Agreed with the zerg leader! this game is very much so for the zerg "apparently" in the beta groups went off to zones that were locked to get group v group pvp but most of what i've seen is zerg goes for keep, zerg gets pushed back, zerg pushes back etc etc from zone to thinking necessary as mentioned.
I like the scenarios and if you don't wanna zerg you can run off solo looking for ppl on way 2 join the zerg xD and im enjoying the beta so far but its no Daoc2 thats for sure
Oh i forgot to mention the zone locking removes strategy from the keeps too, you have little choice on which keeps to attack as you can only attack one of the 2 in the zone that is being fought over, no running to a keep miles away from the fighting trying 2 farm or draw a smaller fight to you. Just 1 zone full of action while the rest gets abandoned until its unlocked xD
The keep takes themselves are relatively quick to take and the are the basically the same in each zone not seen any keep leveling like in daoc so far but i maybe wrong...with the speed zones lock and unlock i doubt keeps have a leveling system nothing would get past level 1
I like the scenarios and if you don't wanna zerg you can run off solo looking for ppl on way 2 join the zerg xD and im enjoying the beta so far but its no Daoc2 thats for sure
Oh i forgot to mention the zone locking removes strategy from the keeps too, you have little choice on which keeps to attack as you can only attack one of the 2 in the zone that is being fought over, no running to a keep miles away from the fighting trying 2 farm or draw a smaller fight to you. Just 1 zone full of action while the rest gets abandoned until its unlocked xD
The keep takes themselves are relatively quick to take and the are the basically the same in each zone not seen any keep leveling like in daoc so far but i maybe wrong...with the speed zones lock and unlock i doubt keeps have a leveling system nothing would get past level 1