Jazhara xp killing naughty newby



Originally posted by Riddler
heh, why is everyone saying alb frontier is soo hard to travel in?, i used probably 10-15mins from hadrians to snowdonia, not a fecking mob in my way, not a fecking patrol in my way, those who find it hard are either unlucky with the patrols, or they have no clue how to safely go to "noob area" of an enemies frontier, reaching snowdonia from hadrians is just as easy as reaching gorge from emain imo

I've been patrol killed going to the gorge, they don't often patrol near the borders, but they do and my luck is low at times. :p
Having said that the majority of pennine is a lot more dangerous than breifine, even without patrols, there are a lot more aggro mobs about.


GL getting to alb fronteer.. I went there w/ 5 others lvl 50s and a 41 healer, we had to slay 5 patrols, 4 of them came 2 and 2.
I know we had bad luck, bit its hard to get to alb fronteer.. and when u get there, the albs just think u are on some kind of raid and send 20 46+ ppl out to scout for large forces.. atleast they did to us :m00:


Well Hibs blew it with those drakes.. and saying ALL albs are XP killers. If I see them now XPing I will definitely let them die to loose XP. Blame those who think they are funny doing it at raids. Those people have no respect for other players so I won't show anymore respect to them as well.


after traveling by my ranger into every frontier zone IMHO:
Gorge and Yggdra are easiest to reach
Snowdonia is as easy to reach as Uppland and Mt. Collory
Forest Sauvage is acessible with a stealther (u have to stealth ALL the way through Pennies to get 95% chance to reach it)

but it is damn hard to reach by non stealther class...
Albs have advantage even in this !

Moreover almost noone exp in Forest/Snowdonia while Gorge and Collory are primary exping ones for many classes - there are too few good spawn points inside :(

So show me alb who was expkilled at their homeland ?
and even if it is - i will bring 100+ hibbies with same experience

Herbal Remedy

urca u suck big time ganking lvl 20s on teh road to excal even when they heading back to sauvage wasnt funny, yet second a yellow con came u ran coward come out and fight someone who atleast stands a chance one shot killin noobs for 1 rps aint big u gimp


Ahhh. Urca, i remember that she made a nice grave at the trees near Ailline ;)




xp killers tend to be selfish arses that waste even their own realms time. You should have been taking keeps back, instead or tugging around our borders trying to get RP's off 15's.


Playing manawhore at a keepraid? Nah, more fun to exp kill and to piss some ppl off so much that they have to flame me on the boards ;)



...I'm just jealous because I can't stealth :/ can manawhore though...

please stop stunning me, it really pisses me off :D


Hmmz seems u missed the point.

Getting killed whilst xping is one thing, and a hazzard of frontier life.

HAving some wanker, deliberately use insta stuns to make sure it is an xp death, rather than just atacking you, is anoter.

Next time i wont bother taking out a bloodletter that has wandered that close to emain, ill just let it kill lowbies, after all, one of um might be elbs alt.


Dum Dum Dum, another Ranger bites the dust!

Oops, he left a grave near Ailline ;)



Originally posted by Herbal remedy
think ull find nilo n elasieas started this back before patch in snow
aint payback a bitch :D


Alb lamers started it all right after retail. Then they got payback with considerable interest, and their Realm started moaning, so things quietened down a bit.

The guys a pratt, and makes grief for his own realm.

But then, you have always been reknowned for having a convenient short term memory Herbal . . .


Bah i give up. I start a thread moaning about one alb xp killing... then i read about how the l33t Celtic Fisters are pulling wraith drakes onto the alb army and xp killing the lot of um ;/

<ashamed to be in the same realm as them>

XP kill away jaz, half the hibbies prolly deserve it.



harry's just pissed off because he can't find the hidden man on the camel box...


