Jehannum, Belxavier, and Svartur



Welcome back Jehannum :) God I've missed hunting you :)

Looking forward to Sauvage again now. I've dropped See Hidden for Purge. One third sense, two thirds pride. The hunt is on, as it was meant to be.

The three of you now have an open invitation, and an open warning. The three of you are welcome to hunt in Forest Shaeffer. I welcome your incursions into our lands. Rest assured however, that if I learn that any of you three are in my forest, then I will drop whatever I am doing and I _will_ come out to stalk you.

You mostly hunt alone, from what I've seen. This infiltrator works alone, unbuffed. Extend to me the same courtesy, and we will see who truly owns that road. I look forward to it.


Oh..and not sure how long its taken...but YES!!! About frickin' time I managed to get my hands on you 1vs1. At least for a time. Not even Zogoroth could save you from that little bit of payback....god that was a feelgood moment :D

Welcome to a war. You three are on the list. The Shadowed Night awaits.

Oh, and Ruffting...I've one with your name on it as well. You know where to find me


I know your post wasn't to me.... but ... purge has to be one of the biggest wastes of realm skill points in this game. The only people who should, IMHO, spec it are tanks who get it free with a box of cornflakes and people with demezz. Other than that...


I'd been umming and aahing over it to be honest, and yes I can see exactly what youre saying, but I'm fully geared up towards 1-1 solo encounters. Usually at milegates/DF. Thats my specialty if you like.

In a one on one situation, then its worth it for getting the kill and getting out. Anything that keeps me fighting on that one target will help. Group on group work I wouldnt get it, purely as I seem to die loads regardless of whether im mezzed or not hehe. If im fighting a tank or whatever and thres a caster around, it doesnt matter if im moving, not moving, fighting, one-hit-from-victory, im still gonna get the crap nuked out of me.

It works for me, but I can see exactly why it wouldnt be worth getting for you for example.


Purge is quite nice for an assasin actually. Get slammed by the scout(or an other class if you´re Alb;)), purge his stun and kick his butt.


Purge is quite nice for an assasin actually. Get slammed by the scout(or an other class if you´re Alb;)), purge his stun and kick his butt.


purge is quite nice actually, for an assasin. if you get slammed, purge the stun and kick his butt:clap:


Thanks for welcoming me back :). We'll see how long I'll stay this time, but I've had a blast all weekend so a bit more at least :).

I'm almost always unbuffed and mostly solo so I hope we can get a nice lil one on one soon :).

As for the purge question, it is really really useful if you run around solo. I would pay 15 points for it if they desided to raise the cost, that's how much I value my purge :).


hm, I was thinking of taking Purge as my 2nd RA (for my minst). My reasoning is that if I Purge, I can then demezz my group.. Still a waste of points?


Purge is also good in pve. Apart from removing rezz sick, with all these new si mobs that mezz, dot and debuff I use it all the time.


Originally posted by Turamber
I know your post wasn't to me.... but ... purge has to be one of the biggest wastes of realm skill points in this game. The only people who should, IMHO, spec it are tanks who get it free with a box of cornflakes and people with demezz. Other than that...

*cough* your kidding right? an inf with no ip needs purge because a slam ends a lot of things. Well sb's defo need it. You find yourself a scout when it slams you you dont fancy that critshot for 900 following it up :D


Schaeffer: Just leave Eras alone so our trips to Sauvage is a lot easier and shorter. Cya there whenever reallife allows me to play. ;)

Purge is nice. Get rid of that poison or Dragonfang stun from Schaeffer. ;)


Originally posted by amazingsteve
purge is quite nice actually, for an assasin. if you get slammed, purge the stun and kick his butt:clap:

I think he's trying to say that purge is quite nice actually for an assassin. If you get slammed, purge the stun and kick his but.

I could be wrong tho...


