Italians get 1.48

  • Thread starter old.Sion Verdox
  • Start date

old.Sion Verdox

The Italians were patched with 1.48. The Italian server is ran by another company you can check them out here:

Where you will find as much information and news as you would find on the mythic supported servers and pages. Don’t see them whining about the work involved in translations – I just see them patching and talking about 1.50. Good job Italians and I especially liked your official forums.


Originally posted by Sion Verdox
The Italians were patched with 1.48. The Italian server is ran by another company you can check them out here:

Where you will find as much information and news as you would find on the mythic supported servers and pages. Don’t see them whining about the work involved in translations – I just see them patching and talking about 1.50. Good job Italians and I especially liked your official forums.
Ever considered that they might have a company the same size as GOA but they translate into one language only?


SFXman...ever considered that it was a mistake on GOA's part dividing the servers into French German and English? :)

edit: oh and knowing SFXman..I expect a reply in 2 minutes? ;)


The best thing I have read in Goa Camelot Homepage is this:
Events and team re-organisation

Lots of new faces at GOA lately, Camber has been busy recruiting new Game Masters, translator and CSRs. We are still recruiting and we will keep on increasing our teams in order to answer your needs. As usual when more people join a team, there is a little period of adaptation needed.
We are also re-structuring the event teams in order to offer a better cohesion with the events, the backgrounds and the scripts between the servers. More information about this soon.

At least something seems to move!

BTW: as I have said I'm italian too and I regret to not have trusted CTO that is the publisher of the Italian Daoc.


All is true but the site you posted is a fansite, not the official one.

This is the url to the official Italian site :

It appears they have only one single server thou ...


Originally posted by Xtro
SFXman...ever considered that it was a mistake on GOA's part dividing the servers into French German and English? :)

edit: oh and knowing SFXman..I expect a reply in 2 minutes? ;)
Not really a mistake.... german and french don't know the english language perhaps that well, I know that the french don't know it well at all or they refuse to speak it. Germans I am not so sure of. I sure as hell don't remember how to speak either because I quit studying them....
I think three languages are good. SInce they are ones which of any person will know one.'

PS: This reply took a lot longer :p


heh I'll let you off with the slow reply SFXman ;)

Germans speak English better than the English..anyway I digress - on US you get Japanese, Korean, Spanish, English...etc etc people from all over the planet and its not a problem. I think it was a mistake to divide the euro community up like this - thats just my OPINION mind :)


Like I've said before - why not just change the German and French server's to english? Everyone's speaks english, and I'm sure if it mean's getting the patch earlier our foreign friends won't mind.


Not everyone speaks english as the number of non-english speaking spaniards on Excalibur attests to :)

(being one of the better things about Orden Hispanica and the other one-language guilds - if someone spanish can't speak english they can probably ask on their guildline for a translator)

I think it's a bit naive saying 'give us only english servers' when both the german and french servers have that many more players.


Mythic should let an english company handle EU daoc, so we could play at nice times, and still have the newest patches


I think the French, German and english servers are a good idea, but i think they should have left the game as it was (in english)

just have the different servers for what is spoken on that server


But you still can help feeling a little screwed because you have to wait so bloody damn long because the game has to be translated in two other languages, and I'm sure the french and german players would feel the same if had been a german/french game and had to be translated into english before they could get the latest patch


Originally posted by omen_darkstep
Like I've said before - why not just change the German and French server's to english? Everyone's speaks english, and I'm sure if it mean's getting the patch earlier our foreign friends won't mind.

First, germans and french don't speak english!
At least not the younger ones or the older ones, maybe the people around their 16-22, cause they had it at school, but oyu didn't had a lot of english when the older ones where 16 or something. Understand hwat I'm saying?

Thesame with the german.
If you want too look at a people that really know the english language: The Flemish people. :)
When raised with TV that only has subs, no dubs (wich is better) and btw:

They did make a special CD-release in french and geman!


@ skerit

Hmm so we don't know any english, do we ? At least those of us older than 22 ? Funny place you must have crawled out of ;) . What language do you think is taught in almost any shool in western europe beginning grade 5 the latest ? Guess what, it's English! And they have not started that in the 90's you know. What strikes me most is how few players on either of english speaking servers are from the UK or Ireland. I have met far more Scandinavian people than I have Brittish. But then again, how can I tell, not knowing the language really:p


hehe :) i think what was meant was that its a bit *cant think of word* arrogant (?) to think that everyone must speak english :) a lot of people can, but not everyone :)

(btw im english, so you can add me to your tally :))


I think some people around here suffer from a humour bypass!