Note 2 self, concentrate more on lvling Minst xp kills are a bit 2 hard 2 do with a Cleric :(


Originally posted by Hatchet
Bah i give up. I start a thread moaning about one alb xp killing... then i read about how the l33t Celtic Fisters are pulling wraith drakes onto the alb army and xp killing the lot of um ;/

<ashamed to be in the same realm as them>

XP kill away jaz, half the hibbies prolly deserve it.

A feeling of shame can only happen if you had some pride in the first place, but i don't think anyone starting a thread with this title could be ashamed of anything at all. And dragging it all to a guild-lvl only shows how low you really are.


I really dont get this whining about 'xp killing' or 'killing lowbies'. If there is an alb/middie any enemy, of course, you should try to kill him. An enemy is the enemy. If you have to use tactics that involve the enemy (or part of a group of enemies) being engaged in fighting mobs, use them, so what?
I could say it is selfish to RP kill enemies, you just get RPs for them that make you yourself (possibly in the future...) a bit better or 'enchanced', but if you xp kill an enemy that benefits the whole home realm, as you have made leveling that little bit slower for that one person (or maybe even a group), and possibly discouraged the sucker to come out to the frontier lands to xp, making raids/xpng a bit easier for your realm members (as there are less scouts and less people prepared to defend the frontier also then).
Ive been killed lots of times out in the frontier (both xp/non-xp deaths), but I wouldn't come crying about it 'They killed me, they killed me!'. Of course they did, the silly bard that I am. Maybe I can pay them back later, maybe not (but Ill sure as hell try :cool: ).



There are all kinds of peeps playing Daoc. As I have stated elsewhere a number of them are fuckwits (and quite obviously not only in Midgard). Cant be helped. XP killers equate to those kids you know who have had a bad upbringing. You know - the kind who pull wings off flies for fun or put their pets in the microwave for a laugh. Dont castigated them please - pity them this mental disability. They cant help it or themselves ;)

I blame the parents


PS Having never played any other realm I dont know the score on XP grounds, but as far as Midgard is concerned there is no reason to travel to frontier zones to gain levels (only drops). If you cant handle the problem or live with the consequences, deny these twats the satisfaction and play safe.


Rofl, comparing real life to a game shows that you take this game to serious.



Originally posted by Harle

A feeling of shame can only happen if you had some pride in the first place, but i don't think anyone starting a thread with this title could be ashamed of anything at all. And dragging it all to a guild-lvl only shows how low you really are.

I can be ashamed to be in the same realm as peeps who ally with midgard, and those who pull wraith drakes into emain to xp kill, its real easy... i cant be ashamed of my guidlmates however *smile*, since they dont do that kinda shit.

Drag it down to a guild level, damn right, name the shame. I'm done being diplomatic, i had enough of empty "im sorry we wont be lame again" from CF. There are a few CF who are good freinds, they know who they are and dont need me to tell them this generalisation does not apply to them, and id bet real money your entire membership does not approve of the actions of the l33t few.

I dont know u well enough to know which u are tho Harle.



I don't think the intention of the drake was to XP kill, it was to destroy an enemy force. I have yet to find any CF player purposely malicious with regards to XP killing etc, but I am not saying I approve.

With regards to the alliance, that was obviously a CF agreed alliance, so CF can take responsibility for it. In the same way they judge you, you are able to judge them.

At the end of the day though, this pretty much illustrates how dedicated both parties are to the realm, by being prepared to split it over view points. A wee bit of King Solomon Syndrome.

As long as we sit here on the boards spewing blame, we won't take a relic, I reckon you peeps need a chill pill.

Zag Barr

There is big difference between XP-killing and intentional XP-killing.

Of course it happens, that you get attacked by members of an ememy realm, while you fight mobs and one or two get XP loss. I consider that an accident. This is the kind of stuff, that happens while you are in a frontier XP'ing.

Pesonally I try to avoid doing it to others - and you can avoid it. I was only once involved into an XP kill, because we didn't see the mob when our group charged.

