after finishing NWN. Not sure why I stopped tbh *hugs morrowind*
X Xtro Guest Jul 19, 2002 Thread starter #4 yeah its very good - I was going to get it for the X-Box but the release date has slipped yet again
M Mousey Guest Jul 20, 2002 Thread starter #5 like Nightchill... I keep returning. It's strangely addictive.
N nocte Guest Jul 22, 2002 Thread starter #6 lo people, right i have NWN and i love it. i have been reading about morrowind, and to me it sounds like a very very nice game. so is it worth me buying
lo people, right i have NWN and i love it. i have been reading about morrowind, and to me it sounds like a very very nice game. so is it worth me buying
N nocte Guest Jul 24, 2002 Thread starter #8 got my gift vouchers through from the BW MegaGame so i got morrowind with it