RvR kinda suggests it can't be that bad ;) if you treat it as something you need to have put behind you yesterday it'll seem a grind, if you take your time, do some quests and enjoy it it's quite good fun.

Class-wise even with the upcoming changes for the moment I'd suggest something self-sufficient - a friar or a heretic are both very good for that in albion (it's arguable which one is better in rvr - zombie ressing people in keeps is probably more fun though so I'd say go with a heretic). That's for albion anyway - other bonus about those two characters is you don't need buffs from anyone else - you're very self sufficient and the whole "buffbot issue"* won't be such a problem.

Plus both of these characters can heal and buff other players so if you do go looking for some levelling groups you'll find it easier to get a spot or easier to make a viable group if you organise it yourself (since you've already got some healing covered).

* - Buffbots are an issue, massively overstated in my opinion, but they are an issue. However I'd say unless you have a complete inability to make friends a buffbot isn't 100% essential. For a stealther (infiltrator) in RvR it probably is since you'll be likely wanting to go solo and asking people for buffs every time you die is a bit demeaning ;) but if you group it's really not a problem, someone will have a buffbot to give out spec buffs and if you're a heretic you can get by with your self buffs and all of one item charge to get a full set of buffs.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
on the population note: there's loads of people playing in RvR/doing MLs/etc. but not so many at lower levels.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Calaclya said:
I would recommend SYNERGY as they are laughed at so much in RvR they end up crying and killing grey cons

I believe we are the least whiney "RVR guild" (I say that in quotation marks). Don't remember ever "crying" in daoc. And yes we kill grey cons the same as any other char.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
eggy said:
I believe we are the least whiney "RVR guild" (I say that in quotation marks). Don't remember ever "crying" in daoc. And yes we kill grey cons the same as any other char.

true, i believe who ever has Magon in their guild atomatically get "most whiny" title.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005

Welcome to DAoC, If can twist your arm, try out a Reaver. Reavers can effectively solo any tank in the game, any stealther in the game and can lock down any caster in the game, plus at higher RR they get access to some pretty nice stuff and potential to dish out alot of damage. Few tips about leveling in general and the reaver;

Ask your guild for help, that’s what its for, ask your alliance and do regular /who level ## checks to see if anyone wants to join you, most important thing about a guild is it's alliance, the bigger the alliance the more chance you have to finding people like you. Level in catacombs so you can get drops with bonuses to xp and those that reduce the xp penalty when you die, leveling in catacombs also grants you exp bonuses and the opportunities to level in zones caleld 'instances' these are zones specifically designed for you or your groups level. Also look for necromancer guides, necromancers hunt spirit weak mobs which are the type of mobs you also want to hunt as a reaver, your life taps will hit harder and you’ll receive a larger return (health back). Once you hit level 20, use a horse from gothwaite harbour and go to the Avalon isle, you’ll find plenty spirit weak mobs on the outskirts of the isle and as you progress you can work deeper into the isle. Don’t concentrate on orange con mobs to begin with too much, focus efforts on yellows, you can solo three yellows at the same time and get more xp quicker than soloing a orange and with less downtime also. The reaosn your able to do this is if you block more this effectively gives you the chance to use Viper more (flexible weapons stun) which falls off from a block, you can block moba and but Viper on mobb, takes a bit of practice but effectively at lower levels Viper is your anytime style. Don’t be afraid of your soulrendering abilities at lower levels however, they really do help, even if you find yourself low on power at lower levels, they give you the edge in a fight, sometimes its better to take it slow with mobs rather than die and spend half an hour getting all the XP back again. As a reaver try to think of yourself as an evil paladin, instead of buffing your allies with damage adds and end / health regeneration, your altering your enemies status by lowering their AF and attack damage, basically doing the opposite of what a paladin does. You can be a puller, you pull with your long range DoT, the DoT is handy for RvR also for interupting enemy casters, you can hold aggro, remember you’re a tank class and a very good one at that. You’ll discover at later levels you have the ability to fall out of defence and right into offence, switching roles going from block chain into side chain and later on leviathan, you have a unique style called Asp which grants you the ability in RvR to land attack from a distance no normal weapon can reach. You can solo darkness falls with no downtime providing you have a bot and you'll need a good template but not many tanks can do this, for example paladins can solo but they have a long time, as a reaver is alot quicker, becuase reavers are one of the few classes where you notice a distinct change once buffed, as they block an insane amount more due to having high dex accompanied with reasonable strength plauses for an optimum balance in stats giving the reaver a good WS to block with.

Again, if you need any advise just PM me in-game on Waok, will be more than happy to help.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
ok this is just my say;

go hibernia, roll a druid or a chanter.

allways gets groups.
and hibernia has lots of lvl 50 farmers who dont give a shit about XP, just the cash... so try to join their group and lvl up eazzyy


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
AngelHeal said:
hibernia has lots of lvl 50 farmers who dont give a shit about XP, just the cash...

sums up this game atm from a non rvr standpoint

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