Intentional XP-killing is mezzing the enemy party and waiting for the mob to finish them off. This is what Jazarah seems to do and I think it's very, very lame. As she says herself, she doesn't care for hardly anyone - not even in her own realm. Thanks Jazarah for spoiling the fun for all of us :(


the drake was a stroke of tactical genius :cool:

it stopped their attack on crim , and that was the objective

as for slagging off CF on these boards harry i really can't see what it's going to acheive other than bad feelings?


Originally posted by Jazhara
Rofl, comparing real life to a game shows that you take this game to serious.


Nope, I dont take this game seriously at all. But behaviour of all peeps I have ever played with in games has always been quite a good barometer of how they are as peeps in real life (or in some cases how they would like to behave) :) Anyone care to dispute this?


GM Nazgul

PS Great fun in emain this afternoon


Originally posted by Novamir
the drake was a stroke of tactical genius :cool:

it stopped their attack on crim , and that was the objective

/em agrees.

I don't agree with Jazhara, killing low levels just for kicks. That's just sad.

But if you have an army attacking your fort, what better way to stop them than to attract a dragon's attention :)

(well just a drake in this case... imagine RvR in the epic zones ... oh thats DF in 1.49 :D)


Originally posted by Novamir
the drake was a stroke of tactical genius :cool:

it stopped their attack on crim , and that was the objective

as for slagging off CF on these boards harry i really can't see what it's going to acheive other than bad feelings?

I put up with a lot of shit from CF since balnor appologised for all the lameness, i have to read elb's flames here every day, i get an invite for a group, that is later veto'ed because some CF dont like harry, all that is insignificant next to the allying thing tho.

Bad feeling? You fucks organised a massive relic raid and chose midgard as allies rather than your fellow hibs, THAT is fucking bad feeling in action.

Allying with mids... its a demonstration of uber-lameness, and CF are involved upto their necks.

Bad feeling cuts both ways.


I don't exp kill cause i get a kick, i do it cause everyone of you whines so much about it.
If you think you don't have fun in game cause i killed about 10-20 ppl so far with an exp death then moan abit more on the forums and amuse me ;)

If you think you can judge a person from their behavior in a game you are complete wrong.



Ok, I've muddled in a bit here to tippex out some swearing, and amend the title. I'm not going to delete or block this thread, because grey versus higher level realm vs realm kills is going to be an ongoing and emotive subject for quite some time, and so you may continue to verbally spar in here, but please can you mind the language? I know this is a touchey subject, and tempers get raised, but this board is for a lot of people to read.

My first time in RVR I grouped with a level 36 (Im a level 18) and wandered out to face the enemy. Suddenly, from nowhere a woman unstealthed, waves and then promptly disappeared again (or more realistically, I started spinning around in a panic and she quite sensibly abused this). She is purple to me. Suddenly, she re-appears, and brutally murders my level 36 friend. He is screaming at me to run as he sustains hit after hit, but like a loyal (or silly) dog, I stand close to him, trying to help. He drops dead, and so I stand face to face with a woman who must be twenty levels higher than me. I'm swinging my little plastic sword back and forwards with sheer determination, and missing every single time, whilst she dances and blows me a kiss. Heh. She could quite easily have killed me, and had every right to. I'm tugging her hair and trying to bite her. But she instead shimies off into the distance, leaving me with a very dead travelling partner.

The moral? There is none really. I expected her to kill me. If I didn't want to die to higher level people I wouldn't have gone out there unless I was level 50. She acted with honour, as she saw it. I acted with honour, as I saw it. For the roleplayers, it is up to you to decide your own code of honour. If she had killed me, I wouldn't have respected her any less, because frankly I put myself out there, and she must have worked hard to gain those extra levels on me. In UO I resented pking, because quite often it was accompanied by insults or kewl dude speech, or "N00b" insults, but those that pked admirably had my respect. In DAoC you voluntarily place yourself in a pk environment, there is no "leet banter", simply a war environment. Thats my two pence worth.

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