Isn't it about time that RPs were adjusted according to class?


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Hi all

Simply put, casters get more RPs per hour than meleer's. Probably due to range leeching and hitting harder with their spells or pets and casting at some insane rate.

Checking on duskwave, rough stats for the top100 over all the realms for last weeks RP, casters make up 75% of the highest RP owners. Of course this might have something to do with group set ups or time people played, but generally casters kill other characters easier than meleers do.

So what I think should happen is the RP rate stay the same for all, ie the same as they are at the moment, but
casters who can cast damage spells stay at same rate
everyone else has RPs x1.75
Shadowblades RPs x2 :>

Also Full group groups should get a +% bonus for more RPs for having non-fotm classes in the group.
like add a
shadowblade +20% RP
thane :> +20%RP
necro 15%
hunter 15%
lvl40-49char +15%
lvl30-39char +25%
all different classes +30%

capped at +75%

This would only apply to visible groups (stealthzergers can fook off :>)

etc etc

What do you think?

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
People would still make balannced groups, no point get +75% rps if you cant win a fight to start with.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
It pointless,

Any class can make the same amount of rp/hr as any other if they group. Why are most the top 100 casters? Because you find primarily casters in groups at the moment. Often only 2 tanks per 8 man group, sometimes less depending on realm and guild.

In solo you can make decent amount as a tank, just need to know where to solo. Sure in zerg fest you make more as a caster but 1vs1 fights i found my tanks better because there more chance of being jumped by stealthers.

Anyways, you seen the changes they already decided to make? Take down a rr13, ml10 cl5 person and you get soemthing stupid like 1800rp's. you really dont need any more then that.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
You cannot go changing who gets what depending on what is Fotm

If you go back just a few months, most alb gg running with 3 melee merc/reaver mix, now its all casters. C'est la vie.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
nah my 2 cleric, 1 mincer 5 merc group last night had loads of fun :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
It's not the class, it's the person behind it. Casters don't get more rps/hour. It's like saying "Support can barely kill anything so when they kill someone they get 1000000 rps". It's retarded.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Corran said:
Anyways, you seen the changes they already decided to make? Take down a rr13, ml10 cl5 person and you get soemthing stupid like 1800rp's. you really dont need any more then that.

Well we won't see a rr13, ml10 cl5 person for a while :> and how many rr12's are there?


Eva said:
It's not the class, it's the person behind it. Casters don't get more rps/hour. It's like saying "Support can barely kill anything so when they kill someone they get 1000000 rps". It's retarded.

I covered the support in that they don't primarily do damage, so they would be entitled to the x1.75 modifier.
And it's not always the class or the person behind it, I'd say it is a hell of a lot easier to kill someone with a caster than a meleer, simply in the time it takes to kill the person and the range on the damage.
Melee vs Melee = relatively long fight (i.e. 15 seconds+) (then passing caster adds and kills both ^^)
Melee vs Caster at range = Melee guy killed in 5 secs
Melee vs Caster close up = 50/50 chance

So, Casters make more RPs/hour. I think the hard-mode classes should get some sort of RP boost :>

Oli - Illu


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
And who's to say which class is hardmode and which isn't? Might as well start doing WL rp's *0.5 then.
I'm sorry but if you feel like you aren't getting enough RPs, try out another class then. I enjoy soloing, and RP farming was too hard that way on wiz, so I rolled a cabby. I wouldn't expect them to have given me 2x RPs just because every class can not gain equal RPs in the same situations.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Mate that sounds like you're crying cos u can't kill shit, so u want extra RPs for the few times u kill a sitting enemy :p

Like Corran said, more mages in groups, ergo mages top RP earners.
Also, mages go down faster than support in 8vs8 groups, so I'd say that in group RvR, mages should get more RPs!!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
id like to see like BD, SM and WL get 100 RP max when they kill a stealther.

-100 RP when they add on one.

id also like to see RP penatly when rvring in same zone as BB. no RP for you oli.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
Well think the best would be to give negative rps for a fg to kill singles or if u duo u also get negative rps if the person u kill is solo.
Kill the zergers and grps viva all WL's and soloers....


