Zagrez said:That´s not true m8, he joined Horn of Odin recently, haven´t seen him online for the last few days though
etcetra said:How can you blindly defend Jomfru?
athom said:Zagrez, the new owner (creator of this post) of jomfru joined horn, and is the same person that says his traded chars is deleted. Real jomfru haven't been playing that char for over 3 months maybe or more and have never been in horn. And still the new Horn of odins jomfru is accusing him... instead of the 4-5-6 ppl that have access to his acc. So dont know why some ppl have to think its old.jomfru... but the most stupid thing i've heard still is that he didnt change password. it's not a big surprise for anyone that it happened when half of greedgard had access to the acc. u gotwtfpwnd m8
Lothandar said:I don't want to interrupt you there, but deleting chars is not greed, it's plain stupid. What does the Mr. X who deleted chars gain by doing so? Absolutely no point to delete someones character(s).