Job = Happiness



Is there anyone out there who actually enjoys working for a living??

I hate my job, all the jobs of been in, and the only reason I go to work is because I have these nasty things through my door called 'bills'.

So, the question is - Does anyone actually ENJOY working for a living (and by this I mean working for an employer, self-employed people need not apply) and just how DO you find the perfect job for yourself???


One of the more fortunate things in my life is that I have always enjoyed my work, there are many aspects of it I don't like, mostly involving stupid cow-orkers, but on the whole it gives me a challenge and good money in return.

If I don't go to work I get bored and spend lots of money I don't have.


Originally posted by xane
One of the more fortunate things in my life is that I have always enjoyed my work, there are many aspects of it I don't like, mostly involving stupid cow-orkers, but on the whole it gives me a challenge and good money in return.

If I don't go to work I get bored and spend lots of money I don't have.

I couldn't agree more


Work = Money = Me happy. :p

At 16, i may only have a part-time job but i can say ive always got a bit of cash to splash about, even if it is only about 32 quid a week for 9 hours work, i still like the little bit of cash in my pocket.

Made some good friends from co-workers and on the whole i enjoy even if some of the work is mind numbing. :)


I enjoy many aspects of my job, my only problems come when I am not challenged at work (which is happening far too often at the moment :S). But,all things considered, I can honestly say I do enjoy my work (cept for the talking to (l)users bit)


I'd be deliriously happy if I could get a development job but I can't so I'm stuck as a sys admin in a college. Most of my jobs that I disliked were because of wankers I worked with. Most jobs I've liked is because the people there were top laughs. I've found I can do the most menial of work as long as I enjoy the company of the people I'm working with (McDonalds being a case in point).


I like it mostly.
I sell reasonably newish sports motorbikes for an independant shop, where I am the manager and get pretty little interruption from my boss the owner.
I get reasonable money, but not massive high wages, however my bills are very low (mortgage £321 a month !) , so Im pretty happy.
Sometimes its stressfull, bad customers, warranty etc, but I do get a reasonable wage so you have to take the ups with the downs :)
When I was 18 I never dreamed Id get a job doing what I liked, but if you want it bad enough you can, so stick with it chaps :)


I enjoy my job hugely.

It helps if you:

a) work with good people
b) get real rewards for good work done (over and above your salary)
c) enjoy what you do.

If I wasn't doing what I do at work, I'd be doing it at home anyway. (if you see what I mean).

Testin da Cable

sometimes I enjoy my job hugely, sometimes it sucks dead goats. such is the way of things. the thing I dislike most about it is the whole politics thing some people seem to need to be able to "function". the thing I like most is when something I dream up actually works nicely :)


Originally posted by Testin da Cable
sometimes I enjoy my job hugely, sometimes it sucks dead goats. such is the way of things. the thing I dislike most about it is the whole politics thing some people seem to need to be able to "function". the thing I like most is when something I dream up actually works nicely :)
Indeed you wise old man :)


I'm a civil servant and frankly the job is very boring.

The wages are dreadful and we've just had a below inflation wage rise imposed on us and progression pay frozen so the money side sucks as well!

But the people are good fun, which makes a difference as I do want to go to work each morning just to see them.

If the job wasn't so damn secure I'd be looking to leave, as it is I'm just thinking about a transfer to another department (where they get more money!).


Originally posted by Tenko
The wages are dreadful and we've just had a below inflation wage rise imposed on us and progression pay frozen so the money side sucks as well!

Apart from a few professions, its been that way outside the public sector for a few years now, hopefully theres a bit of a turnaround coming soon, unless my job gets ported off to India.


I'm a support team manager and frankly enjoyed work more when I was just 'the guy fixing stuff for people'. I still do get hands on with the technical queries sometimes, but most of the time I am playing the politics and that sucks.

Thing about the support arena is that your customers are very fast to pick up the phone to complain, but very slow to do the same to say thank you or well done. It can be extremely demoralising :(

In short, I used to like it, now I don't but I get lots of dosh and it pays the bills...


Originally posted by doh_boy
I've found I can do the most menial of work as long as I enjoy the company of the people I'm working with (McDonalds being a case in point).

Ditto that, my first job I worked in a warehouse, pretty shitty work you'd imagine but it was actually enjoyable as the people in the company where simply great chumps, partly because the company was going down the plughole at an amazing speed and so it kinda brought everybody together but hey ho, given those people where still there, i'd happily go back

as for enjoying work right now.. well let me tell you, its far less fun being unemployed, my previous contract ended at the end of september, since then ive been unemployed.

I'd normally be applying for web development / design jobs left right and centre, which i have been doing, but the past 2 months have been an increasing downward spiral of self pity and wondering about my self worth, no recruitment agencies really seem to give a shit about me and no employers seem to want me. it's a big old slap in the chops really.

so whilst your job might be really shitty, consider yourself lucky you have one :p


oh yea, one other thing...

If I wasn't doing what I do at work, I'd be doing it at home anyway. (if you see what I mean).

do you realise how open to twisting that is? or maybe thats just my sick mind...


Originally posted by 7th
Ditto that, my first job I worked in a warehouse

I read that first bit wrong and the whole thing seemed :uhoh:


hehehe, oh *those* people where great.. they didn't hit me too hard when they asked to do..... oh wait


Xtro 2.0

I enjoy my work as due to work I know where you live and I know if you enjoy YOUR job or not.




XTRO IS A RENT BOY!!11"!!!:eek:


I hope that is random :( caus my perfect job is Peter Pan


Originally posted by mr.Blacky
I hope that is random :( caus my perfect job is Peter Pan

:) I put J M Barrie in and it said 'Dole queue for you' :p


Originally posted by mr.Blacky
I hope that is random :( caus my perfect job is Peter Pan
Same here....

about my job....kill me now...please...kill me.

15 years in the NHS....actually it's 15 years, 1 one month, 24 days to be exact (I counted the gouges on the desk).


im a Witch Doctor \o/

(first person to start singing that song gets a smack)

oh and a nice thing to neuter Xtro's threat, if you search a government database for info which doesnt relate directly to yourself (i.e. your name/dob/house address) or is not part of your job you can find yourself in prison for over 3 years :D nice innit?

so en guard monseiur!
*raises sword*

for a laugh, type in "peter pan" into the boxes :D


I dont hate my job but I do find it a bit boring.

I am currently trying to find something else but so far not had a lot of luck. I'm in a good position right now which enables me to be really picky as to what job I want.

Unfortunately it will still be in accounting so will still have that boredom element.

I would like to be doing something I am passionate about but that would mean taking a salary cut which I cant afford to do.


According to doh_boys link, I'm a sex slave

*prepares for wij* :(


My first job was working at a chip shop, I lasted one night before the owner realised I was shite, and promptly fired me :D

My second job was a barman in my local pub, did that for four years and learnt alot about communicating with people.

Present job is self employed, and loving it to death. Worked today with a very nice blonde presenter with child-bearing hips, huge smile, and a laugh-a-minute producer, and to top it off, this was in a Ferrari 575.


My second job was a barman in my local pub, did that for four years and learnt alot about communicating with people

Working behind a bar is a great way to learn about interacting with others... I'd recommend it to anyone (except Wij who we don't really want to talk to paying customers :cool: ).

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