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
Zahr said:
Well think the best would be to give negative rps for a fg to kill singles or if u duo u also get negative rps if the person u kill is solo.
Kill the zergers and grps viva all WL's and soloers....

Even in an even fight you'd just get people disbanding a split second before they die, just so they're considered solo at time of death and make the group that killed em suffer the penalty :(


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
censi said:
id like to see like BD, SM and WL get 100 RP max when they kill a stealther.

-100 RP when they add on one.

id also like to see RP penatly when rvring in same zone as BB. no RP for you oli.

Gah Censi, where do you get this impression that I camp bled bridge all the time and never leave mid zone? EVERY single time I go RvRing, if there isn't an instaport, I will run to bled docks via bled bridge, I jump on boat, do all my AF, SoM or Scalars, then either jump at first Alb Bridgehead or Alb Beno-Agramon Bridge. Ask any Alb, I live on that route from Alb-Bridgehead to Beno.
I mostly avoid Hib bridges because of NS+RR5, but do venture there sometimes, when I jump into the wrong boat :>

So cut the crap out about me living in Midland and camping Bled! Bridge humping is boring, and generally there are people around the bridge anyway, and since I live for 1on1's or me vs. 2or3, I'm not going to hang around Mid Bridges.

Grrrrr. /slap Censi

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Tareregion said:
Mate that sounds like you're crying cos u can't kill shit, so u want extra RPs for the few times u kill a sitting enemy :p

Like Corran said, more mages in groups, ergo mages top RP earners.
Also, mages go down faster than support in 8vs8 groups, so I'd say that in group RvR, mages should get more RPs!!

Very funny :> Of course I can kill things, it's just that it takes me more than 4 seconds. If my SB could hit for 600 700 700 600 in 4 seconds, I would also be happy and chuffed with my class, but since I have to whack the crap out of someone that tends to have tough armour on + IP or whatever, in the 15-20 seconds you fight someone, you have a lot more time to die from adds, etc etc. Casters even goad stealthers now because they know the stealthers will lose most of the time! Where has the paper-rock-scissors equation gone?

I truly believe casters have it easy, and definitely easier than people that have to fight weapon to weapon.

So we should get more RPs :>

Oli - Illu


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
stealthers should get reset to 0 rps and not gain any rp so they cant get vanish.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
illu said:
Gah Censi, where do you get this impression that I camp bled bridge all the time and never leave mid zone?

Don't get upset by Censi mate, he just doesn't get laid very often :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Lethul said:
stealthers should get reset to 0 rps and not gain any rp so they cant get vanish.

hehe that could be fun :p fuck all stealthers up :p

maybe make it so if a stealther add in a fight they loose 1000 rps if the enemy die :D


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
illu said:
I truly believe casters have it easy, and definitely easier than people that have to fight weapon to weapon.

So we should get more RPs :>
Then roll one to find out it's not as easy mode as you think. To kill someone in 4 seconds you need to 1. Start at range 2. Not get interupted 3. MoC.

So either you spend 30 rsp to kill someone fast, or get the jump(can still be interupted tho). Just get an armour piece with DD charge and use when you meet a caster at range or Throw Weapon if you're bm etc. Learn to play your char instead of whining.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
To kill someone in 4 seconds you need to 1. Start at range 2. Not get interupted 3. MoC.

in a lot of cases.

point 1. ensures 2. which means you dont need point 3.

basically if some melee class attacks me its like all hands to the pumps evasive manovers, shit, grit teeth, dig in, yell for help!, pump styles, crack OP ability! run! do summin. Prolly die to add. usually fun/chaos, can turn it around sometime or escape etc. ie theres a reason to play.