On AC, I played with a predominantly German monarchy (I am English) with probably about 100 active members the majority of whom were German.

And guess what ? .. They all had very good English with the exception of one or two, who's English improved dramatically with playtime.

And with the latest news from GOA implying that the next patch is probably at least a month away as they state they are only halfway through translation after 1 month, let alone any testing etc that needs to be done.

GOA have made promises that they have plainly been unable to deliver, either through incompetence, or through cutting corners.

It is because of this that I will very likely be cancelling my account and revisiting RL for a change until the latest AC dev notes become reality, and then AC2 goes into open Beta.

As the Italian company have shown, it is possible to translate and patch in reasonable time limits. GOA seem incapeable of this or anything remotely close to reasnobale levels of customer service. And I'll be buggered if they're gonna get another penny out of me for one lie and dissapointment after another.


You are forgetting one thing: Of course people who play on US or other english speaking servers know how to talk in that language, otherwise they would not be there. I am playing on an UK server for that reason (being german myself). Those who can not talk english sure like a server for their own language. While it is true that english is taught in school, not that many people really are good enough in it to play on a english server. If we didnt have a german or french version of DAoC, far less people from germany and france would play the game. That means less money for goa, so the transaltion seems worth it, at least from a company point of view.


ppl who go play an english game on an american server (in the case of AC) will likely only do that when they can talk a bit of english ...

The best proof for the need of servers in german/french is their massive succes (especially of the german servers), opposed to the very moderate succes of the english servers.


Originally posted by Ayeye
The best thing I have read in Goa Camelot Homepage is this:

At least something seems to move!

BTW: as I have said I'm italian too and I regret to not have trusted CTO that is the publisher of the Italian Daoc.

GOA could say anything they want now, what are we to know if they are lying or telling the truth. Now that they have closed the offical forums. Sorry about being cynical here but like many here I want action not words from GOA to keep my intrest.


Originally posted by Hendrick
You are forgetting one thing: Of course people who play on US or other english speaking servers know how to talk in that language, otherwise they would not be there. I am playing on an UK server for that reason (being german myself). Those who can not talk english sure like a server for their own language. While it is true that english is taught in school, not that many people really are good enough in it to play on a english server. If we didnt have a german or french version of DAoC, far less people from germany and france would play the game. That means less money for goa, so the transaltion seems worth it, at least from a company point of view.

If they didn't translate they could fire the translators = more money for GOA.


Originally posted by Prof
ppl who go play an english game on an american server (in the case of AC) will likely only do that when they can talk a bit of english ...

The best proof for the need of servers in german/french is their massive succes (especially of the german servers), opposed to the very moderate succes of the english servers.

Part of the lack of English server success to UK residents is the lack of English promotion and the difficulty of actually finding the game in any shops - I was browsing in HMV, Virgin and Game in my local highstreet the other day and none of them had DAOC, I also have not seen it in PC World - all of these are major game retailers ! There have also been no high profile reviews etc in any of the PC mags - I think it is/was PC Gamer who were doing a 'day in the life' type article, but that is the only set of articles in any mag that I have seen on the game.

A lot of this has been discussed many times before. My take on it is:

- foreign language servers are good - not everyone speaks English (and why should they) and even if they do, it is a lot easier to play in your native language than one you are not completely au fait with.
- GOA cannot patch the English servers first, because then all the Germans and French would (quite rightly) riot.
- BUT the English servers should have been run as a separate entity and should be patched in line with the US ones (and don't anyone come back with the 'but we're translated from US English to UK English' as GOA have stated themselves that NO translation at all is being done for the English servers).


Well in beta all the servers were english , be it excal or avalon or whatever .

In beta all my friends started on Avalon-Albion so i joined them.
Since my knowledge of german is reasonable i had slim to no problems interacting with the german population there . I was able to do quests/tasks , and when hopping over to the english servers when german beta stopped i had no real problem adapting.

A few weeks ago i wanted to play alb again, and with hibby chars on excal and middies on pryd i chose avalon.

This was a horror. EVERYTHINg was translated , quests , names, mobs , etc.
People didnt have a clue what i was talking about and doing quests with some help from eg warcry was practically undoable (not sure this is proper english).

My point now is that in beta german server populations were as high as they are now so basically it's the same people playing.
Imho it's the community that should be divided into these servers (be it french-german-misc ( if 70% of the english server population is a native briton it'll be much)) and the patches not translated.

