It still bothers me...



Originally posted by bigchief
A painworking necro has ticks of ~80 for 4 ticks. 80 damage every 3 seconds or 200-500 damage every 2 seconds with another ice wiz. Hmm I wonder..

Yes ofc we all know that Ice wizzys can hit the high end of the xxx's but i was merly pointing out that there just isnt the need for them (Caba's that is) and besides Necro pets will be a lot less vunerable and also DoT does interupt other casters. Was just a thought.


Originally posted by kameh
Necromancers already have a focus shield (only lasts 30 secs though before needing recast). I think it's also the only one not to be getting nerfed. So in theory keep your cabbie focus shield and give us less bugs :)

Cabbies are nice, I like them but then again I don't RvR much anymore ;)

It is a damage shield and not a focus shield, also it is bugged and has been since day one. The top end lvl44 shield of 22dps is only doing 13-14dps, far far lower than a proper focus shield caster who have a top line of 33dps.


I personally think the ice wizard is a comparable class to a spirit master. Sm's work better because mids have the ability to aoe stun.

Having played an enchanter, it has a totally obscene amount of abilities compared to the the wizard and also has an extemely powerful RA in Baod. This class has been over-powered imo for a long time, hopefully the debuff nerf will help matters.


Originally posted by ironhand
Yes ofc we all know that Ice wizzys can hit the high end of the xxx's but i was merly pointing out that there just isnt the need for them (Caba's that is) and besides Necro pets will be a lot less vunerable and also DoT does interupt other casters. Was just a thought.

Apart from the lack of purge, the awkwardness of casting pbae, the full length mez/stuns, the 2 shot by casters, the disappearing spells/power (love it when a key sticks :rolleyes: ) and so on.

Neither a servant or a pain spec necro is viable as an alternative to an icewiz in an Alb pbae grp. There are too many issues and the damage in all cases is lower (as is the casting speed).


Some really replies here really

I take more dmg from heat debuffed BASELINE nukes from a chanter. than I take from their pbaoe in point blank radius.¨

yeyeye maxxed resist eetc bla bla even cleric energy resist on.

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