Job = Happiness



I curently hate my job, im under pressure all the time and have about 50 people moaning at me all the time. I seem to be the only one whos being affected by it whilst my boss takes the takings and fails to pay me on time. I have trouble sleeping due to thinking what shit I have to deal with tomorrow. Weekends are just a break from being moaned at. Trouble is im too busy and lazy to look for new work, so I blame myself for that. We did something yesterday which we thought would solve alot of problems. The forums that these people post on are saying its now even worse which has just knocked me back down again. I hate every day that goes by atm.


That sucks sk, I'm not having the greatest time at work atm, but I can tell you REALLY hate your job. :(

I work in a nightclub and we're coming up to Christmas... always a depressing thought when you think of all those private functions we'll be open for on top of normal trading. I don't get a day off after Sunday until 03/01/04. :(

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by Big G

Then I got a job as a developer and by god how I love it. I daresay sometimes when my alarm goes off at 7am i think "bah, can't be fucked" or sometimes on a Sunday night I think "bah, up in the morning tomorrow for work" but I reckon no matter what you earn or where you work, you will feel like that.

Couldn't agree more.

Personally, i love getting my big phat pay-check at the end of the month.


Originally posted by Damini
Well, I was going to put this in a seperate thread, but then this came up and it seems appropriate.

I now have a publishing deal with Hodder and Stoughton in the UK and commonwealth, and in the US with Simon and Schluster, and so I'm now officially a writer, which is something I love with a passion.

And I'm fully aware that I only really got this opportunity because of the BBC competition, and I have this strange sneaking suspicion I wouldn't have won it without the help of Barrysworld...

So thanks to you lot, I have a career that I love.

Thank you :fluffle:

Congratulations, well deserved :)

On a related note, the 'Find Your Ideal Job' link someone posted, apparently mine is 'Monkey Trainer'. So I'm off to join the circus.


Originally posted by Cdr
Congratulations, well deserved :)

On a related note, the 'Find Your Ideal Job' link someone posted, apparently mine is 'Monkey Trainer'. So I'm off to join the circus.

Fits in with your avatar. :)


Originally posted by Xtro 2.0
Insane - err, a threat? fking *lol*.

The only thing I threaten to do is piss on my girlfriends xmas tree when the lights are on.

*edit* and who says I work for the government anymore? ;)

ack :( didnt mean it to come out so harsh when i replied, my brain was fried and couldnt remember half the words i needed to explain properly what i meant, threat was a bit harsh when it was taken as a joke from the offset.

all i can say is "lucky you" for getting out :eek: thats if you did and arnt trying to avert our attention to other places while you sneak past and do something nasty like piss on my xmas tree! :eek6:

congrats Damini! I expect to see it in waterstones shelf and i'll get all my mates to buy it :)

im going to go drink more coffee here, missed out on yesterdays quota by a long shot. :(


Originally posted by Damini
Well, I was going to put this in a seperate thread, but then this came up and it seems appropriate.

I now have a publishing deal with Hodder and Stoughton in the UK and commonwealth, and in the US with Simon and Schluster, and so I'm now officially a writer, which is something I love with a passion.

And I'm fully aware that I only really got this opportunity because of the BBC competition, and I have this strange sneaking suspicion I wouldn't have won it without the help of Barrysworld...

So thanks to you lot, I have a career that I love.

Thank you :fluffle:
tbh it was all fixed because I didn't want you bumping into my sister at the safeway checkouts ;) (Congratulations :D)

I'm supposed to be a Shaman according to that ideal job thing..... that'll teach me to be a fucking mystic won't it :(

Oh and my current jobs are "muh". Working for my dad is a pain in the arse but I'm able to self manage & Woolworths is cool but the days are a little more repetative. Can't complain though as my careers have so far been varied :)


I always was a bit slow - congrats damini :D

budge over rowling ;)


I go through phases, but generally enjoy my job. The main things which contribute to enjoying it, off the top of my head, would be ..... being challenged (otherwise you are just bored out your mind), feeling valued (you need to be recognised for the things you do right and know your manager noticed) and having a positive mental attitude (erk that sounds like a typical american-ism, like 'quality time'). The last being really important cos it's all too easy to think "I can't be arsed, I hate this job" and that quickly takes over and you find, without fail, that you really are hating the job. If on the other hand you try to think about the positive aspects which you do enjoy and try to actually do something pro-active about making right the things you don't enjoy, you'll be amased how much of a difference it can make.
I also find the more I enjoy life outside of work, the less having to work gets to me.
Surely not true for all, but personally that's how it works for me ........... and I've been in accounting for 10 years, which would test anyone I think ;)

Congratulations Damini :clap:

Xtro 2.0

Insane - hehe no worries! :)

I now work for Electronic Arts. So more govt MIB routine I'm afraid.