However when mage attacks you its.... boomboomboom dead. not much fun.

sweet FA u can do about it. not even worth trying really. your lucky if you get time to sit down... Ie boring ZZZZZzzzz gratz

I hinted at it before in my other post. but mages were designed to be frail for all their offense capabilities. That used to mean that sucess with a mage really hinged on good reactions, due to fact you were defensivly vulnerable... thats the natural trade off with a caster in any game....

daoc has giving to much defense crap to the mages and boosted their offense disproportionly (with cast times)... on top of that mage convoker pet classes have been giving a fucking stupid ability. This has only happened because the community tells mythic that casters need this (TL reports, feedback etc). no comment on why etc :)

its also quite funny some of the caster RR5 abilities man. Like that fucking theurg one... there would be fucking OUTRAGE if stealthers got like an insta (no immunity) instant AOE stun or root like that. I mean fuck me I get a single target Stun for 5 secs duration but cant shoot for 30 seconds after that(quadruple LOL) How the fuck in gods name are u supposed to stop a theurg who uses that and then pet spams you, how can that be balance man. Why is a 15 minute RUT 5 second stun with 200 damage so OP I cant shoot for 30 seconds, but that theurgs one is completly acceptable??!!? this is just another example of why sliding scale RP is needed. They clearly give stealthers all the gimp shit, or they think we have so many cards they cant give them anything decent I dunno???

the assasins get even more shafted their RR5 are pretty much dickuseless. At least I can like use my ability to get away. Oli is right there should be an RP scale for different classes. but hey like thats going to happen man :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Use dd charges? ~~

DD charge the caster to interupt then use sureshot, or whatever the bow skill is called. Caster will be perma interupted and you'll continue to do damage to them. Only reason it wouldn't work is if they got access to mezz and your purge is down and you have no immunity.

Comparing Stealther rr5's with visual rr5's is just stupid imo. Archers got things to help them escape since they're not supposed to melee(I guess) and assassins got assassination things, cept ns' which just got an op thing.

I do agree that casters have too much defensive tools now tho. Sm's and Sorc's is prime examples. 2 form of cc, pets, lifetap and brittleguards(retarded as hell).


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
Archers got things to help them escape since they're not supposed to melee


we cant bow shoot them after desperate bowman either :) Would be way to OP to allow archer to do that (same with shield trip on scout). No probs on a caster though ofc

None of these other caster rr5 have like this hey you get a cool ability but after you use it you can do anything for 1 minutes or whatever.

when the rr5's free RA's came in they were kind of done as a mini balancing act. But basically it dont take a genious to pick out the good ones and the shit ones. If the game is balance on large scale RVR encounters then fuck me my single target stun for 5 seconds is really gonna turn the tide :)

For example

Bonedancer appearance is changed to skeletal form for 60 seconds to confuse enemy. When in skeletal form, the Bonedancer has a 75% chance of out-right resisting Nearsight and all Crowd Control spells. BUT BONEDANCER CANNOT ATTACK FOR 5 MINUES AFTER?

Runemaster gets a 90% chance to evade all melee attacks (regardless of direction) for 15 seconds. BUT CANNOT MOVE OR CAST SPELL WHILE IN USE?

Shield that absorbs 90% melee/archer damage for 20 seconds. BUT SORC CANNOT CAST FOR 2 MINS AFTER USING I ASSUME??

Increases the armor ABS of all groupmates for 45 seconds by a multiple of their existing ABS. BUT BAINSHEE CANT CAST FOR 3 MINS AFTER USING OFC?

Insta-PBAE attack that drains 250 points (modified up or down by the Reavers SR level) from all nearby enemies and returns 75% to the Reaver. ERM HELLO.

Insta-cast spell that drops a ward that pulses a 150 radius PBAE fire based for 15 seconds. Pulse is 400 points of damage every 3 seconds. ERM WIZ CAN DO LIKE 2000 DAMAGE 150 RADIUS OVER 15 SECONDS, SCALING FROM DESPERATE BOWMAN THAT MEANS HE SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO CAST FOR 3 DAYS. :)

PBAE attack that does moderate damage and makes all melee targets in 350 radius unable to attack for 6 seconds. BET YOUR LEFT NUT HE CAN ATTACK THEM THOUGH?!

