Italians get 1.48

  • Thread starter old.Sion Verdox
  • Start date


Thank you smart for finally adding some sense to this discussion.



Smart you left out Italy from your post...
Maybe because we (excluding me :D ) speak pretty well english, french and deutch and whatever... and we have the best dubbed movies in the world without annoying subtitles?

OK, so why not drop the stupid dubbing and learn some english. Then you might join the rest of Europe, living in the 21st century where we can actually communicate with each other...

Really you think that is so simple to "drop these stupid dubbing" ?
Ahahahaha c'mon mate, write a letter to ours television tycoons with your point of view, then post here their reply or better, think a bit more before posting...


Ayeye: Yes, you're right, I forgot Italy, sorry about that. You also suck at english... :p

No seriously, you are pretty good at english, better than the french and spanish, it seems to me. But try speaking to someone from Holland. Most dutch people I have heard speaking english, were almost fluent. And I don't mean to be rude, but that is not the impression you get, when hearing an italian speak english...

Well, actually never mind about speaking. All you need is being able to read and write some basic english. Then you can play a game like this on an english server, and then you will soon learn a lot more english and become even more comfortable with using that language.

Of course I don't think it's as simple as dropping the dubbing... It's just one factor that plays into the whole equation.
The main problem, lying behind things like dubbing, is maybe the general attitude. In Sweden (at least among people my age or younger) it's taken for granted that you know english.

Funny that you should quote that part of my text... Did you see the last part? "...where we can actually communicate with each other" Well how about that? Meeting people from other countries and being able to understand each other...

If they translated DAOC into swedish, I think that server would be almost empty.

Hmm, why would your television tycoons care about dubs or subs?


Hmm, why would your television tycoons care about dubs or subs?

Because young people (let's say 12-40) can understand it, but what with our parents?


Hmm, I still don't get it. You mean they can't read or what?

In Sweden, we use dubs if it's for kids below the age of maybe 8. Everything else we use sub titles.


In Sweden, we use dubs if it's for kids below the age of maybe 8. Everything else we use sub titles.

I mean that if they begin to show movies in english the 70% of our parents (read > 40 years) won't understand a thing so they wouldn't stare at television and the television tycoons will lose a lot of "customers".

I wasn't jocking when I said that the dubbing in Italy is great, we have a lot of people doing that job (and also for this reason they would be surely fired)

I don't think it's a good thing.

I agree with the necessity of learn english, but I can understand that there are a lot of people that simply can't (and they are smart too), so localization is needed.
The real problem mate is that translation shouldn't take so long!


Originally posted by Prof
opposed to the very moderate succes of the english servers.

Well one reason there are not so many on the english servers is because a lot of people still play the US version.

i think the best thing for mythic to do would have been to find a company for each place, so the french can have and keep GOA, we could have some one like Jolt, and the germans have their own, bit like the italians have


Re: Re: Italians get 1.48

Originally posted by SFXman

Ever considered that they might have a company the same size as GOA but they translate into one language only?

if they have a company at the same size as GOA how can they afford it with such a small amount of subs while GOA has subs from ALL OVER EUROPE, not only France, UK and Germany.


Translations and stuff

I just wonder if all those people calling for the English language servers to be run by someone other than GOA have thought for a moment that the only reason there are ANY European servers is because Wanadoo/GOA decided to take them on.
Perhaps Mythic tried to find an English publisher and failed miserably?

Forget about the other frigging publications of Camelot (US, Italy, soon to be Korea, Japan etc) and just play the bloody game we HAVE got.

Or maybe you guys are gonna start moaning because Camelot doesn't have all the things that are coded into EverQuest or AC or all the other online MMORPG games we can read about elsewhere.


There is only one reason there are german translations on german servers:

-- GOA is french.

Now the french (mostly the government it seems) have this silly notion about that great language of theirs being destroyed, and there are laws against the use of english. No kidding.

There are the same silly notions about our great language in germany, but nobody really thinks that forbidding other languages would help.

A business decision would be to do german distribution, as germany has the biggest playerbase, forget about the translation as german playerbase does speak enough english for a online game.

The business decision that mythic did was to choose a french company, probably cause it was the best deal for them.

