John Simpson


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Right, in college atm doing my A-levels getting ready for Uni and, being the usual student, i have no idea what I want to go in for at Uni and then for a career. At the moment a journalistic career looks very attractive, so that would take it down to English or, preferably, History if i can wangle it. I read the newsies alot and, hating the american propoganda machines they call their News Channels, watch BBC World.
Now having read a few of his autobiographies, seen him on the news and other various debatings shows, he's sort of generated the most interest within me, both as a "wow, look what he's done" and a "wow, i'd love to do that for a job". So I'm wondering if there's any way i can get into contact with him, to ask him how he got into it all, without reading it from a book, and to perhaps give me a bit of advice*. Reason why I'm asking now is because he comes out to Qatar for a conference, february 16-17, and I'd like to meet him face to face.

So does anyone have any idea how i can get into contact with him? Nosed around the various BBC sites but to no avail. I'd really like to meet him if i can.

*talking/meeting him might help me get my foot in the door, so to speak, as well.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I'd suggest writing (In letter) to BBC News HQ, FAO John Simpson. They should be quite good about forwarding that on in some sense.

Second idea, go to a book shop. Pick a copy of his autobiography and read the publisher's details and/or contacts, write/email/phone them.

Thirdly, look up any agent's details - A quick search on google found he's a part of Knight Ayton Management and contact details are listed here.*

Contrary to popular belief, a lot of people are generally quite eagar to help. Especially people as pro-active as John Simpson. Give it a go.

*These are not particularly well ordered, I'd say try option 3 first.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Thanks bigbb! Great help.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I found this on the site and it's full of good advice. Ta for that link Tom. During the Summer I had applied for a bit of work experience at some newspaper's, with only one reply informing me that they diddn't exactly have anything for me to do but if I came along and was willing to work for zero pay they were sure they could find me something (which in my dictionary, something = teaboy), so i turned it down and went to work in a friends carpet shop.

Going to apply again but this time also to the new English department of Al-Jazeera. I don't mind the no pay part, just the "if you turn up we'll find you something" part.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Try a personals ad:

"Lively student, 17, GSOH, seeks distinguished, greying reporter, mid fifties for chats and shared interests, must have flawless enunciation and own flak-jacket. Box 1254".


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 28, 2003
Munkey said:
I found this on the site and it's full of good advice. Ta for that link Tom. During the Summer I had applied for a bit of work experience at some newspaper's, with only one reply informing me that they diddn't exactly have anything for me to do but if I came along and was willing to work for zero pay they were sure they could find me something (which in my dictionary, something = teaboy), so i turned it down and went to work in a friends carpet shop.

Going to apply again but this time also to the new English department of Al-Jazeera. I don't mind the no pay part, just the "if you turn up we'll find you something" part.

Work experience is by definition not paid, certainly in this country.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Munkey said:
if I came along and was willing to work for zero pay they were sure they could find me something (which in my dictionary, something = teaboy), so i turned it down and went to work in a friends carpet shop.

Unfortunately work experience is almost a pre-requisite of working in the media in this country. You'll be very very lucky if you get a job without first working for free.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I would think the same applies almost everywhere.

Pack your CV with a week at this radio station, and a month at that paper etc, even if all you do is make tea, and you'll surely have an advantage over those who sat at home talking about doing it.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
We have a saying here, "Its not what you know, but who you know", and I imagine that to be as true in Qatar as it is here.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
heh. it is infact. People who know police people can do their driving tests at 14/15 instead of the prequisite 18. Its always about bloody contacts, very annoying.

And Mr Black, :p

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