Anyone still think sliding scale RP system isnt fair?? :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
censi said:

we cant bow shoot them after desperate bowman either :) Would be way to OP to allow archer to do that (same with shield trip on scout). No probs on a caster though ofc
You failed to notice I wrote escape. ;<

If I had a melee'er on one of my casters I'd run. If you get a melee'er on you as a caster you can't do shit unless you moc, if you don't quickcast a cc, then if it get's resisted or if target purge you're doomed.

The caster rr5's you've listed there are not any to help the caster run away, only for their defence, cept for wizards which do damage. That's not the same thing as an escape rr5 ra, imo.

From what it looks to me you want more rps because you got given an escape ra as rr5 reward? Some characters do have more shitty rr5 ras than rangers tbh.
censi said:
Anyone still think sliding scale RP system isnt fair?
Yes. Just because a class isen't as good solo as in zerg vs zerg it doesn't mean it should get more rps, even if they choose to play that way. Who would choose what classes are 'underpowered' soloers and what is 'overpowered' soloers? It's all different in any way you look at it.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Eva said:
Just because a class isen't as good solo as in zerg vs zerg it doesn't mean it should get more rps, even if they choose to play that way. Who would choose what classes are 'underpowered' soloers and what is 'overpowered' soloers? It's all different in any way you look at it.

If you're going to introduce your rp scaling thing, you can give my wiz x3 rps for soloing, if you think playing a stealther solo is hard, kthx.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
illu said:
Very funny :> Of course I can kill things, it's just that it takes me more than 4 seconds. If my SB could hit for 600 700 700 600 in 4 seconds, I would also be happy and chuffed with my class, bla bla bla etc etc
Oli - Illu

When I solo on my wiz(which is mainly unbuffed since I DO NOT own a buffbot) I hunt for soloers on the path between beno and agramon... If I get jumped, I am dead in 3 hits or so by some buffed stealther(mostly sbs)!

If I hit someone I sometimes manage to kill them with using moc and wof, but if the stealther has quite alot of hps I am doomed, since I only have 995hps and I go down pretty fast and do shit dmg unbuffed.

So I can solo every 15th minute... Remember the last time you met someone unbuffed?

Thought so... :twak:

And btw:
censi said:
Insta-cast spell that drops a ward that pulses a 150 radius PBAE fire based for 15 seconds. Pulse is 400 points of damage every 3 seconds. ERM WIZ CAN DO LIKE 2000 DAMAGE 150 RADIUS OVER 15 SECONDS, SCALING FROM DESPERATE BOWMAN THAT MEANS HE SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO CAST FOR 3 DAYS.

I love when ppl whine at wizards :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
If you're going to introduce your rp scaling thing, you can give my wiz x3 rps for soloing, if you think playing a stealther solo is hard, kthx.

u given up on soloing with your wiz by the looks of it.

taken by your /dismiss on me after ml9'ing your cabby pet and running when a solo ranger attacks you :) you found a class you can win with!

The age old daoc newb motto of the newb, if your class dont cut it roll one that does... :)


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
censi said:
u given up on soloing with your wiz by the looks of it.

taken by your /dismiss on me after ml9'ing your cabby pet and running when a solo ranger attacks you :) you found a class you can win with!

The age old daoc newb motto of the newb, if your class dont cut it roll one that does... :)

You obviously haven't played a wiz yet.
What was I gonne do huh, with wiz? when you used 1)purge, 2) IP, 3) imunity in one fight.
Or would you prefer for me to run with my wiz for some easy rp without wasting any RA's?
Yes, I found a class with more utility to solo with, which a wiz doesn't have.
Perhaps a /dismiss wasn't needed, since you gave me a hell of a fight there, which I wouldn't have won without ML9ing my pet. I should have done /clap instead, soz for that.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
oh your dwarf, knew i had seen the name somewhere, met you the other night at beno :)


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Raven said:
oh your dwarf, knew i had seen the name somewhere, met you the other night at beno :)

Ah can't remember, was prolly dying a lot there :p sucky night yesterday

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