And that sucky french counterstrike server company does a political decision to translate. Being a political decision, they will not change it.

Which makes me feel like :m00:



So you guys wonder why there are 4 german servers ? Check the population on them... The germans got a 4th server because their servers were full ... Why do the english not get a 3rd server ? Cause their servers aren't nearly full at any time.... on peak time excalibur has like 2400 people so why would anyone bother to open a 3rd english server ?


Originally posted by Alia_CBH
So you guys wonder why there are 4 german servers ? Check the population on them... The germans got a 4th server because their servers were full ... Why do the english not get a 3rd server ? Cause their servers aren't nearly full at any time.... on peak time excalibur has like 2400 people so why would anyone bother to open a 3rd english server ?
Fully agreed.


And why aren't the English servers full? Cause no one knows about the game in the UK cause it's run by a french company that doesn't seem to care 1 bit for their UK customers and never advertise in the UK.


Maybe the english servers aren't full because many english players play on US-Servers ?


Originally posted by Alia_CBH
Maybe the english servers aren't full because many english players play on US-Servers ?
True again... I guess word spreads about the lack of patching etc. on the euro servers.


MWhahaha SFXman aren't you supporting Goa some time ago and complaining us for flaming them or am I wrong?
If I am not wrong, I think now you have seen what Goa is!!

Origin creates the wolrd, Mythic too and GOA destroys them


This discussion is old old old.

If they old forums where still in excistance (sp?) Brannor would have stopped and moved it 1000000000000 years ago :D

GOA is french. They prolly offered Mythic a shitload of money for the rigths to launch the game in europe, with finacial support from wannado of course. Mythic is a small new company and took the money with a happy smile on their face.

So what happens?

GOA wakes up, smells the coffe and realice that they are way out of their league. Having to learn basic coding and translation from a "Computer sience made easy" book, they are to stubborn to admit that they made a mistake. They throw us a GM to keep us confused about the fact and hire outside help to get the billing system up ( so they can start ripping us for cash ASAP).

Give the English servers the patches straight of, you say. Yes all well and good, but the frenchies havn't quite gotten over the fact that the Brits have been calling them Frogs for decades and decide to take it out on the rest of Europe.
(you filthy english swine, you will pay for calling my mother a baquette!)

How the hell can a company that dosnt even have a English Web Page get a contract to deliver a high quality game to the European community???

The more i write, the more angry i get :twak: :twak:

If France wasnt actually the largest country in Europe im sure the French would still claim they where!

You guys suck, next time you do Atomic testing, why dont you do it in Paris??

(/calm down)

So what am I saying.

Short and sweet, its not gonna get better. Ever!

We are NOT gonna get a 3. English server. We are NOT gonna get more frequent news. We are NOT gonna get faster patches. We are NOT gonna get high quality roleplaying events.

We are however gonna get some new and possible better MMORPGS in the near future SW:G, World of Warcraft.

If ur not satisfied with patch 1.45, and the only thing keeping you playing is the prospect of 1.48-1.50 change to US version, because it is NOT, i repeat, NOT gonna get better!

SoulFly Amarok

What the heck does the 1.48 give us anyway? some char changes, WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT.

edit: and oc the battlegrounds..."woohoo" ....booring

edit: NO new zones = boring..some char changes n stuff. What does that do :| nothing interesting added :|


/agree soulfly

i want 1.49 with epic armor quests (i can even start on it at my level *gasp*), darkness falls and a 12.5% realm point bonus for every group member when rvr'ing. a ton of cool stuff there... and the realm abilities in 1.50 gawd.



Originally posted by Hulbur
GOA wakes up, smells the coffe and realice that they are way out of their league. Having to learn basic coding and translation from a "Computer sience made easy" book, they are to stubborn to admit that they made a mistake.

Maybe the book is in english and they have to translate it into french and german first...

I bet all the trouble GOA has, is caused by the syntax errors on their Commodore 64:s english-to-french-speech-synth.

We will never know now will we? They don't communicate with their customers that much, do they?

BTW, has anyone seen a GM or a CSR online in Excalibur with /who GM or /who CSR? I haven't. Heard of one event on Exc.

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