*edit* - this explains me hardly gracing the forums btw, I have to WORK FFS! grrr.


I'm actually a bit confused by this thread, but it would appear something good happened to Lou, so yay! ;)


Great news Damini... and no less than you deserve. Lots of good luck.

Oh yeah, my job is a good one (but I've had some horrors). After 15 years with the same company, I'm now in a position to do some serious loafing... while getting a not inconsiderable sum to do so.

Swings and roundabouts though, as some weeks my feet don't touch the ground.

Apparently my perfect job is a Urologist <eh!>


Originally posted by SoWat
Apparently my perfect job is a Urologist <eh!>

Urologist = someone who takes the piss out of people.


I enjoy working for a living but that does not necessarily mean that I enjoy my current employment. I work for a big plc and every day you just feel like another number and a statistic. To be honest if I won the lottery or was on the rock n roll boredom would kill me. Literally.

I really dislike my job but the wages are fantastic for what I do. So they use me for their own ends and I use them. e.g. they have sponsored me the best part of a thousand pound to do a home study course in a field of work I have wanted to do for the last 20 years. Anyway it also gives me the financial platform to start my own business off without ruining my family's standard of living. I suppose in some respects that is the easy way out but hell I am learning as I am going. It's long hours and my other work(starting my own business) is sooooo rewarding. My advice is if you dont like working for someone, work for yourself. :)


I used to work as an office monkey during the morning, and then customer support during the afternoon.

We'd have so and so many emails in the system (usually some 400ish), and we'd do about 300 a day, and get another 200 a day.
Then some of the guys got the bright idea of playing UT after work.
I couldn't be arsed to stay, and some people (who were married) couldn't either.
We then agreed to work our butts off so we could play UT friday lunchtimes.

It felt damn sweet being able to work so efficiently as a team. After the second week of putting the pressure on, we had it down to 0 emails before lunch.
We gamed the afternoon away, and such a good laugh.

Because we were being imensely efficient, customer satisfaction went sky high, and customers started getting more polite (always a plus).
Best summer work I ever done, and it was actually fun to go to work with a bunch of people who cared. No simpletons, every single person was a genious in their own right. Except me, (I was the office monkey, but money was good! :D ).


Being Stuck in any sort of office environment is my idea of pure hell :(

I have to be active and away from the everyday menial things or it will drive me insane :mad:

Oh and my ideal job was y-front model :eek7:


OK just hold you hor..

oh wait wrong way to start

Dont try and be like Calvin Klein boyo!


Originally posted by Damini
Well, I was going to put this in a seperate thread, but then this came up and it seems appropriate.

I now have a publishing deal with Hodder and Stoughton in the UK and commonwealth, and in the US with Simon and Schluster, and so I'm now officially a writer, which is something I love with a passion.

And I'm fully aware that I only really got this opportunity because of the BBC competition, and I have this strange sneaking suspicion I wouldn't have won it without the help of Barrysworld...

So thanks to you lot, I have a career that I love.

Thank you :fluffle:

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by Jonaldo
Almost two years now since I've been out of work and don't feel too good about it or myself :(

Hopefully something good will happen soon.

eek.. 'tis things like this that make me think there's no way out of my 2 month unemployent gap... i hope for you and me both matey that something crops up soon :/

this unemployment lark is no good for the 'ol self-esteem... my problem is paying rent, I've been decorating this place for my landlord and he was nice enough to give me 3 months free rent from it, but that covers me to mid-way through january... after then.... well... ive spoken to mumsy dearest about coming back home (near bromley, so near enough for those barrybeers i hope :p)... currently in manchester :/

bleh, work schmwork..... i want to curl up and die! or get another job


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