It's a Miracle! Albies Have DF!



100+ Mids (130 is actually low) = elite skills Ardamel style...
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
100+ Mids (130 is actually low) = elite skills Ardamel style...
Regards, Glottis

100+mids for what keep retake? It isnt usually that high its only that high when someone took it with 50+ and if we pay the time to group up somewhere (which mids usually dont do). But there would be still 100+ just drippling in which albs can usually manage certainly with 50. Allthough last time albs took bled with 90 and most of those suicided before mids actually attacked bled and when we did we had 100 people and albs not more than 6fg. But thing is you had 90 and we counted on having to a heavy defence atleast. Cant be helped that every alb thought ooow df and then suicided to loose DF 30 mins later..


Originally posted by Belomar
I'm sorry, you didn't. In December, when Wildfire's raid brought home the third strength relic to it's rightful home, SS and some other worthy guilds mounted a raid with the goal of taking all Mid keeps. We did not quite succeed, but at the end of the night, we had 5 out of 7 keeps (Hibs held Bledmeer), and only Cubby the spiritmaster came out to defend (time and time again).

give cubby :(

did he quit ? :(

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