Being belgian, dutch speaking, we represent quite a part of the population as well and you dont hear us whining for a dutch server (don't think much people will join since translating names usually has horrible effects (hibernia must excel here with mobd like grannies, boogiemen etc) and like skeritxp said we're not used to dubs here)

In addition to that we now have 3 french servers 2 english and 4 german.
Why on earth do the germans need 4 servers ? is they gave that one box to the english community wouldnt it be fair , so every "language-class" can play all three realms?


When I take a look at the server population and the way that GOA is handeling things I would almost say that they intended the german and french people as the main audience for the game and just took the english server with the contract.

When you just look at the population it's clear that GOA is making the most money from the people on the german or french server so that gives them really no reason to make an extra english server since the population on both english servers isn't that high.

Also, al lot of people on these servers don't speak or read fluid english and have problems playing a full english version of the game. This also means that these people aren't the ones that check out the english sites about daoc or go read the patch notes on the US-version of dark age of camelot. So they are happy with the game and don't exactly know what's comming in future patches. (beware that I'm not saying that this goes for everyone on those server) So in my opinion GOA is thinking the same and don't really have a reason to hurry up with the patches since the only people that complain are the ones that do speak and read fluid english.
I truly hope this isn't the case but to me it's beginning to look more and more likely.


Soz ppl I am drunk atm, but I think many will aggree to what I am about to say...

DAoC has great potential and the great potential is in the ongoing development of DAoC. The US servers have the most current patches etc but the Europeans do not, why? Because it takes time to translate the quests etc into french and german...

Why do this? The people playing DAoC should be old enough to speak english ( I myself spoke fluid english when I was 14 yrs old and I am Finnish) so why are there french and german servers? For lazy people - people who don't want to learn english? Now what is that all about? English is the easiest (and the most used) language on the globe (earth) so why don't the french and german ppl use it? There'd be many more ppl playing on the euro servers if the language would be in english...

And if there is a server for each language, where is the Finnish, swedish, norwegian, danish, etc etc servers?

Simple answer: no need for them, because all the ppl in the countries in question can speak bloody english so why should the french and german ppl have the privilidge of having the game in theyre own language?

[edit] Spelling [/edit]


OMG I begun to write my reply when there was only the original post - youre fast ppl 8)


Bahhh if peopel cant speak english , then they bloody well better learn it, what will be the next..a server for peopel who only speaks a certain dialekt spoken in monaco ????


Bahhh if peopel cant speak english , then they bloody well better learn it

I think you are very stupid, how the hell can you think such a thing?



i know, lets translate all servers to russian and call it 'The Capitalists of Camelot' -> 1 language 4 all, problem solved


This is all very silly. It's not arrogant to think that people should be able to speak english.
Rather it's the other way a round, it's arrogant to say, as some people (especially the french) seem to do, 'we are not going to learn english, why should we make any effort to communicate with people from other countries in a language that they can understand? No, if they want to talk to us, they should learn our language'

The probem is the difference between subs and dubs in movies... Someone (was it Skerit) wrote that dubs is better. Sorry to tell you this, but you don't know what the hell you are talking about. For one thing it looks completely ridiculous. Try and watch an english-speaking movie with sub-titles (which is what we have in Sweden) and then see it dubbed into german or french or spanish. You can only laugh. There is absolutely nothing wrong with these other languages, of course! But seeing Robert DeNiro or Julia Roberts speaking in german, with lip movements that are totally out of sync, is just plain silly... :)

But the main problem with dubs is that the people in those countries that use that, all have a tendency to be almost completely ignorant of the english language. Look at Germany, France and Spain. It's no coincidence (sp?) that we have special servers for french and german people, and that we have guilds just for spanish people. These people are almost never exposed to english, so no wonder they are useless at it.

Of course there are some people in these countries that speak very good english, and some that maybe don't speak so good, but at least they try, which is the important thing! How the hell are you going to learn english, if you never try?

Now look at countries like Holland, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. They all use sub titles in all foreign movies and a lot of people there speak pretty good english. And, most importantly, they are not afraid to try... They are used to hearing and reading the english language and they usually see it as the natural language for communicating with people from other countries.

OK, so why not drop the stupid dubbing and learn some english. Then you might join the rest of Europe, living in the 21st century where we can actually communicate with each other... ;)

For me, being from Sweden, this whole thing with special servers for german and french people, and having to wait for the translation, seems totally ludicrous... It's actually the one thing that makes me seriously think about moving to the US servers... Which would be a shame, I would really like to stay here. But, as I said, this is just plain silly...

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