Schaeffer, there will be a new menace for you too consider in around a weeks time, a hunter that goes by the name of Aphex. So keep your eyes open for him :)

Just started leveling him after about 6 months playing a shammie so go easy on me im still a gimp :D


bugger....sauvage is a long way to run :/ can't you come and camp svasud? :D


Originally posted by eynar
I think he's trying to say that purge is quite nice actually for an assassin. If you get slammed, purge the stun and kick his but.

I could be wrong tho...
:clap: :clap:

Fex...Its an open invite, you enter Forest Shaeffer, you walk the tightrope. Youre name is now known. Enter my lands solo and unbuffed, and see if you measure up.

However, if any of you barstewards spell my goddamn name wrong again, you're asking for the ganking from hell!

Just out of interest, how do you lot work, is it pretty much standard that all hunters have the same skills, or is it like infs, different specs for different styles. Just that I never see Svartur without a pet for example, and I cant honestly recall seeing Jehannum or Bel with one.

Know thy enemy and all that :)


Originally posted by old.Elrond
bugger....sauvage is a long way to run :/ can't you come and camp svasud? :D

wheres that? :p


Originally posted by old.Tyraette
:clap: :clap:

Just out of interest, how do you lot work, is it pretty much standard that all hunters have the same skills, or is it like infs, different specs for different styles. Just that I never see Svartur without a pet for example, and I cant honestly recall seeing Jehannum or Bel with one.

Know thy enemy and all that :)

There are some spots in Sausage where you can park a pet without getting guard aggro. So sometimes I keep one alive around the corner somewhere just to be able to utilize 2 pets in a row. It also attracts attention which is good, thats why I am there after all. ;)

If I send it on someone and it dies I can instantly cast a new one. Pretty fun versus tank types. ;) You can let them fight 2 pets and just lean back and watch or join the fun. ;)
If they are less experienced they use endurance to kill the first pet, send another one and game is on. :)


I havent activly RvRed with my hunter for months now so I think my plan will be to run around getting lost alot and running into purple aggro mobs.

Seems like a good plan to me :)

Brannor McThife

Pets also give you away. Simply seeing a hunters avatar makes quite a few of us ignore it and hunt for you.

And why does Gustav run around in the open in Hadrian's Wall? Almost makes me want to let him go every time. ;)



Sorry schaeffer you uninformed albie :D svasud is the name of the border keep in uppland...but i'm sure you knew that and were just trying to be witty, huh, yes...? ;)


Gustav! How the bloody hell could i forget him!


I luv him as well.

Ruffting..I know where it is, just didnt know the name :) Been there a couple of times, might wander down there if we dont have DF and sauvage/hadrians is quiet.

Rare that i see a nongreycon to start with though, and hard using emotes to say 'look you prat, im not going to kill you so stop crapping yourself. good. right, now bugger off and tell all your friends im here cos i want someone to hunt.'

The closest i can do is /point grey, walk towards him, /point uppland, /beckon, /point self, /flex


Just out of interest, how do you lot work, is it pretty much standard that all hunters have the same skills, or is it like infs, different specs for different styles. Just that I never see Svartur without a pet for example, and I cant honestly recall seeing Jehannum or Bel with one.

There are different specs for different styles, although almost everyone seem to have a well rounded spec nowadays. Though I dare to say that I'm alone with my spec on Prydwen (okok, not really sure, but never heard about anyone at all with the same ). What it is? Not tellin ya ;).

I never had a pet in Sauvage before the insta ones came, I couldn't be arsed to go through the trouble to get one when it gets killed by a patrol as soon as I get there. Although I sometimes used the level 15-20 ones in Sauv just to interrupt casters or track down stealthers. Worked wonders. Ask Mysteh ;).


hehe. i know im not alone in my spec, but there sure isnt many of my spec around. probably less than 10 offhand I guess.

Dont think its any greater or any worse than a standard inf, nice to be different though. It suits my style well, and fits in with my normal targets. I work solo usually, and am far more likely to see a non caster running solo than I am a caster.

Mind you..when I get buffed, I am Teh Ewul hehe. Took out two 50's a green and a grey at the same time in df a few days ago. Had half life left too :p. Dont know what classes they were though im sure one was a thane. Dunno.


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