Tank group:
Cleric: Kiwietje
Cleric: Seks
Paladin: Trongela
Paladin: Sway (Gwendel)
Minstrel: Gamah
Merc: Terelith
pally: Xenolith
Thurg: Oysterboy
Caster group:
Cleric: Kisaragi
Cleric: Hitch
Theurg: Tristessa
Theurg: Koja
sorc: Me
Sorc: Bubble
Cab Equendil
Sorc: Triaq
as i didnt read Sevus's post till a few moments ago nd i thought we were missing pallies i recruited another pally who will be joining the caster group allowing us to have an offgroup puller and 2fg (me) =o see you all there
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